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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 60-year-old woman is ...
Increased central venous pressure ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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hisT lacrtei lanepxsi het ypsylohpoothgia wll:e nh/..wpNco43:nw/l0/ow/41is.8tsnmbkBhotg.Kvbi/.

Teh hrtgi vcietnrel is lpyirmrai epsdlpiu yb eht RCA ichwh laso iesspulp het AS noed dan VA endo %09( of trsahe ucsbeae ehyt era rihgt dt,aomn)in dnligea ot sslo of ytrlacoinittc of teh tigrh d,sei nda shtu liufd lipudbu isancgu veetlade rlnteca souvne reess.rup eavEledt ressepsru ni eht ilerv dan pltaor ymsste wdoul eadl to gelhpoeymaat and fere liduf octnuicmuaal in eth ruptinmeo.e

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henoch280  .Hlelppp pls ywh is it not edaeerdcs apaillcyr otinocc sepuerrs? +2
whoissaad  @ ocnheh082 saeecuB etreh is on achnge in eht eelvls fo rpiento ni het dbl.oo +11
drzed  eileyltcaroht oyu colud evoedlp rleiv eafriul ofrm teh ecesnari ni etnarcl unesvo persusre g(.e. ccadair )icrsrohsi and HNTE ouy uwldo eelvdpo a rceesdea in nocoict e.resrpsu +2
an1  ehc20nh8o@ het peiattn dha a VR Tish means lobod lwli atsrt noogpli wasbkadrc ad(iers JPV llwi eb But to newsra ryou qt,eousni oontcci reserspu ncgesah nwhe teh ubnlaim peti()nor si lwo. hTsi snaepph wneh hte merbplo is wthi teh erl,vi titmanorinlu, opicenrth/ npcerithi ndlieag to .aaniumulibr ehT aethr rtslesu ni a epulry sctyitoahrd reedtal tadotsyicHr eanms to UHPS fldui OUT of eht elvsses adn otni eht essui.ts ishT ouwdl tlruses in ulidf nentrgei hte sisytcme stesiu (wleho obyd emade is esne with F)HR dna lfudi tegnneri inot ilevr sdueac ceseedrad rinadeag edgainl ot sc.ietsa eo zmMrie pg 792 apCllyari ldfui agchexen F0'A220 +1
l0ud_minority  he0ch@28no losa I ithnk htta cnseeirda ymlaruopn laracplyi ydcttaohsri surerpse lodwu lxneapi a aleulrp f.nosueif I houthgt eht msae nigth dah ot ihtnk ubota ti rof a .itb +

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submitted by โˆ—titanesxvi(106)
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Teh hreto ersaswn rae wrnog bsac:uee fi( I ma ogrnw pseela rcrtceo m)e

)A hiTs dwoul eb rtue in a itpeant hwit evlri or enrocihpt esodmynr

C) shTi odwul be rocectr fi eht ew cresiean aiyaplrlc yrpeeiatblim xeaelmp( )ispsse

D) Tish is ftel ehart eraluif

E) hTsi ocdlu be DSRA otn( resu ohht)gu

)F gayaninMlc

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submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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heT trhig ltecnvire VR)( vseiecre sit aartlire lodbo pysupl ilayrrmip rofm hte hritg roaocnry ateryr )R(,AC ihhcw serais ofmr the grhti ornyrcoa upsc fo het aa.otr Teh vidsinio dorcesup eth sncuo eatryr hhwci spilseup obodl lfow to eth girth nlrueratvic wltfuoo at.rtc eTh soariatnli node )AS( si lsoa sdupeilp yb eth CAR mrfo eth eondsc is.vidnio iCngosur in het iarttevnoirarlcu o,rvoge the CRA nhte igvse off lipmetlu, mslal nberhcsa ot lpyspu eth reanitro RV ebeofr iidnidvg mralnltyei oitn het ueatc almarign cnarbh (MA) ahtt runs roarlniyte lnoga teh pirdmag,ha nda teh rreiptoos nsdcegeind aertry A()DP htta rsnu plsorriyeo.t The PDA osla pplesisu eht acavrrtlnoiriute edon VA() in %09 fo enaitp,ts ihwt a cbnahr of het tfle eufcmlirxc tryrea porgiindv olfw ni teh amdenirer fo npt.iaest eTh ADP uiepslps eht ienofrri allw of othb iscerl,ntve nad is a telrnami ncbahr fo eht ARC ni %58 fo ap,tsietn utb mya iasre mofr the lfet yrnaorco uciiolanctr ni %51 of eht uoppna.olti

heT mayrpri ffctsee of RV cmiasehi adn nrintaoifc teursl ofrm seddcaeer VR oliarti.ncytct ihTs aelsd to a nutoeircd in boldo fwlo omfr eht seunov myetss ot eth u,lgsn dna nlylifa ot eht ltfe seid of eht te.ahr ehT cciianll inssg of sthi are rescedani rhgit desid ethra ruspsee,sr eacrdisen mulayorpn ratyre (P)A siltcosy pseusserr, nda eadesdecr tlfe rtniacevurl ldo.erpa Smpytosm yam ucilend lpprearihe dmeea clayseipel osdtnnieti of teh uajlugr ien,v pyxeioha,m nad ntos.eohyinp

aydAtl,diilon sa het VR aesdtli eth intoom dan fnuincto of hte vieieualcntntrrr tespmu is tae.drle fI teh RV si liaddte synrcaedo ot oeroladv or fi het etplas umyaomidrc si adzeoerdjip by eliossantmuu eltf clvreinte )L(V chiieams teh otmssmpy of yephisontno nda rcadaic faerlui yma be unonpeord.c fI teh ptsume sfiths tdweaflr irudng doiastle ti deiepms ftle trevncarilu fngilil adn sa a tsrelu acdraic ouuptt si sc.deeeadr hTsi is mreted slos fo ircunraevlibt edniepd.enntreec

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submitted by nootnootpenguinn(9)
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Tshi weetbsi psanilxe ti o:to

"A eerseacd ni airdcca opuutt therie due ot ddresacee rhtea taer ro erskot leuovm e,g(.. ni rrclavtineu efui)ral lsruets ni obodl gabkcin up iont the onevus ctluiocnari eensirad(c useonv u)eomvl sa sles oolbd is pmdpeu tion eth ietaralr ic.nrotalciu heT ttsrelanu erncesai in ctahiorc lbood mveluo esrsacein C".VP

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