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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#12 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Diverticulitis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by nuts4med(8)
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I swa gninihtk ’honsCr uasecbe fo eht arrowgnni of eth enuml nda teh ipreuct emedes elik tehre wsa peignrce aft. Now atth I think otuab it ght,ouh the LQL and tiopinnocast sdhlou aveh edl sotwrda isdtiluciivter rptyet .iuqkcly

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suckitnbme  Aslo aeerg teh ingrwnaro fo hte mnlue splu hte pci is tnngoipi sotward nshCr.'o heT tcaeu ieyssctm xs fo refev nda lhsicl is hatw eamd em go ithw dciirieutsivtl glo(an iwht eth xh fo niacriengs ioittn.csnpao) +2
pg32  hWy sode eht nieostqu yas ehert is AWGINRORN FO HET NUEM?L Dseo ttah pnhpea ni iectdlitri?uivs I entw iwht Cn'rsho at teh tals dsneoc nigaast ym btreet dtmjgune beuacse nrs'hoC acn escau arncusgwtietrnrs/ori fo het emuln. +2
lola915  AF 2200 sMg 3ot3p.8 mnomco eraa orf rviuscstDoiiel ot ktae plcea is het gdomsii nloco dan viiitueridctls anc seuca riotstbnuoc on(mayilrmfta sets)osn.i Teh key here si inzengrciog hte kris rsotfca t0&;(6,g irhcocn )nsictaoinotp dna inssg fo uatec mnmaaoifnilt ,refv(e lhclis adn QLL pa.)in +4

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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hTe ilcaclni teosnateiprn is tath fo erlwo nbmdoalai ,pina e,refv dan llh.csi Thsi anelo emda me tnkih ti was na nromitayfmal cssr.oep Aosl teh nqoutsei asys ehetr aer 3 aereptas orlyop ileddmiet rseigno fo awrrno .uenlm As rfa sa ltevruieca sictoil si necnceod,r erteh era no psik nlsso,ie it is uotnisncuo vrherwee it .is shiT dulpoec htwi eth yhitros fo anptticonosi mkesa udsiitictrvile het btse rnawes co.iceh

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lovebug  I nkow 'sti lslyi Q. utb ywh ton C) atsuonraolmGu isilot?c lo.l ntakh ouy! +2
trazobone  lrnGsutuaamoo isilcot is r,o’hCsn hchwi laso oedt’sn tfi bc ti restnesp mcoynmol ni eht elirtman mueil dna esdo otn lasluyu seenptr tiwh vefre sa it is an milaroymtafn atyolpohg ahterr an oeusctiinf noe. Wiehl it esod ptrseen ihwt nsgrit sngi (nongrrwia“ fo hte mnl)u,”e higtnyan acn uaces a wraonirgn fo eht l,nmue so shti ’osendt lcyasienesr mena atth ’ist tinrgs nisg +3

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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I woldu vhae easlyi nhcseo nasgrmotouual adh i nknwo ti is het easm nhgti as Ch.osnr uShto uto ot geacnroni dan ist bs.isl

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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'ntoD hsit is CU ro .oFs rnhoCr htis snuqoeti uoy veha to avhe oitendc eth eag 66( Lry)or-a delwe.o eltf aqdtaunr = lctriiteudiivs fo dleyerl wa&;rLpoem trigh rtduqana = iyaslgiodanaps fo lyleerd (h knti stehe rewe emdnenoti ni a)amthoP

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pfebo  ,loAs teh ttapnie ash efrve +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by logical_champion(1)
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I nkhit it is oodg ot onte the cephamosri.dg heT ttiapne si aeflme nda do.l ah,Tt agnlo tiwh the naiinps,tootc amed me lnae eorm wstrdao irsdiieiu.tcltv BID usluayl oeledvsp ni yuegnor psos.ern

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privatejoker  oesD eth ovoluibsy dnaeedrk eraa ont noipt ta lla twdosar cmsiahie fo nay dkin? baeyM I am ,lidnb tbu I ondt' see tngnyiha atht meylotre oskol elki na iucvrbtotse iuvcdireutlm in tihs c.pertiu I flee keil I wudol evha onetgt hsti qisoeutn treocrc if no cipteur adh eben ivdrepod at lla ecbeusa teh ssmpmtoy dsdeerbic leusbtloya tpdoien swadrot itiltviedcsuir .oierhtesw I tayculal naeghdc my wnrase ubseaec fo teh iemag llo +24
sahusema  etPuric si a biutllhs sorittdacr +2
lola915  mrFo hatw v'eI ense on caectpir sstte dna vcidae ve'i tneogt is htta nofet fi the urteipc is given algno whit na aryldea elctepom ilcclain ierpcut it's ntoef a rtt.rcsioad I alos wsa onigg etewenb asmiehci adn tiertiiciuvlsd but ehtn bedmmeerre atth licalcni ssing in het eitentgv turpm tneriehgyv ese.l +2
alimd  ehty dton vgei a kcfu oautb cuepstri +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by egghead(1)
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hWta is ihwt teh cuitpre? I sjut dwluo vnree ckpi tediriuvitscli oihuttw nesgie a u.tii..crvuledm

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quaper  I esntp os nglo knogoil at ttah cutirpe nad iinkgthn thwa het hkce are yhet trgyni ot show em ehre. I dut'locn see nya icdvueit,rli itdn'd ese any tcogl,nebibnso idufgre the krda tpahc ni neewebt het wihet hcatpse wsa insrseoc ni the .edn +10

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by burak(71)
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hatW osde 3 wornrain nema?s Is ttha a eucsa of rcieviayldurt esssaide ro the lu?ters? And athw si htat pooht emasn /:

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lola915  Yes, iitsuevlirtidc cssaue naitmfymralo nstsseoi o(n)tbocsutri +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by angelaq11(83)
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I srtif sohec icuritlivsdtie baceues of hte yihst,or tub nhet I swa eht tpucire, and othseyln I swih I 'hatn.d I dit'dn ese NAY tlimcreiv,udu os I mm.hhtm, ehey'tr watn ot ki"t"cr em tnio onsoghic i,cttrisvuidiel tub tis' cyaltula t"mhongies .ee.s".l '(: :('

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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mbreemer msdiigo lonoc sah eth lmlssate maerdeit chn(ee why etLf idesd CRC eodrcspu het pepla croe) maeingn ttah ti si enorp ot heigrh rsreseups in enoaaccdrc to 'paeclla alw (psurrese lyvieners riploonatorp ot teeidamr) uhts lslam etreimda = ghih srpeuers = ernpo ot dvteiiuarlc motoifanr

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chandlerbas  neo mreo g.tnhi itsh osniutqe si ont r.esiicalt 5 rysea of ciotts,onipan htiw eefrv and iet.hc.lyl.s no hoczei?htaema ay ok rhete +
chandlerbas  atwi venre n,dim the ainniotfmalm ascrs the aavs tcear so on g.iedlben tnakhs fro ginmco ot ym det tlak +2

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by vonhippelindau(21)
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I idcekp hrnCso’ .too I thkin eth vsreee ntsipianotco oevr 5 erays seratddcti .em

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haliburton  i tnihk ti is rctaciil ot mebmeerr atht noctnatiipos si atwh cdeuas teh vdsoeltuisiic.r +3
lola915  nrsh'oC nsrtepes ithw -/+ boyold adiaer,hr tno otnpsioainct +

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