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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I tge these VYRE nfeot. I esme ot get hemt oyln efrat niaetg iohgenmts ttha acn dagmae the aumsco in my uothm shuc sa hrad cpsih ,siTots(to yrve dgagej yvre pan)i. ehsTe aer TON lcdo resos .VHS() T sih si pmylsi a hpthoaus eucr;l yhet can be esrtss encddui sdigtu(yn rfo hrda htey era yevr plfnuai adn od eur.cocr rheet era on acodsieast sx hiwt th.em

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j44n  h'yeetr losa ucedsa by sts.res I got 3 ni ym omhtu hte ady etrfa crtmiPreo ceeacndl my stte fro het rd3 !imte +15
ih8payingfordis  In yanalm str,me eseth snitgh ear dlalec earkcn s.seor I asol etg them no my gtnoue istmeeosm - presu nlupiaf cesiellpya hwen ti eamsk ccntoat iwth aghynnti a.ylts Jst u ilke iuesorehshft,dbel@ sti' alsuuyl pedercde yb aucsmo aamdge e(i tiingb ym nutgoe laelicactnyd wehli )egniat +2
xmen  etts ni 2 keews. i evha tehm won +1
drdoom  ehT ciasyolphgloi ayrollcor of ciysologhpcal ”tre“sss is cloosrti nda ist myan isocnsu (,irooissrtdtccoe et ar)c.eet slroiCto seusrpepss eht ao“lm”nr tbu enelrceaytlig tlycos opcress of mrdale imnntaeenac nad rtwohg abs(la etms clle dosinvi,i knis + padrlieem vrrnoute, icidlgnun ni eht co)saum. oS, ni eht ceenrpse of hhig ”“,rsesst naolrm lcumaos cinemnanaet is Tshi si eceuasb meso te,ohr omre toartmnip talensxteii therta is ppihngean ni teh ydb.o Teh struel is tsfuf elik apohtshu uce,lrs ceisn uryo oybd is eirtlylla tnlgengice ryou a,sucmo woalingl it ot niht“ u”to to seevrper gneyre to sdedrsa moes trheo arojm seitycms eussi. +1
drdoom  romF ccth:rralspi.pc5bi/wwnrscg=ie814vnso/atP.5s.e//1Mti6mwhnlpC/c/t.?mol: Teh couorgcidtcilo eprcetro )RG( is ighyhl seerxdsep in het sblaa ellsc utb it si rlybae dtbaeetlce ni hte roteh elarsy of eht dpemiiers 22(.) eTh atcniloizalo fo hte GR ni lasba csoconry,tee as wlel sa hte etgivnae etffcse fo uoiisocldrctgoc on eoectykrntai whogrt frtoca dna yItep- IaIIdn- olcagnel enge nsesepriox 6)2–3(2 egtussg atth nooenegsdu ctlorsio ni CS eupsesrsps ton onyl onwud ilngeha tbu slao rnlmao nisk hgwrot nda +
drdoom  ^ ,bwt CS = giuChsn yromSnde op(hetymcir)osilsr +
jbrito718  inraapgeH ldwou orcuc ni teh ioptrrsoe &-t;gopronxhy-ra sdecau by kxCseioa A ONT HVS +
meryen13  I hvea smeo in my hotmu ..r.n 2 ekwes ot ym .est.p. ehty can eb dofo ro ssrset dinuecd dan ist meor mnmooc ni osme ngesior erom nhat rs.hoet ni dildMe stEa dan aAis ti seems ot be mm.oonc +

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submitted by medstruggle(21)
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hyW is ti suhtphao suerlc if three rea no GI tysmspo?m yhW c’nta ti be seprhe r?zsoet

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colonelred_  tI’s tjsu ankrec ss,roe yhte ecom adn og. I ihknt in ehersp the isiiotngaistmotgv lrlaye nylo ehnapps ewhn ouy siftr egt tdnf.ciee eAftr atht uyo tsuj etg rceretrun lcdo osser. +4
hyoid  espeHr reotzs is ont eth saem sa rpseeh eismlpx vr.usi +31
bigjimbo  yuo duowl ese deotaremm sarh in seortz +3
kateinwonderland  fc) sutJ ni esac eoemnso tnadwe ot nowk eth tiacaevus niragsmo of hhsupoat T urle:sche irscpee scuae fo ecnrka rsseo anrmsie raunc,el oghuht csrsareeehr stscpue ahtt a tnnaoiobcmi fo aorstfc tcoutbrsien ot seuobkatr, veen in eht ames lokeen pr.iUsn oldc srse,o eakrnc esrso rea otn coieassdat ithw seehpr isvur ine.tsiofcn +9
charcot_bouchard  reHsep esortZ odntse scuea s.vtistaiotmignigo nrpenHegai can ucase ruslecvai osline in outhm but phnesap to riehlcdn in urmmes eansos by entreo ursvi +
drdeeznuts1  mI' einnodrwg if shit dclou eb a mdli ecas fo thBeec osymernd ttiuohw telngia ievnotmenlv +
sherry  tI srue can be ehecBt or higePmpsu if eht q reoipvsd us htwi rmoe rCnaek oress ujts oecm nda og fro eaysr wiht renlcau i.ancmmehs losA eprehs streoz si lgnisehs yb Z,VV ont S.H1V +2
avocadotoast  Msto ructispe no ooeggl hwso parienganh ibneg rnsetep no het drah aot/,lahtetapr lheiw uohaptsh crseul aer oycmlomn on het elrow .pli I hntki his alkc fo tnieagl esisnlo rae pininotg su ywaa ofmr ghirn.pneaa +
drdoom  Aoneny ltlis iuroscu tbuoa teh tsoayphhp of tphousah lesucr cna cekhc tuo hte dteahr veab:o e4mp/m#xtsa/s.rton8/2neeae/c6m5:n4h4s3wmbb9/ +

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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Anoyne seel etg siht rhitg bceuesa yeth tge temh os ontfe omfr yboelatusl udelonrocntl setss?r

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