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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-month-old female infant is brought to the ...
Hyponatremia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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rDrahiae esacus ossl of awr,et aN nda Biacb.r ebmeermR thta herrdiaa is a cseau of onn noani apg taieobclm sicdasoi beseuac eht sosl of bbireatcoan is eoemscndapt yb nrigacisne hroeildC o.rrnsptbeoai oS esh nac heva oaeyprmlcihrhe ro etnayamprhio ued ot taeikn of ynlo erfe rtawe orf 42 .rsuho tuB she ahs IREEUSZS so maoayrnhipte is stmo liykel

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drzed  I ithnk hte iilnati eryipeohhcraml owudl be luqkciy dteduil uto by eth lager nmcsitnooup fo awtr,e os sohte wot nmitegpoc espsesrco lwduo eklyil reuiazlent het lcirhone evll,e ro evne mkae eth lcidh cimcoeohlh.ryp +1

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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isTh is terwa aiotxinni.oct i9pvmnsnwwcnhodp:tbewbt///h7i8.l.51m/7.g7.u

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thisisfine   deg!erA st'I aolng hte nseil fo hoest rmahnato nusrnre ohw slapoecl ns.soeutqi ohNngit but rwaet ofr 24 ourhs = ittgneg rdi fo too hmcu di.sumo +2
temmy  rea ew jtus nggio to riengo eht riahadre rfo 3 s?ayd awth si its cfaneginscii +4
kard  mym,Te We tnia ogignnIr eth eDa,ihrra taAyucll eth sotm kyiell cllosyeeetrt to tge otls htiw ti is ogium;d&st ;rgtehli&ocd motsipgsu;t&a cb.bnoeitaa..r uslP teh Wtare cntioatxnioi -g;t& HYAINPTAMORE +1
bronchophony  yhw ont cyelpoamhg?yi +1
saulgoodman  scaBuee soulceg is otn na eelycl,ottre it eosd nto cucndto tliycreteic ni iont.losu ehT seonituq si kgsnai ihWhc" of the fwglnlooi eyrltecelot"ilmnoat +4
skonys  ybhhoconpro@n agnsiusm hse setdn'o aevh a ocgnsyoluiogelne/nscgge prbo, ehs ln'todwu be lyyegmccohpi ftear r42sh. 1FA9 +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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The yek to hist euosqtin si ttha eht naeptit si 4 tosnhm dol and tetingg .ewtra

Noswbren dsolhu OTN eb gtneitg nilap rwtae nulti rtefa 6 ohmnts fo ega eeascbu ti acn sueca ypaonehriatm --&g;t eseurzsi

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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yhW si it not yeamypci?hlog? pylegHoiymac nac asol eald ot zeseuri

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cuthbertallg0od  aemS ttohuhsg eehr, dan I khitn myhplyiaoceg ocrucs erleiar ni tsn/nidfsiak athn in audslt lek(i 8 )souhr? -- aeymb sujt emro lleiyk ot eb anrhtmiaepyo niecs +aN lsto in eht rr.aea..hdi +2
fbehzadi  I htink yltmso het caft atth 24 si tno gonna ceuerd hsi lesogcu to het otpin of ganicus a sz.ueeri +1
fbehzadi  24 huros* +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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ashpPer I hgduntrothue- htsi esuqstio,n utb it is hiyghl eikulynl ot vaeh YE-HPR fo gahyintn hewn nuisgnmco lgaer tasoumn fo etra,w ucsebea veeahtrw oin is eresptn is oggni to tge tddeilu. So ni het cesa fo amnlor gap cassidoi mfro heri,draa sye heret amy be an ltniaii hciprmhy,rolaee but teh twear si oiggn to dliteu ti out.

teewBne cgpholmyeiya dan roteaih,mnyap ti si rome klliye ot be rpnmhoaayite eubaecs teh cdilh adh ziserseu

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—didelphus(70)
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ynA aedi hwy erohmrlyahecip int's na r?snwae heT dhaerria uodwl sacue an laronm nnoai pag p(rc)hycimehelor libemtaco oais.sdci

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charcot_bouchard  hist is eth eolbprm teb uw nad emn.b ni wu it wudlo eb for ures a haotcg uqs.e but ni bmen etyh era saluyul igkloon ofr omst ovibuso. oals oolk waht etyh rae gankis otms" y.kel"il byba oludw edv olw aN efoebr shaTt my 2 nesct +29
temmy  ropcehairmyehl lilw ont actnuoc orf eth siezrue that ortubgh the anpteti ot teh hiasotlp. sisezeru caioncgrd ot tirfs dai si acused by clohcmyapeai nda hpaaientmryo +1
cry2mucheveryday  Chierlnd hitw dhariaeor ohw nidkr agerl uaotmsn of erwat ro ohetr pytioconh fildus igtianoncn ervy olw atneonscinorct fo tals and rheot us,tselo ro owh ereeicv tovnesiaunr iniofnssu of 50% suelocg ni raew,t may vpeoedl oryhietn.paama hiTs ccousr suacbee awret is sdobabre rfmo teh tgu hweli het osls fo ltsa Ca)(Nl teosnnu,ic acginsu ten esslos of smoiud in xsesec of aretw. The iipclarnp tsrufeae fo aoteprymanihc eyaornitdhd etree:har is a teifcid of rtaew and udimos, tub the ifitdec fo usomid is rrtueg;aserem sdomiu octietcnranno is wlo 1;3&tl0( lumlm/sm) oe;r yasitmlolo si wol 2l5&t;(7 met/ s)lmOh;ol ichdl si trcaig;leh lnnyiqtru,fee rehet are r.zu sseie/rR:EYCmrpeR/teIEShi%ahUEOmtAhREd0dh%OmWF0t%o#.tgdodt/SAO/CE2D2rrHe/TNre0aNaA2Qy2.ssd +
cry2mucheveryday  ,lsoA why is htsi inbge gvine ayM be aclstea eslad ot ioctmos dd.saa.realhir.e ot j()tnoahrnrg'pyleit aAnmaoe wsbnoner oeudppss to eb ptek on svixeulec btreas kmil litl 6 oh??tsnm +
hello  uceyyrehr2vydcam@ nDto' ared oot uhcm nito ti. hTe tfac htat het byab is gneicveri fuoamrl 'istn elartvne ot nwiangrse eht Q. twB, tno yreevneo trebas .fsdee lnit,ailAyodd eht Q ndtoluw' amek humc esnse fi it idas e"tyh arn out fo il".kmar.s.ebt +1
hello  rhaycem@2vcuerydy eginB on rulmfao ehtn teh aetprsn unginnr uot of omlaurf si roem of a lecu rof wtera .ticnxooainti Thsi is tlaycylpi het iacreons taht aerwt tniiconxoiat eoeees,nrvr I suoespp fi rfo soem anrseo the yabb swa nbeig dbratesef and eht naetpsr csdthwei to xeevyullsic agtiefewredn (adn no ehotr ,)osofd hetn warte tctoiionianx dwluo osla r.ltsue +

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submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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eahairrD sacues osls of w,eatr aN nad rB.bcia emrmReeb ahtt hdrraaei si a eacsu fo nno nioan agp beamcitlo coassdii usbecea hte ssol fo bbaiceanotr is ednsatmoecp yb niaceirgsn idholrCe otesibaponrr. oS hes acn haev opycrhiremheal ro atemyophrnia ued ot ektnia fo only eerf rtaew orf 42 .husro But esh has IRSUEESZ so iaotmpnahery si tosm klilye

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submitted by โˆ—umpalumpa(6)
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This oddik sha most lleyik ceroeytsr rriadaeh rtee(h rea no csleu ni teh utsioenq hatt sith si oictmos irahed.)ra euD to rsyroetce adh,aeirr eth tp has etrmeniauc hyaloomeivp twih r.ayhmierpcehlo Hoe,verw teh nparest iveg the antfni noyl HO2 orf 24 h,h whhci mesan thta aN adn lC get ditelud. tI is more kyilel atht eth tp sgte pceairtomnyh naht eyhhcloroicmp sdngcirieno taht, erbofe iggnvi H2,O ehrloicma saw ighh adn Na asw .olw eTh lwo eaNaim ssecau lrbceear eed,ma wihch lsade to szesu.eir

oGesclu cna iyesla be sdeocrs tuo cusebea is nto an lcterteolye dna eth sieutoqn saks fro leotrltecye as.ghnce

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umpalumpa  treCncoior fo stih st:eeennc I"t si rmoe lyleki that teh pt sgte yenipothcamr nath orclhcopymeih crnegnisido ht,ta rfbeeo viingg ,OH2 oricleamh aws ihhg and aN saw molran (i ahev lmsyniaetk etriwtn aN" saw "lwo oev,ab utb I ewtdan to wtrie N"a was aolm".rn +

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