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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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You vaeh ot tkinh botau ihst ugsin eth entopcc fo TNAODIICNLO ROL.BBTIIPAY etnrhoA awy ot kas siht eytp fo tiqensou si liek t:ish I“ wosh oyu a ettpain ihtw setanupnoso e.ponmrtaxhou Wcihh ohret tignh is tmso iylkel ot eb erut otabu atth rs?npo”e rO ouy nca perhas ti hseet w:yas

  • vnGei a OITNCNIOD (staenopuosn empnuo,) what eohtr idgninf is stmo liykle to eb hte ca?es
  • ivnGe a oplo fo lpopee ihwt usnnostopae ameorhouxn,tp tawh hrteo tgnhi is omts iyllek to be eutr oabtu them?

nI ehtro dsrwo, fo all leppeo woh edn up ihtw ennspstoauo menu,po teh tsom moomcn hrote ignth bouta etmh is atht htye rae EAML &m;ap TNH.I

fI I vage uyo a kbtceu fo onsenotpaus oeunpm ttepsani -- adn ouy ecerahd uryo nhad in erhet adn lelupd neo uto -- tahw conreisa wluod eb emro ocm:mno nI ryou danh you vahe a oskmer ro in rouy dhna ouy have a ihtn m?ale It’s the t.ltaer

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someduck3  Is hsit the sbte arppohac to lla of the enrstosgt" pisrdgsipnoe skri rot"fca etpy snsqitu?oe +
drdoom  eerTh is a tonw of 00,10 .enm niNe udrendh fo htem rwok sa a.sewyrl ehT ehtor 001 era ee.nirgens moT is mfro siht nt.wo eH deirs ihs kbie ot .owkr In sih refe ie,tm he liske nsoivgl mtah psz.zlue eH tlubi hsi won tomc.urpe ahWt si smo'T utnooaccpi mtso eilkly to be? sewAn:r Tmo si most eiylkl to be a !rlweya nDot' let smpisnstuao icratsdt ouy rmof het vleownrehgim coref of sheer !brbtloaipiy iv"enG atth moT si orfm tihs nwt,o ish osmt kiyell ucncotopia m(rof the ivlabelaa )tada = a".lyrew +4
drdoom  eTher si a wont of 00,10 aennsosutpo nupmeo tiaesntp. Six rneuddh era ,allt niht dna heT ehtro 040 aer mehistgno sele. woT eddhrnu fo eht 0,001 oesmk irte.sacget ehT tohre 080 do .not htaW sikr ocftra si omst yngrolts sscdaaetoi hwit aspoetsnoun nmepo?u e(:wnrAs otN enigb a roskm!e ... acbseue uot fo 000,1 pploe,e het stmo nmcoom ritat si NTO imkonsg [008 e)] +5
impostersyndromel1000  hsti si !LIshkt DWna uyg +3
belleng  tflubu!iae ,losa i ithkn botua dsdo ioart sv. ireelatv ritoa is evrisceteorpt of rst-coleonac ssudite ot indf rkis rctaof ro orxuespe atht orraecltes ihtw trareg taroi of aseseid. rieltvea riks is an aioeismttn of ndeceinci ni the eutfur nweh ilokong at erdftnefi chorot s.udties +
drdoom  emtiodynprmeros@s I leov em meso bibopyartli nad sitcsa.stti dlaG my rant wsa lesfuu P: +
hyperfukus  rodm@od i hate ti which is hwy uyro atrn wsa xrmeeyelt lsufue oll i rlndeae a not nshkta ro!dmdo. +1
dubywow  I ucagth eh was htni. eTh yoln onaesr I ntd'id cpik edeGrn dan boyd uhtasbi is esaeubc he swa not vyorel altl '"5()1.0 I ltedka fmsley out fo it ceseabu I ohhugtt eth dboy tbusaih wsa oot "oa"nmlr cbsaeue he saw tno boht tihn NDA tla.l tGo ot epek nletlgi mfesly to otn htkin oto hard on th.ees aTnskh for teh antnxpo.alie +1
taediggity  tI i'snt tsuj htat hsit opnesr has rElehs slnDao dna tyh'eer mroe npore to ausostnonep ??nom?eup +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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If I egav ouy a cukbet of tnosouapsen npeoum tanspiet -- nad yuo hercade yoru adnh in etrhe dna pdlule neo uot -- whta racinseo odlwu be eomr mom:ocn nI yrou andh uoy ahev a esrmko ro ni royu andh oyu hvea a htni ma?le stI’ eht ttlr.ea

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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hyW stneo?aopsnu eHs' ngegigna in na vetcia otspr twhi na dcanresei srik fo macriutTa urij.yn oS we elryal jtus samues seh ton drineju uaecebs het semt oedsnt terilycd ays se'h eud?ijnr Tshee nsqsetoui ldea to oot myan oamsisnu.pst (ni my i)npoion

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nc1992  tneaonuSspo atn,rhouomepx as a tnooniic,d si nnitfcsiaiylg mero ilyekl nhat a actrmiuat homoruntpeax mrof tujs tabuo anyignht btu a arc rhsac (ok yaemb if he saw ni a )ig.fht hT e cra hscra ro a gbsinabt is laos emor erplboab evallro tbu eser'ht no pntio in freinngir shmienotg htta ts'in diovrpde +1
nwinkelmann  I ekdipc teh ruaimttac jnyiur .lsao feAtr gaeridn heest mcetmsno I keoodl iotn ti .ruhrtef ircaTmuat eopnsmu crcou suaceeb of tulbn ro tgaprtneeni hsetc ataur,m nad I ufdon hatt eth CCM ofmr fo tnlub amurat 7%;)g0&t( si motor ecelvih cnesitda ttha ucase gansiifcnit aaumrt (..ei ibr serr)aufct or neve lbats ruma.ta otlAhhug ti 'ndidt sya three reew no chtse wlal csertr,afu at eth mesa eimt ti di'tdn aidciten ayn bri r,tufrsaec ihhcw oduwl be toms ikel to uaces eth atmiutrca jiunyr emponu ni eth epa'itstn s.cea +1
drdoom  The etsm kmaes no noiment of maurat. +
hyperfukus  i usseg teh usies is hatt you ehav ot aeusms tawh hyte name by "oretsgtsn penrsdisogip iksr ocrfta orf tish saetitn'p citdio"non I kitnh isth si dbum bc teh newrsa is coplmtleey ieftdfren besad no what ouy encdrois htsi etta'spni "O"OICITDNN ot ?be ieehtr yaw eh ahs a muhetnrxaopo os if you awn to onkw tawh dacues htta tis pbor hmi ebngi eivact or mungibp nito osmonee tbu fi yuo onsrdcei het ooigltye of hte phxenormoatu thne sit eht eblb and thta is orfm imh iebgn a ysknni reoe/skmudd i wnte to itsh c/b s'he osal only 1/50 hsa'tt otn atll in ym eahd eyth codlu aehv eben rniec dan dame hmi 1'6 ta i efle ikle i asw a lto of qs' bakc in the ayd henw i isrtf eedlarn itsh hwti a tesatrnpneoi fo eth sorpne ilke nirpitgp ro gteonmihs bmdu ubt hety adlayer hda hte bleb dna tehn otg teh nroxuhatepmo +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by cocoxaurus(59)
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rpuuteR of onyamuprl lbsbe aer a nmcmoo uesac of suatsnnooep taeohpmxuron ni nyoug dtaul mslea taht ear latl dan I ownk 'its also adciosetsa htwi min,ksog ubt needrg dna doby stbahui semdee ekli eth more ylkiel rawsne erhe isecn teh itapten is a ungyo

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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e'eHrs smeo lpieiymodego firoiantmon toaub nsteooasnup onepsm:u eTrhe rae otw kisn,d miraryp tsanpnouseo munospe PSP)( and ndcrayeos (.S)PS sPSP ucorc ni eplepo daeg 320-0 yar,es ithw a apke ieecndcin is in the lreay ,02s si ayerrl svorebde ni lpeoep lreod htan 40 ,erysa iwht a mlae ot maelfe rotia fo 2:6,.1 nad otms lurfqneyte ccrous ni ltla, ntih m,ne oghuth omgnski cisaseenr rski eenv tfer.ruh SSsP ucrco ni ietaptsn itwh ngnuedlyri nulg tndooci,nsi csuh sa OleodD/CrP et.satnip fI the t'ptnseai imdhogrepac asw dlreo nda had syhorti fo nlug as,edise btu atht n'wsta an io,nopt hetn I think misgkon wolud eb eth aapoierptrp eocihc caesbeu noksgim si het tisgegb krsi tafcro rof dlyurignne gnlu snnidt.oico

digeangrR het ra,maut aiuamrttc unyjri esnoump tosm ocolmynm ccoru due ot otmro evihcle saeicdtn rhewe erhte is urjniy .ie.( erarfct)u ot ecsht wal,l dna wiht slatb sire.juni hoAhlugt eth iteouqsn iddn't eypiscf eht chest llwa was vdio fo ft,csrerau ti aosl tndd'i ysa tcrsuaerf erwe rstn,eep os I kihnt ti odwlu be fesa to smusae that het lsnliooic rnijuy i'dtnd vaeh hegnuo rofce ot aecus het ,opmneu yapescliel hwit eegnkip ni ndim the meigydileop fo yirprma uponansteso .msnopeu

tA aste,l tsih is ym totughh escrsop giavhn hadrerscee ti ,orem

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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ittnPae hsa a hxtahomrie + CRX shosw acetrah eitdsave wstaord hte hemarohixt -&;tg- mots llyiek dnogsisia si seanosopntu empoxouahnrt.

daeopyElloiicilgm, asnusnteoop mroaextpnuoh si msto idactsesao wthi hint selam

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hello  tai,W aemyb ihst is ogrwn ?lcogi salPee orrctec me ggdrianre eht xame fgiidnns fi .ndeede +
hello  aCn mrfocin atht this tlonexapani is OERNIRCTC aggiredrn ehrtaac. Dsrigerad ihts .inxalpntoae +

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submitted by its_raining_jimbos(29)
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vEewerehry I odnuf oet(TDUap dna slveaer rpse)ap siad teh osigmkn si het ggbtesi risk rofcta orf asonupsntoe meunotaph,rox twih doby thisbau dan erndeg inebg a serels ksr.i Am I utjs eyoptmlcle nuinsndgiaesmrtd hte ?sonitque

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imresident2020  Yse snomkig si a kirs ocafrt ubt nto eht estb oipont gamno eth ccesiho .nigev hcCek FA, ti ssay atth it crucso omre ni ltla niht yognu me.asl inomkgS t’sni vnee eoid.nemtn Tlal & nhit measl era meor ta sirk cbeaseu ehty veah rmoe aeievngt alleirupntar erper.uss ceCkh Ulorwd fro +
drdoom  Yuo ehva to nhtki atuob isth isngu eth tnpccoe fo DCTLNAIOOIN POI.YITRBBAL Athnoer wya ot aks isth eytp of oiqnesut si ikle tsh:i I“ swho uyo a tntaeip tihw tnsaosnupeo unotmeprhxoa. ciWhh hetor tgnhi si tosm ielylk ot eb true auotb this ea”tptni? dSia a ediferntf w:ya niGve a CNONITIOD [spnsounteao npumo,e] twha hetro fnindig is smto kliely to eb het ?ecas liSlt teohr :orwsd vGein a oplo of pelope whti atosnnosuep oapxe,mnturho twha trheo ighnt si omst kilyel ot eb retu auobt n ?eIm ht treoh r,owsd of lal eeppol owh ned pu twhi tnoaupessno u,peomn eth mtso nmmcoo htero gthni butao them si htat yhet rea EMLA & .NITH fI I aegv uyo a eckbtu of ontonsuapse enmpou ttipesan -- dna uyo cdarehe oryu dhan in rethe and pludle noe uot -- athw roeisnca wlduo be ermo mo:omcn In uyro dhna yuo ahve a rsemok or in yoru ahdn yuo haev a thin l?aem The ea.trlt +
cocoxaurus  eRpurut of yolrmuapn beslb are a cmmono caeus fo antoneopuss texoupromnha in guyon ultad elasm ttah ear latl nad hint. I nwok si't olsa soaiaesctd tiwh mgoksin, utb rneedg and bdyo ishubat meesde ikel eht erom klyile rsnwae eehr cesin het ittaepn si a uongy ma.le +1

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