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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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stih qnesuoti msaek em atnw ot eat na e iolc ocekio dna hepo i eedbl tou

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caitlyncloy  cipk C nad oemv no swa ym ygttasre :P leph llo +2
thegooddoctor2  lol oogd noe +1
sparta  LLO thakn you fro hsit otenmmc +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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dDi no oen ieotcn tath eht sddO taior on eht pot ltef is ?wgonr mA I smngiis enshgmti?o If uoy leactluca ,it ti's 6 stju ikel the tpo hgrti o..e..n

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mjmejora  htsat ltuaycla laeylr ynnfu +
yex  cueBeas I aids ,so ipsleap er.e.h. /:- +1
doodimoodi  nCat vebieel we pay 60$ rof shti rpac +50
aisel1787  bset mctmone moo)ioddoid +1
b1ackcoffee  ahtt knifcgu hetwr em off no .maxe I swa leik si terhe an ftcfee dfmcoioaitin by oN"t ndinkgir .ikl"m hte ukf!c +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sne(59)
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OR g1t;& adtceinis iscrednae cuoerrcnce of .etven eTh lnyo RO eretagr htan 1 wsa in eth atelb hatt acdeniitd hatt eht betcjus ate ceokiso ubt nitdd' nrkdi mik.l shu,T that is teh yoln eon tiwh a faigtcnsnii cnccuroree

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by qiss(20)
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roF oepple owh aleerygln hda rubtloe gardein eth wto casrh:t

Ftirs c:hart eW aderesapt the irneet tioapolnpu ntio owt mlerlas opnaospiutl ot stte for eht cisoeok e.ffact nI lPaopntuoi A n(rakd mikl) eetrh aws an dods atoir of 6 oty(p in hte uacalt )ha.ctr In ilounPpaot B (ddi tno nikrd kil)m eethr saw an odsd rtaoi fo .6 Scien het dsdo strioa aer ton 1, ew anc dcunocle htat het cesioko haev na eftcfe asldersreg fo hte ooltpiupan (ei dnark klmi loeppe vsuers ntidd' ridkn lkim .)eeoppl

oenSdc tar:hc New est fo souiponatlp to ttse rfo the efetcf fo kilm. nI ioanopPutl C eta( ok)eocis herte wsa na odds itaor of 1. nI uploatoPni D di(d nto ate s)ockoie ehret swa oals an osdd iorta fo 1. hTsi measn that kmil idd not avhe an fftcee ever nda 'tindd uttrocebin ot eth aieesd.s

lOn"y ikcsooe are ntdeeendplnyi ctdioasesa whti E. coli scse"a semna hatt nloy het ieocosk csuea hte sdeiase utiohwt the esectff fo eohgsnmit eesl.

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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ehT tcaf thta the odds oirta in eth top tlfe is oncctreri skmea tihs ounsqiet yrve tiuc.dlffi It ameks it eprapa as fi the skooiec ear seaiautvc tbu the imlk dah emos evtoiceptr car.otf So ubsxn.oioo

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drpatinoire  oGd I ghthout ltaylot the smae ayw as oyu .idd I rtsead ta tshi qtnsueio rof ta steal im5n and sdeka lyefsm awt'sh ngrow hitw ym .tsitsstaci +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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ynIiltial kmil kigndirn saw ceassotdia ihtw Eilco. ktbeurao ithw .R9O3= nad 10;lt.0P0& a.(cgtinSi.)in.f etArf soifitcrtinaat ntio tea iokcoes nda did otn ate sokeoic RO beemac 1 tinesda of 39. mingaen het onoiascsait .rdeppaiseda horeeeTrf, gnetia ikoeosc was a rcfoduenno adn tereh si on alre tsaniioscoa benwete inkrdnig limk adn E...estndolci.i.a, ilmk's eth( o)odcufnnre ornnitbuctoi was ieopsbsernl rof eht OR fo 93. ni het fstir a.lcep siTh asw ftdeuhrre detsrtdenoma with OR of 6 ni eht iocesok eaonl .rguop

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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ihsT one reeth eerw oufr odsd t,riaos neo epdrodiv nedru hcae .telab The olny eon tath had na sodd tiaor erergat htna 1.0 wsa hte laetb ni teh pto tighr (dsOd oRati = 6, I ve)ebl,ie hwhci hwen uyo lekdoo ta hte albes,l del ot eth htigr nar.ews

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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n"A osdd oiatr fo 1 ciditsnea taht hte cnoointdi or nevte nuerd usydt is yulelaq elliyk ot cocru ni hotb upo.gsr An ddso atiro rergaet tahn 1 naieicstd atth eht ncinoiodt ro teevn is omer klliye to corcu in teh sftri " (di/:d/arkatis/tegdp.nsopiri.ik/Owh_toeiw)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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ehT OR in hte eppur ltfe 22 tblea si crte,iocrn ciwhh odluhs eb 6 27(/66*23 =),6 not 1. Thsi msaen teh OR of e"ta "iseocko dseo nto gcneha ftrea tfnraaiticoits by "adnrk l",kmi so k"drna ilm"k si not a ,onufndorce adn e"at eioco"ks is yiepdndentnel oass /w CHEE o.utebark

On het ehort n,had RO fro k"adrn ml"ik gdcenah a lot (mofr .93 ot .01), whchi eantdicsi nra"kd im"kl higmt be a nouonfecrd n,ad froete,rhe is otn nninedpeldtey saos w/ EEcH erkotabu.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A esouqtin i omer naegrlyle ahev s..i.

Is ti belpisso ttha hewn oyu sftiraty teh ,tdaa ..(ie goprmaicn hte ftecfe tath tgiean oicskoe a,sh ni pepelo who dnrki ikml or oeelpp woh do tno nidkr lm)ik thta eht sddo itrao ilwl hswo cfcagseiiinn fro one tub nto teh h?troe

adiS fnerlyidf,te ni teh mlepexa beo,av ocdul tigena ckesooi ni epoepl owh dirnk mkil eald ot a nniaifscigt csineear the kris of tfconii,en btu otn ni opepel ohw owh td'ind dnrki m?lik

veI' eoodlk aonurd in hsti etmmnoc ea,rhdt dan ehav eens olpeep enoimnt teh ertm cffeet" ifancotom"idi; si htat hatw ym pxmleae beova uwdol w?sho

In orthe s,owrd if ntgaei osokeci + indgirkn mkil aseld ot a intgicafnsi i,rsk tbu iteang ikoceso + not nkridgni imlk sah on osiaestdac k,sir dlwuo tath aemn that het likm ahs na fcfe"te n"afiiciootmd on eht rski fo igengtt intfncoie in lpeoep owh ate so?ieokc

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submitted by unknown001(9)
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sthi si a nobus suentoi.q

nwhe dsdo iator si 1, gieannm no oasas,itinco

dsod to&atg;ri ,1 whihc ni tihs iqstoneu si 6, ensam ootsancasii

herew is odds raoit ? a) at teh aet keidiootndc-o rnkid mlik ocu.nml hneec teh sawn,er yoln icoeok pnyeeieldndnt ss.a htwi e loci

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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ew nac keam nsghti emplsi ielk tshi aw i:fy ew watn to nkow rhewhte ,1Xor X2 relercasot Y, we sjut eyaepatlrs etts X1 dna Y, adn X2 dna Y ncoidy.lcgra eWh n etst 1X htiw Y, we ereriqu on X2 euepoxsr; hn eW etts 2X hwit ,Y we eirrueq no 1X ;uxsoerep

eW etts ioecok iwth haair,edr hwen ilkm was nto duknr t(po :gthri) viespoit eW tste kiml htiw hria,erad when on kioeoc saw aneet lreow( ):grhti iaegtvne

cinol:cuosn nloy ekioco trcseeralo to hte aeharidr

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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heT kroyewd si DNLNs")soet.YENiEIDEd"acT(Pa Which ni unhma auenlgga manse TN"O TIA"OCES.ADS

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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