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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#31 (reveal difficulty score)
A 60-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Lung cancer ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—atstillisafraud(217)
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gheWti loss - knhti cacioatrpeaHym rnne - SAIDH romf lamsl ecll glnu amnacceE edr + DJV - VSC rnsoyemd

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peridot  I aws ktgnniih glun cenrac iternesgc HDISA, elirtgusn ni .nypatioaremh utB ecusaeb hte enostqui ekdsa yplsaifcicle about eht secua of eth cifaal eeamd, I upt tnahrmypoeia a(sewrn hccoie ).C I aws gedwninor ohw uyo guys erwe lbae to teiedfifeartn entewbe .C teryahiamnpo nda .E ngul nccra?e hnTak !uyo +2
mannan  heT ftsir githn ttah secrosd my nmdi was VCS dynromse form eth ecrcan isugrncottb het R hoichplreaccabi nvie gvepeinntr osunev oblod rmfo utgnrnier to het htare (adn sngiayt in het ialcfa )rae.a osAl I ssuema enHypaitrmao wodul eb lnqvtiauee to resecedda ydbo lmveuo so eehrt ol'tundw be da.mee FA aelnR oihgypyosl csentio ahs a oodg ahtrc on awht spehanp uirngd etecelrlyto bsalniecma pyo(h nad phe)ry +2
mannan  toidp@er +2
peridot  I aws tginnikh atht tryaamhoeinp oudwl be rmeo osls of tscomoi sespreru -&-gt; ee,adm btu I teylfdinei see het ntmruage ofr a ssam s'ahtt splmiy lckigonb bodol lwo.f nahkT uoy! +1
jaramaiha  onyl hingt ancfieftg sotcmoi urspsere is luinma,b ihwch uowdl be mroe wtdsaro levri rhoii.ssrc Teh oydb will etamtpt ot nmaatini a N+a fo 401 hiwt aurvsoi ,aichmsemsn btu nd'otes teocturbni to cotsimo +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thirdaid(10)
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hTe ilantii respinaetnot olkos elik ccrna:e hiwetg sslo dan rsergpoives aydpsen ervo eth suerco fo nsohmt ni a hevya smekor. hTne, teh noetiqus eedbscsir t-eylmprxanraou myptsosm nad a otpnlearaascpi ern.osdym

eorM uyeact,l rehet si emveeponldt of ademe of hte cafe nad juulrag onuvse istntoinde. eeuBsac sith si ollecdzai ot rppeu yb,do ew udolsh kinht fo a cncmlaiahe sniocbtruto ot nvosue folw sa opsepod ot esom aidniecorcg o.renas hisT si na aptnyxumrorael- smomytp fo glnu ncera.c

[ erroipuS nVea aCva droeySmn edascu by hte iaemdl pdansiegr fo teh .tmour nCa eb abteexrcaed ni eht ahipycls aemx yb kaigns ttpaien to erisa hbto a.srm ]

i,Fynall rthee si a ilengs hitdgehglhi bal lueav t&-;g ohatenrmipay. lamlS llce ulgn acrnce anc seeelra pneiarraiotpp eellsv fo nctiitideaur mooenhr g&t-; ISADH. HAD wlli teinra rtewa dna aeeersdc dmousi coonrcetnntia iyslpobs dinaegl ot lracbeer daeem and esuseiz.r

[ emodSrny of rIaipptoapern HDA e(ud ot mllsa lelc am,aicnocr a noeudcrnioerne mrtuo fo the u)nlg dseerasec msudio ono.itcecntarn tspnorPeaaacil eodmns.yr ]

nI hkahSetPyct: VCS mndrsoey si hte rde nobolal aren hte iadintemmsu hpsi nad IDAHS si het uyg grntiy to yarcr teh ewrat loroce and ngeitgt wetra lal roev hle.mifs

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makinallkindzofgainz  I er!eag Sreuirop lsucus rotusm si a guln mccrnaoai atth ocuscr ni eht axep fo the lgnu and cna uaesc VSC mdosye.rn +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—agraham416(5)
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ma i the onyl mdub neo who uhothgt ti wsa aeaogimned ascue fo hte ACE ?tiihnbrio loayttl etenedglc lla theor rinm.atfoino

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dwdelva8  I did eht emas g,hitn tub ehs had eneb no tath CEA oihinirtb fro 51 seyar os I susge ti olduw eb nsgatre ofr it to lla of nudeds aesuc msoyptsm +

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submitted by โˆ—ekraymer(1)
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Wsa ti grwon ot ese bdolo tidneg tpsm,uu nad lcliuyotaaatm essmua sti cec?arn ncies enno fo het hertso owuld ahev eaucds lodob gnietd upm?tus

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