Ddi on one netcoi thta eth dOsd iorta on eth tpo fetl si nw?ogr Am I msingsi einomtgsh? fI yuo ccuatalel ti, s'it 6 tjsu iekl het pot ihtgr .e.o.n.
RO t&1;g dtiescani seaeincdr conruerecc fo te.vne The lyon RO aetgrre hnta 1 asw in hte belat tath idnictdea that eth bjtusec eat scokioe tub id'dtn nkrdi .likm hsTu, thta si eth noly eno twih a tcansgiiinf cecenorcur
For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.
Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.
Fro pepoel who eenarglly had rlbouet diraegn teh wto :rtscha
tFisr c:hrat eW eperasatd teh trenei apnoiluotp otni tow allserm ainopspulto ot etts rof eth cosikoe ffetac. nI ntloiaPupo A a(nrkd )klmi erhte was na sodd oatir fo 6 op(yt in teh taclua chr)a.t nI olnoptPiua B (idd otn rikdn mki)l reteh swa an sodd atroi fo .6 Senci eht sdod tasior era not ,1 we nca nlcuecdo ahtt hte ekcsooi heva an eftfec saeerldrsg of eth upoatniopl (ei karnd kilm oepepl surves it'ndd kirdn likm p.o)leep
ncSode htca:r eNw est of ppusltaoino to test rfo eth eetcff fo .ilkm nI Ptuionopla C aet( sec)ooki ether aws an osdd aroit fo .1 In pPounltoia D (did ton eat iookecs) reeht swa losa an dods oatir of .1 Tish samne atth lmki ddi not aehv na efftce erev nad iddn't itecbtruon to the ies.desa
Oy"nl eiockso rae denndenlyeitp adatessico with .E lcoi aecs"s masne ahtt nylo eth eiocsok sueca teh sadesie iuhwtto eth efcfets of hieotsgnm lese.
hTe tcfa that eht sdod atior ni the top flet is rcicornet aesmk shti sqtoeuin vrey fiifludt.c tI kemsa it earpap sa fi het siekoco ear eciatsuva ubt het lkmi adh mseo vtpteieocr r.cftoa oS x.bosiunoo
tllnayIii kmil nnrkgidi wsa osdseaacit hitw ol.ciE orekbtua tihw R=.O39 adn l1&00t.;P0 nS(t.icf.ginai). rfeAt airitfsnticaot iton aet keooisc adn did tno eta sceioko OR acbeem 1 dinsaet of 93. mneaign eth niaiacosots adpidpsear.e eef,rhTero eangti cskiooe swa a rncofoedun dan trehe si on lare iscanisoaot eetwenb nignrkdi lkim adn adl..tsoe..Enii,.c lsk'mi th(e o)fnenurdoc nriitoncutbo asw ronislpebse for teh RO of 9.3 in eth rifst ac.epl hsiT asw rdeferhut odstdnrmeaet ihwt OR of 6 ni the kesioco enaol gupo.r
hTsi eon etrhe rewe rouf ddos iosrta, eno dpdoevri rnedu aech abtel. The lony noe atht adh an sddo otair tgreera atnh .01 asw eth laetb in teh tpo ihrtg (sOdd Roiat = 6
, I ie)evleb, ihwhc ewnh uoy dkoeol ta hte ae,lslb eld ot the gthir en.sawr
"nA osdd tirao of 1 iinestdac ttha the coiidtonn or tnvee udren dsuty si aeulyql lekyil to ucocr in thbo .osgrup nA ddso airot etraegr tanh 1 aidctesin that teh dnctionio ro eetvn si rmoe lyilke to cucor ni teh rstif .gr"opu (wtiart/iedddsa/o.iipkOo_nwihs:ei/k/tgr.p)
The RO in eth prupe tfel 22 baetl si rrtoccnie, whcih ousdhl eb 6 7(266/23* ,6)= not 1. iThs smane eht OR of "eat "oskoiec sedo nto heagnc rftae istnacttfoiari by rank"d "lkmi, so adn"kr il"mk is ont a ronu,fdncoe and tea" kisec"oo is nieeypdntelnd aoss /w CEEH eaobuk.tr
nO the rheot a,dnh OR rof rakdn" i"lkm chngdea a lot rmf(o .93 to 0),1. hwhic nistceiad a"nrdk m"ikl tmhig be a rooufnecdn n,da hoefetr,er si ont tndlnpeyeenid saos w/ EcHE eobt.uakr
A iesuonqt i remo relenyagl eahv ..si.
sI it ssiopelb ttah when yuo asfyrtti hte dat,a e.(.i ionmrapgc the fceetf that iatgne oceksoi s,ha ni loepep owh irdkn klmi or leoppe woh od ont krndi )kilm that teh sdod itora llwi oswh iscifaigecnn rof noe tub nto eth ?otehr
idaS dtneefylfi,r ni teh lpxeaem vb,aeo ulocd anteig oiksoce in peoepl hwo ndkri ilmk laed ot a cgafnistini snaecire eth srki of ontn,ceiif ubt tno in lppeeo woh woh dtdn'i knird imk?l
Iv'e eodlok aduron in itsh mocentm tahdre, dna veah seen eolppe menotni eht etrm ft"efec ainimficotod"; si atht wtah ym pxaeelm vaeob uldwo wsh?o
nI roeht so,rwd if aiteng cskoioe + nrgikndi lmik ledas to a ianfntigics s,kir ubt tnagie eocskoi + ont dingkrni klim has no tcsaiodsea ,srik doluw that mena htat eht mkil hsa an eetfc"f cfoiidotniam" on teh kirs fo tgiengt ieifnnoct ni oplepe woh aet iooc?sek
htsi si a bsnuo e.iosutqn
wehn dods toair si ,1 ennimga no sinicsooat,a
sdod t&ta;gior 1, ciwhh ni this esiouqtn si 6, asemn sooiitnasca
wreeh is sodd torai ? )a at eth eta n-kooicedoidt idnkr milk oucl.nm eehnc hte snr,ewa oyln keoico nnidenedpytel sa.s tiwh e iloc
ew can emka gsnthi peslmi iekl iths a:fi wy ew awnt to kwon reewthh 1,Xor X2 laorcsetre ,Y we sjut rlyepeasta sett 1X and ,Y nad X2 nad Y ccrydiagn.ol hWne tets 1X tiwh ,Y we ierruqe no X2 opuex;ers Whne stet X2 hwit Y, we eiruqre on X1 rxoeuesp;
We stte oiokec hwit ah,rearid wneh kilm wsa tno ndukr op(t )rgt:ih seiovitp We tset mlik wtih ardihaer, hwen on ieokoc was aneet reowl( gthri): evegniat
ncs:niloocu nloy iokceo eosearlctr to teh drihreaa
heT wyeodrk si iEDENaYLNaTs)oEN(sd"P."IDtce ichhW ni mnuha nlaggaue eanms OT"N DSSO"ICATA.E
submitted by ∗niboonsh(409)
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