diD on neo inceto ttha het Odds aiotr no het otp ltef si rno?gw Am I nmigiss gnhiostme? fI ouy taalelcuc t,i st'i 6 tujs ikel het otp ightr .o.en..
RO 1;t&g eacindtsi riacednes nerccuerco fo nv.tee ehT ylon RO gaerret ahtn 1 aws ni eht tlbae ahtt nitcdaedi atht the btjcuse eat ckeoois ubt dind't nidkr k.mli uhTs, tath is het ylon one whit a nisgcafiint uerenocccr
For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.
Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.
roF leepop how arlelneyg ahd utbrelo agedirn teh wto ctarhs:
sFtri cahrt: eW ardtapese eht erenit aonoiultpp nito wto slremla oalouiptsnp ot tets orf the okiosce .cafetf In paitlnoouP A d(anrk kmi)l rthee asw na osdd ariot of 6 ptyo( ni eth uacalt )tcrha. nI ontpiaPluo B di(d ont nrdik )mkli ehetr asw an dods oatir fo 6. inSce the ddso rotasi era tno 1, ew acn noceucld htat eht keosico ahev na ffctee lgrsrdseea of eth nolptuoiap e(i rdnka milk people evrsus dit'dn nidrk mlik .eole)pp
nSedoc ctrh:a weN ste of lsnatoupipo ot stet rof het ffctee of ilkm. nI ouaPpiltno C eat( o)ekocsi tereh was na dods iraot of 1. In ioupaPnolt D (ddi otn aet kc)eosio herte asw losa na odds aotir of 1. Tihs mnsae taht kiml did ton aveh na tefcfe evre nda i'dntd ietoncrutb ot the ediess.a
"ynOl csikooe are ytinndneedple iasteasodc thwi E. clio csae"s masen hatt ynlo hte cioesok aseuc the edasesi tuwhtoi the efsfcet fo somnehtgi e.lse
Teh fact ahtt eht sdod tairo in teh tpo lfet is ercrntcoi mesak ihst intsquoe revy ldfifuct.i tI amkse ti eraapp sa if eth isoocek rae iuatavsce but teh lkim ahd seom cpettieorv aftro.c So sn.xbooiou
tlnlIyiia mikl iikdrnng wsa etoaadicss htwi Eo.cil urtobeka whit OR39.= adn 0P;.00&1lt ignn.ciS)ia.(.tf freAt itfitiaronctsa toin tea oekiocs and idd not eta socoeki RO abeemc 1 iedsatn fo 9.3 nmingae eth ssnoaoitaci dpasapree.di ereT,rfeho atiegn cokoeis wsa a nroonuedfc nda etreh is on laer asisonciota etnbwee dgnrikni kmil and cs.Eotadi,.n..ie.l ksim'l he(t crfeonu)odn nocinitobrut wsa osreienlspb ofr eth OR of .39 ni hte itfsr eal.cp hTis wsa heeuftrrd tmoasdednret itwh RO fo 6 in het eosckio oalne o.pgru
siTh oen erteh rewe fuor ddos osta,ir oen rodivedp rudne ache l.abte Teh oyln eon hatt had an ddso oitra aegretr hatn 0.1 asw hte taleb ni teh top hgtri (Osdd tRoia = 6
, I lveb)ei,e hwich ewhn uoy lkeood ta het albse,l led to the thirg se.wran
A"n ddso tairo of 1 adscntiie atht teh idtnoconi ro eevnt nderu sydtu si qlyuela ylielk ot uocrc ni boht ug.srop nA sddo oirat rgetrae athn 1 siitneadc ahtt het otcdinnio ro vntee is rmoe ilylke ot curoc in hte rtfis org.p"u (otga.di/hiddk:irO_kaiisrse/o./pewitwnp/t)
eTh RO in hte preup tfel 22 letab is irnccer,ot ichhw lduhos eb 6 (72*6/326 6=), tno .1 isTh asnme the RO fo ea"t "ockosei sedo otn ncgahe taref fiatinairoctst by dkr"na im,"lk so kanr"d l"kim is ton a nunfrec,odo nda ae"t oi"secok si ndeeydpnielnt asos /w ECEH areuo.bkt
On the oerth dh,na OR for "knard milk" gaehcnd a otl ro(mf 39. ot 1),0. hcihw icesatdin an"drk im"lk mhgit eb a enfcrnooud ,nad rehrteeo,f si not ntndepeidleyn saos w/ HEEc btor.kaue
A equoints i meor yreenglla heva .s.i.
Is ti speolsib atth hwne uoy ftristay hte a,dat (ie.. aiorpnmgc hte fecetf ahtt aingte iocskeo sha, in epeopl ohw idrkn lkmi ro eelopp woh do not idkrn kml)i ttah teh sddo itrao will ohsw nciifcsgniea for eno tub nto het ?treoh
iadS elfd,nfeyrit ni the emplaex bvoea, oulcd agenit sooecik in lpeeop owh irknd kilm aled ot a nfitscingia ncsaiere the rski fo fin,inteoc btu ton ni pleeop woh woh d'tdni drkni imkl?
ve'I eodolk dunaro in isht eotmcnm e,dtrah adn avhe eens epleop nmtnioe hte ermt eef"ftc atooniidcfm;i" is htta whta ym xmpeeal abvoe wulod how?s
nI hoetr sr,dow fi itagen iecooks + ndkrgiin mikl daels to a iinsicatgfn sri,k tbu ietgna osicoek + ont dkingirn milk sah no ceaatssdio srki, udowl atth name atth hte kmli ahs na feft"ce tmci"afoonidi no teh sikr fo nittgge cotfinnie ni elppoe woh aet k?oicoes
shti si a soubn qitneo.su
nehw dods orait is 1, anniegm on osnotaicai,s
ddos trotai;g& ,1 hciwh ni hsti tqiunseo is 6, amens atioincsosa
erweh is ddso airot ? a) ta eht tea oinietdokdoc- rndik ilkm .clnuom heecn teh n,searw ylon keocoi neeeytpnildnd .ssa htwi e ciol
we nac aekm tihgns spmlei elki thsi yiwf:a we antw ot onwk tehewhr r1Xo, X2 sterlareoc ,Y we tusj eylteaapsr ttse X1 dna ,Y and X2 adn Y rdlgac.ioncy Wen h tste X1 ihtw ,Y ew ruqeier no 2X uorxpsee; eWnh estt 2X wiht ,Y we eriqeur no 1X ;sxorepeu
eW tets eokcoi thwi ra,darihe hwen lmik was ton unkdr (pot hr:git) oivseitp W e etts iklm hitw aiar,derh wnhe no ioekoc was teaen eorl(w i)thr:g anteivge
ncco:osnilu nylo eoiock otsecrelra ot eth iarrahed
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