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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I etg htese VEYR ofnet. I seem ot tge etmh olyn tefar egntai esigthnom ahtt nac aadegm het auosmc in ym hotum chus sa rdah shcip ,sosot(Tit vrey gdjage yrev a.)npi ehesT rae TON cold eross (VHS.) h siT is lymips a shoupaht cul;re they acn be sserst dicendu iyusn(tgd rof hard ) yhte are ervy lniafpu and od uerocc.r htere aer on ssidaecoat sx itwh them.

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j44n  tye'her oasl esadcu by .stress I tgo 3 ni ym houmt teh day atrfe ctPremiro dcacenel ym stet fro eht 3rd e!imt +15
ih8payingfordis  nI amaynl ste,rm eehst itsngh ear ecldal rcneak .soesr I saol teg ethm no ym eotgun esiesmmto - psuer falnuip pilcleasey hewn it masek atctcno wthi ngathnyi ltsya. Jstu leki ulo,bi@frsetedehsh its' auulyls depedrce by oascum degmaa e(i bgiitn my gonute ciacdleaytnl ilhwe ig)eant +2
xmen  test ni 2 k.swee i eavh emth nwo +1
drdoom  heT pcaiihslyolgo aorcoyrll fo gopaclshoicly st”“rsse si toiocrls adn ist yman ousncis ittis(roro,escdco et r.taeec) tCirlsoo srusssepep eht m“o”raln btu lerneeiyclgta soclyt ospcrse of dremal ectinaanenm nda whortg (lsbaa tmse clle divosi,ni inks + lamerpide vrnorue,t giunlnidc ni hte )ua.cmos ,So in the srpecnee fo gihh ”sse“ts,r oanmrl lscuoma aannmnctiee is dfars.cieci ihTs si eebcusa mose rhe,to mreo rtmnpioat niistteaxle heartt is angniepph in het ob.dy hTe esrtlu is ffstu ikle hshoutap es,urcl cinse uory body si ateilllry eggienlntc ruyo ua,csom lognwlai ti ot htin“ otu” to erevsrpe yegern ot rseasdd smoe herot rjmoa eimtyscs s.uies +1
drdoom  omFr wwsbshas/tsvlr.cow.aoh?p=i/p4l1/cMr/Cmc:/in5lnctpitetcme.5n/iPg81r.6: The ictulocogicord prtrecoe GR)( si yiglhh pdreeexss ni the absla llsce ubt it si blayer tldbaeecte ni hte ethor aesyrl of eth remipsdei .)2(2 Teh iiolzntaclao of the GR in ablsa co,tyecnoers sa wlel as the eeavtngi cefetfs of gdoliucosroicct on ocrttyeniake hwrgot catofr nad t-peyI dIInaI- aellncgo egen rpieessnox (–22)63 usggset taht gdeosounen tiorlocs ni CS susesprpes ont ylon onudw ahinegl utb soal anlrmo kisn hgrwto nad ter.nuvro +
drdoom  ^ w,bt SC = nuihCgs neSmrdoy lrshisycmer)(poito +
jbrito718  eiHaganpr dwuol uoccr ni eth sitoerpro ha;npyoo&rxg--tr audcse yb Cioxekas A OTN HVS +
meryen13  I hvea omse ni my hotum r...n 2 eksew to ym .sep..t etyh acn eb ofod ro stsesr ceddnui nad ist orme cnmmoo ni oems rneiogs emor htna .orehst ni lMddei East dna Aais it smees ot eb .ommnoc +

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submitted by medstruggle(21)
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hyW si it pthsahou lceusr fi ehetr rea no GI otmys?msp Wyh n’cta ti be erpseh zst?eor

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colonelred_  ’Its utsj ankerc ,seros yhet mcoe nad g.o I iktnh ni pheesr teh tiitggvissaoomitn relaly lyon snppeah wneh ouy fsirt tge .ideentcf tefAr ahtt uoy stju etg unrtrreec codl seros. +4
hyoid  Hpeesr rteozs is tno hte esam as seperh mslipxe us.riv +31
bigjimbo  uoy wolud ese omeramtde rhas in torzes +3
kateinwonderland  cf) sJtu ni scae sooneem dtwane to onwk eth cvtaaiuse rmnoigas of hutahspo cehuT:r sle irsepce scuae of enrkca sores mrisean e,lncura ghhtuo rsrcereeash epcusst that a tniicbaonom of tacorsf tinrtoubsec to tu,skraobe veen in eth esam onsrlnk.pU eie ocld roes,s neckra sreso ear ton escaitdoas tihw hsrpee isurv eoitsc.fnin +9
charcot_bouchard  seHpre Zresot enodst escua siiaoigsgtn.tiotmv iHraneepng can auecs ervlcusia lesion ni mothu tbu nhppaes ot lcihdner in msuemr onsaes by oeenrt rsviu +
drdeeznuts1  mI' rwenndgio fi isth ucdol eb a mild easc fo chBtee ednmryso iwtouth geltian nmolvneetiv +
sherry  tI esru nca eb eetBch ro spehigmuP fi eht q srviopde us wthi oemr .ofni rkCane rosse tujs meoc dan og for asrye ihtw ulrecan .scinhmema Aosl rhpsee srtzoe si ilseshgn yb ,VZV ont SV1H. +2
avocadotoast  oMts peistrcu on glegoo hows gnnairhepa ebnig esetrpn no teh dhra phro/etatlaat, hielw taspouhh lruesc aer omnmoycl no teh rowel .pli I iktnh his lcka of nietgla iolsnes ear inotnpgi us awya mrfo ianr.ghpaen +
drdoom  nnAyeo sltil ucoirsu abuot het paotpyshh fo huoasthp eurslc cna check tuo hte htrdae oaeb:v temn54x#8e2crm4/9/mmhowe3//bnn/ps6bse4tsaa:. +

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submitted by madamestep(17)
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neAyno slee get isth hritg ebscuea ythe get tmhe so fnoet mfor loayelutbs eltlononurdc ?rsetss

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