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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
4 Months ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—welpdedelp(270)
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tI saw utsj asngik teh slfnpiae fo sBCR 2(10 ady)s

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haliburton  If 'Im rgnedai isth t,rhgi thsi si tjus a krciyt ckiyd siqn.euto I tkinh OC dsinb 200x ngtersor hnat O2. utB if na 2O cceyls tohguhr ndgiinb / inugidnnb 002 iemts eorfbe a CO setg ekckdi fo,f tish odlhus tsill laecr teh OC mfor hatt lelc onores or raetl. ertangs ot hkint it si 1. etsyslnliae pynerlmaetn aetrpdp ni a cel,l nad .2 osen'td lilk yuo adn nac eb eradett hwti 2O ot lountrosei itnwhi a fwe uosrh or a eyhT tsmu jsut eb gn,ihkitn tlniu htat satl RBC ,seid oyuve' ogt nrialgoi OC in a ciruagcitln .llec tbu ustj a aonfrcti ea(bcues ouy td'ind )ide. nto uesr owh tath OC t'isn ujts spdase on idgrun cyncl,egir bsdea no hsit leni fo +8
link981  Teh qnseituo lehwi isdyltup entiw,rt sska ohw gnol the BC'sR ttha acyrr teh OC aket ot be dmoreve rmof het loantiic,ucr tno how nglo eht CO kaets ot eb vrodmee mfro het .CRB uJst sigkna teh lisanfpe fo RBCs ni an sitlpudy eocctidlpma awy. As ew nw,ko CRBs' file npsa si oubat 012 ydas nda nhet eyth rae meoderv morf uro tlic.uncraio 102 syad is outab 4 .shmnto eNxt ietm hety wlli oyablrpb ask eeksw ro in huosr, hwo kws?no smh +12
baja_blast  If tas'th ahtw r'yeeth ginkloo rof yhw ntca the EMNB ploepe tjsu ska o"wH goln esod ti teak ofr sRCB to tnru ?o"rev usu.odRilci +2
chaosawaits  rPctfee elaxpme of woh m'I a amstr abmduss hre:e I was ramst heugon to znegecori atht het oiuetsnq asw kagsni obuat BCR pasfnlie. I asw touba to clkci 4 n,smtho btu htne I aws taht the eoraobbyhonlmgicx coeirtnnacton was %0.4 I otok %04 of 010 syad to be 04 adys, which is botua a onmt.h dnA tath edseme tlatylo oiclagl ot me at eht eit.m MLF +1

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submitted by iviax94(7)
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I ruegfid teyh eewr tgnryi ot egt ta het ifel cxnpeactey of an CB,R but uwdlnโ€™ot upsemeptlaln O2 lietchlycan epeacrl het OC buond ot RsB?C FA even otnimesn thta CO sdbin ttieiceylompv ot CBs,R dan intsโ€™ taht hte wohle oitpn fo ivngig %h1iby0/rrape0c ?O2

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nc1992  Fistr iad ahs a lot fo eosrrr +
yotsubato  hatTs otn an rrero ogtuhh. Ttsah eth caluat raosen ihenbd invgig bepryiharct O2 rfo CO +12
mumenrider4ever  heT ntusqeio kas ohw gnol ti atesk ot evmeor all hte c-irOgnrCay RCB so I kinht eterh'y mpilying ahtt toerahlticely ton eryve esglni aircC-Oyrgn BRC odwlu eb rldaeepc tihw ygexon rofm eht elumtepanpsl 2O dna smeo lwoud die off nauyltral +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—link981(208)
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Teh uoneqist ihewl pidysltu ri,twtne ksas woh lnog teh 'RBsC ahtt rcyar teh CO eatk to eb evrmoed rofm het uronci,aitcl otn owh glno eth OC eakts ot be vmdoeer frmo het CR.B sJut ikgnsa the spainefl fo sCRB in an spdyiltu pcactmiledo .yaw As ew nwk,o sRBC' fiel pnsa si btuao 201 yasd nad enth ehyt ear edoermv mfro our rtaiu.icocnl 120 asyd is uatob 4 tnmosh. txNe imte ythe liwl arbopbly ska het RCB iefnpsal ni sweek ro ni ,soruh who n?wsok shm

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submitted by ivypoison(6)
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Oenxyg nac epcotem OC to dbin bH but i hiknt not lal OCbH- nca be oeticN " LAL" het iCni-0dgbn RBC so og ihtw O-HCb BRC hthgou i stnep a olt of mtei fro sthi oqtnsiue oto

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