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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman comes to the emergency ...
Alendronate ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm

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submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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"dnor"tsea are oos,nspaisBptheh oncmmyol dsue to eepenartt/trv .epooisrsoost ostM nomocm sarvdee ceffste rae stgiiposhEa itp(ntsea sdolhu aetk ihwt arewt adn be huripgt rfo at eastl 0tu3es,imn) scenstoeosiOr fo the j,aw dna pylaaitc afemlor esrsts .utsrrecaf eknt-a htirg mfor FA 8120 gp 417

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almondbreeze  FA 1029 pg 284 dinul-cpdeli tospihegias : b,hestpsasnhioop urfesro etauslf, Ds,SANI tioussmap lriedohco, tecltsrceaiyn +3

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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prmah auecss of ucnielildd-p iaoietshspg = eb,hsnapptishsoo sicnteace,rtly DAsSNI, ro,in matsiupos eloirchd

bhtesshoopaipns AMO = idnb ythaaiotrxedp ot dreuce tcsetsaloo atvyicit e(uds ni oseortissoo,p etagP edsisea fo oebn, sesionotsgee iapfmc,eetr pymalcacheeri dan tsem to bn)eo

sioroostesop arhpm

  1. tV+2iaC/ D mpeiueatnsnotlp (ppas)ohlixyr

  2. ehsptpsisoaonbh - sMAED = ,peiatisshgo ,JNO ylcptaai eoalfrm etssrs acefrrstu

  3. plulatise HPT onlsgaa iadt(rre)aipet = lnoy neo ahtt icnr eonb rtohgw umseit(tlsa tsa)stobesol ;&g--t aentinrst eah,ryccipmela salo rinc kris fo etoomaaorcss n(odt iegv to tpage dz of nboe or yna rencac pt)

  4. EMRS xfanoere(li = sgattnoina at satresb nda s,uerut SIGAONT ta boen = no cinr risk of namroeedlit aplsp..uyhrba.tie listl cnir kirs of tremlb)mosoohbim

  5. maeunosdb bam( asaintg NRLAK msicmi PO)G

  6. alyrer noantlicci

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sunshinesweetheart  NEIORG ALLLLL YM EROHT STOPS oll I jtus lenaerd tetx o.sbex brb lwli conteiun lehignp on i/emoupjngn tuo a doiwwn +2

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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hmrpa euacss of diuenllp-cid pahtsseigio = ibpehasssotphno, teliecsa,yntrc INAs,DS io,nr osmsputai eolcdrhi

inpssobtphasohe AOM = ndib thryaxodpitea to ruceed tlossoteca ivyactti (edsu in ,ssoosoetorpi taPeg seadies of bon,e oesiesgtones mfarcepit,e alemicercyhpa dna mest ot n)boe

pitossooreos mhra -p tV/+iC2a D etulmnsneoaitpp x hpios)l(r-ayp osp-hoisnebta hsp ulstipeal TPH saanogl ipiea(ra)edttr = lony oen thta irnc oben orgwht ssttmuiael( lsboteo)atss ;&tg-- tntesiran yaccpilmeraeh, alos crin ikrs fo ascoemstroao (tdon eigv to ptaeg zd of nbeo ro yna ncearc t -)p EMSR (neliarxofe = aontngasit at aerstsb adn tr,uuse IGNTASO ta bone = no cirn skri of alntoeerdmi ah.pebitlu.yspa.r tlils irnc iksr fo mo) ithbbes-rmooml ondmasebu amb( sianatg RKLNA ei.. imiscm OPG) - ylaerr ctliicoann

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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rmhap uassec of llpdien-iucd sotphgsieia = psh,osaonpisehtb tyen,ecctrasli I,ANDSs rnio, muasitpos ocildrhe

shinpsaeopothsb AOM = nbdi ahpratedytoxi to uceder stslacoeto tcvaiyit sd(eu ni tsspsooroie,o egtaP idseaes of e,obn oetesnseisog emeapictf,r lhmeciacraype nda semt ot onbe)

epostosrioos mpahr

  1. 2+itVCa/ D anesiponuetmtlp sr(lxpa)oyihp

  2. asnbohspeopihst - sauitelpl PHT aalsngo r)(iedipttaear = nlyo noe ttah nirc obne thworg matsiel(sut es)bolssotta &g;t-- rntsaetin yi,rapmclcehea olsa ncir sikr of csosaatoemor (otdn give ot aptge dz of neob ro yna ecacrn )tp

  3. SEMR efniae(xlor = ointsntaag at ssbtrea nad seutu,r ASNTIGO at nboe = no irnc ksir of roemndlaiet tiul.p.aphsb.arey sllit nicr irsk of eot)mshblobmmior
  4. bnsdomaeu (bam aatisgn ALKRN ie.. mismci PO)G - rryael oinatlnicc
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sunshinesweetheart  TOG TI NI STLI MFOR nrtspgia#cianort +

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submitted by โˆ—sunshinesweetheart(112)
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amrhp saseuc of icdeiuln-dpl gpesiiotahs = pssohhent,iaposb ltcientrycaes, IASNs,D orni, paistsomu chireold

apbotisospsnheh MOA = bidn xdoertiaphtay to recued ooaeslttcs vtaiciyt ds(ue in s,osrsieoptoo tgePa aedeiss of onbe, esssteoieogn aepmicf,tre ipehramleycca nda etsm to eo)bn

srsseooipoot h1rm a.p C+t2ia/V D atuineopmsetpln o(rs p)2.axliphy oapssnhpobetish - tipaeusll TPH gsalano ti)iratarped(e = ylno eon htta cirn oben ogrhwt lastiste(um tsloebsa)sot -t-;&g rtaiennst peahamrely,cic soal rnci risk fo coearooamtss dno(t gvie to eptag dz of nobe or ayn ecarcn )tp3. RMES fe(iarolexn = taaonstngi at bessrat nad sru,tue IGNSTAO at bnoe = on nicr skri of amneeidoltr r.ypu.eblsahp.ita sltli ncri risk fo b4oi rhotmemmbsl.)o asebnmduo (amb agnstia RALKN siimcm GOP) - eayrlr cinatcnlio

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sunshinesweetheart  ha I am abd ta niugs siwbeste nda n'act kame hits a tils ttha 'edtnos masrtrfno otin a pprarhaga (: ryors +

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