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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Pulmonary capillary leakage 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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hsTi tiapent ti'ns iptnaneoit,glyvh hty'eer aiengntRlPiEYvHt, nchee teh P2OC lt&; 04 mm .gH

Lts'e alwk it aawk:rsdbc hTey rae ryvtelenhianipgt ot epmtaocens fro het amebltoci sodaiisc ecsadu yb aedpridwse .pxyioha lnvtineragHypeit wsolla yuo ot owlb fof eorm 2C.O

Wyh are tyeh chypxi?o The eprnos si xyiphoc due to lomfintinmaa and eautc ystrroierpa dstsisre nsoydrem rmfo hte naip.uoemn llA het ykntsiceo rmof eth momanlairtfy lecsl secau andesirec pmruayoln irylclaap eea,lkag whcih skcblo up teh elralova bmmranee os taht 2O cna't teg trohhgu to eht blodo.

Why do htye eahv mlctibaoe csdiisao in het fstir lacp?e No xonyge ;t&--g on rneeltoc sratnortp aihcn dan no ACT ;&g--t lctica cisioad.s

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diabetes  no imuepanno it si UTI +3
makinallkindzofgainz  hTe nnietcifo mfro teh ITU pedras ot ehr usngl +
makinallkindzofgainz  ihst si ytesnsalile ssepo,usir eon of eht dalegin ceasus of pesiss +1
cmun777  ITU -g;&t psSise g;&-t RASD e(xuitedav alogtoipshhopyy /dt ecdeanrsi lruyapmno csav ipemyi)talrbe +22
peqmd  rsousieps +
snripper  almo I drae it sa ppuer sroreyprtia tcart tf,osenncii .too +4
thisshouldbefree  ehs hsa an necirdsae Aa- tgina.edr +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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U(UtI) =gt&;= siesps CStE&S;DRNEA=&R==I=gAg;t oearallv lpryclaai lrmatyebeipi =&g=;t yiaempoxh &t=;=g onpeiynrltihetva oiapt&=gpc;ahyn=

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avocadotoast  shiT is .ocrrect eTh pinteat 'onedts hvae no,meiapnu btu piesss rfmo her T.UI iSspse si a nnkwo aucse of .SADR SDRA cna eb due to uea-mnayroplrtx essitu madage htta aslde ot the eearlse of moinytmraafl oaeidtsmr, vellraao a,gaedm ualpyonrm ,eaemd and ahnlyei mrneaemb m.fiaoornt ehT elahniy ersmbaenm ipmiar ags anexghec dna ldae to hoaiy.px +2

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by dbg(197)
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diD anoeyn esel ednwor TWHA AYPMNRO"UL S"SPTYOMM is eth oiuestnq efergrrin ?o?t hreTe is lelaytrli nto a lgnsie sptmyom eeotimndn in eht ewloh vteetngi. No sacrlkec" rhead oerv otbh ulng "fselid rea otn ymsp.tsom Tehy rae snigs ufdon yb teh ciis.nhayp

sreiyoulS dntbgoiu hte ehowl ENBM oadrb ttes rwirets ghrit n.wo Do ehty dateulqeay evreis ihtre ?korw shiT si otn eth tfsir nceltaihc akistem I azerlei no eth new rmos.f

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nbmehelp  upY. gkonoLi kabc ist rlcea ahtw tyhe eerw inygrt ot etg ta, btu htis fdeyniitel rthwe em ffo nhew I saw kngati eth etts cb I tkep enaeirdrg teh iunqoest lkiogon for a ciscefpi tmmospy hte pt ahd hatt tehy anedtw me to xeniap.l +3
ergogenic22  I eaegr whit uyo ttah het tswierr are kwach tbu this iunqeots relylac sysa dsfuf"ei cslcrake ear eahdr vero tbho ulng difsel" +3
ergogenic22  i ktae htta bcak i stunndarde atwh 'ourey sngyai +7
peqmd  I htkni htwa aer ncsaigu her pulramyon s"sin"g higtm eb emro ctecaura nsuieoq .ttpesiaptc--immsssw.cea8sehwltm/n1dyr/56:w1ats8#odnyowg/iot./lmcv +2
an_improved_me  I teg eewhr you grnea si cgiomn o..fmr yheT pextce het tdsesntu ot kipc up the tmso ronim dsteail sa thye aym be avlneetr to na lemtxerye gaveu and tisdue iesunsotq and snra,esw btu dt'on ohld etvhelsmes to eht aesm da.sadrtn +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by am4140(8)
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I see pepleo aer gaivhn lopbrem whti eht urnlyo“pam tsmpm”yo at,rp utb yeht ayw I ogththu toaub ti i:s twha oypt?msm

eSsh’ eipahytcnc ueacseb het C2O si l,wo hcihw ’Im seru ehs clduo aehv deincto orebef hes adpses .tuo eyEhnrtigv slee is a .ngis oS wtah eskam a naiptte ?ipaetyhcnc Wlle, ryou nsgul fillnig pu twih racp anc od i,t cihhw ti ayss ni teh qeoiustn nseic hes has eisdffu raaeilltb liir.ttnafse

So ahwt saeusc ouyr nsulg to evah rftei?alinst ll,eW seh ash a eidynk oefnntcii ’htsat retnud niot cpsite khosc ihwt agmr agetievn maiaee,tbrc so st’i iggon to be all teh nmlityaafmro mordeaits we pecorud ni ssenroep ot all of taht ltrcaabie SPL ni teh botsomrdlea uisagcn lamuyopnr lrpiylaac algekea adn DSA.R

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by ankistruggles(18)
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Hwo od you owkn her ylnuamrpo smpmstyo aer ued ot pylmranou laiarlypc egalake dan ont ?nylvipthotneoai sI lypaunmor ricpyllaa akeagel tusj etonrah awy fo gsiany ulyrpnmao eemd?a

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sattanki  tinonavloHitpey ni on wya esdal to yolarmpun e.mead +
fenestrated  lnaevtHnoyitiop oudwl ndreiecas eht O2CP +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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ehT tp si ihgnav a servee eacs fo nin/essoepuiasmp ()RDA,S? sa atsh’t ywh hre PO2 is wlo ta 46. oS ni oinuamenp eethr is inedreacs payalrlci ealekga dgaline to ulpaomryn .emade

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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From PA:AF

tueA"c yoretarsrip irsedsst nysermdo is a mnnttoeifasai of catue njiryu to hte g,lnu mcynmloo trenliugs mofr ies,sps ,rmutaa nad evrese ypumaronl sniocien.ft yiiCla,lncl ti is hdactieraercz by spe,anyd oufrpdon moyha,ipxe seeddreca nglu acoipm,ncel dna ifefuds lartlebai teiialfrnts no schet ira..h.ygadopr

In D,SAR teh ijuednr lung is ilevebed ot og toughhr heter pssae:h avxuei,det tivfalipreero, nda fiotb,cri utb het sorecu fo chae aphes adn hte lroveal siadees posroingrse si eialbvr.a nI hte uexviadte eap,hs madgea to eht eavarllo ihlmiuptee dna rvascula ndumeolthei supcoedr aeelkag of t,rwea orte,pin dna mraiytanoflm nda rde bdool slecl iont teh termiitnitus dna lrelavoa .uemnl hsTee cangehs aer deuincd yb a peclmox eprtnlaiy of myprloaiaftnmro dan otainm-ramyialfnt darmesoi."t


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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hyte ointmneed bldoo ceu.lutr odblo =rtleucu essisp = srad gt&; crx ittaefsilrn

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submitted by jbrito718(48)
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Tihs is cipste ochks neagidl to uoamprynl adeem aka t.“ymspms”o The ekgaael is scaude by PSL agledin ot 1-,IL 6L,-I lTNa-ahpF chhiw ercaniess rcaalvsu beaitmy!lrpie hTe qtoniesu nda ssrnwae resit to ikrct you noti htigkinn si’t tnimsheog lees tub yuo onwk esh had rmga gne ioncntsefi dan the saonnreiptet si ujts eleeuaqs fo tiepsc o!khsc

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