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submitted by โˆ—keycompany(351)
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nseAw:r dsenareIc tenaCrl Bdool lemVou (C),VB ceesdDera HDA, arcdenIse .NAP

heT hllopasoiciyg sepeorns to mtypeohihra si ronaviscionoctts of reperaplhi ssselev (ie.. hte onse in oryu estrmee)ixit ni an tforfe ot peek yoru eorc bydo earpurtmete rnaom,l adn uhst uryo snagor cigtnnofnui roypre.lp leiePharrp sncinoasiVotroct liwl iecsenar VCB. Iceardsne CVB lliw euasc na ercianse ni rpedo,al nda usth secua na ecniesar ni NPA/NBP. NPP/NAB ahs binriihoyt ecetsff no hte sAdneeRin-nlgtos-eoonienritnA ms,Sety guslientr in cadreedes DHA.

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gokings2021  ASRA is otn etdrlicy ediknl eosctnrei of ADH sa ecliamd bva.eo dcseraIen upreessr ta cbratseroeorp nad irdencsae aenrclt melvou sndsee by the usmhapalyhot lwil edsercae nerocetsi of A.DH +9
miniarnie89  ornhtea wya ot nhtik oatub it si clretan sv rrpheepali .lodob aliheerrpp si own bgien oitcvc,eoanssrtd so reatncl sgtnhi eat(hr, usln,g E)IYK.D..SN illw eb ienicverg omer bodol. omer dlobo ni ykidsne = essl AHD +1
jurrutia  heT rtneceixo of efre arwte saol ahs an teipvada ftinebe ni yaehtrhmipo ss(el sams fro oury body to ekpe )raw.m +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—yotsubato(1208)
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htaW penasph hwne you og niot lodc tra?ew uoY eep.

owH sode sith ena.pph

otrisVncctoinosa of essslev to eerevprs ht,ea plusl arwte onit vltucausera eud ot edcdrease dsothcirayt sepsuerr in Vuemlo esog ,pu DAH gsoe ow,dn NAP soge up due ot erecdasin lvueom.

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madamestep  oS rueoy' sgynia if I antw to kloo snkyin I hdlosu tkea a cldo ehorws to srieeud flms?ye +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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rClenat oBldo mvelou sererf to the doolb ni teh realtnc or iloyodpcnurmraa .nptrmacmote uriDng ldoc tetrrmeupae there si epalrhpire tcnocinotivoassr ot rveetpn thae dptioisnias romf hte eiieetsmxrt iwchh saenm hteer si elss bdool in eth hiepriereps nad erom in the rtlenac pmtecnoratm g;t&โ€“ Celanrt Bdolo mluevo eensGrresactriae mevulo in eth rthae will esauc tshrgteinc of teh ilrtaa wall adn lmsttuaie PAN ealseer ๏ƒ  erdniasce hAg NPHi reCantl oldbo leomuv ๏ƒ  high mvloeu teats ๏ƒ  ruosegndaeltw HDA srtenocei ๏ƒ  l/rrmeasodneadec HAD

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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leCartn dBolo mlvoeu sfrree to hte bldoo in eth ecrantl ro mycuaorinadrlpo an.pcettromm nruigD dcol uteemtrapre theer is ielprhrpea cstotcrvoiionsan ot enetpvr ahte anpisoiidst rfom teh seexeitmrit ihwhc msena teerh si slse dbloo ni het reipishrepe dna roem ni eht tarcnle mtmaecnotrp ;g&tโ€“ tlnearC lodBo ueolmv esenasrartrcee Gi ouelmv ni the areht ilwl asceu stghritecn of hte aarlti llaw dan emlsiuatt APN seleear ๏ƒ  seeicdanr i APhgHN laCnret lodob euvmol ๏ƒ  high vmlueo tseat ๏ƒ  utognerwaedls AHD tcseeinro ๏ƒ  sdoclndrr/aeaeem AHD

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by antigunner(1)
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shTi ueoiqtns si iisebnrdgc atwh si rllyailet dclael "Hdea uOt ateWr o.sIre"mnim ehT rrepeuss thta teh artwe etxers on eth dybo is reatger tahn eht rsueerps atht ari xrtese no the ybod. Tish droittyachs usrrpsee ssuhpe eht aewtr in eht limsb pu otni the encrlta yivatc (eht bir aegc ctrospte ofrm tish starcidyoth respseu.)r eBeucas ers'eth more odolb in het rncleat yviatc, hte aterh rieseexepnc na eesnicra ni .luomve hisT is hyw you nftoe eden ot eep more often when aigndnst in eht o.plo

In rsn:imtmaw uaeto hspseu loodb noit ntcree vcyait -g&t; eaecisdnr lodbo mvouel in nrlctea ytaivc &;gt- bolod estehtrcs rtaeh t;&-g erncsiae in PAN

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bubbles(79)
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ulWndt'o cnisricoottn of eprheralpi sleevss olas rrtggie sacpnlcinh cnnitrsasvotiooc, ihhcw stmeliusa ralne iheaicms and usecsa dcnerisae SARA vatcyii?t

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drdoom  nrnoiocsiCtt of plrrepeiha tac)sue(uon l/caearliersrsaiipeolt ni ssepnore ot lcdo uosdnusnrgir si an atmttpe to ederuc heta loss & taannimi nantleri ydob pmet; it si tno at lal pceloud ihwt hcsniclpan isron.onccvoaitst nI tc,fa the epreliarph tnonovsiccaitosr si nrityg to eโ€œโ€-ourert obdlo to mero tviclrras/elenina cs;tmmeotnpar stemaiusnuol phsninalcc rsionocnioavctst wluod deemip htat evry c!sposer +58
bubbles  A,h !ayok I tog eld fof tcakr ubacese I adh a nchub of urpse hrda pccerati queniosts kagins buota aetaohnlepr dnseymor nda how eht itonocnistrc of achlcnpnsi vsssele mgthi grgiert eraln m iacoD s ieh . uoy konw if htree ludow vree eb a tmei wehn cnnacphils vaooctitsincorsn cucro odtusei of poeerntlhaa eo?mnsryd +
drdoom  bu@slbeb i dwolu hknti nyol ni sesac of trastipoachc hoksc wneh( eht bydo is igdno ynieevgrth ti nac ot antmniai telarcn otninse; erersusp to iatlv agrnso ilke ei,;)rtdnhkyase in seoth secas, i lodcu ees hte dboy isnicfgcair rcevslia lfwo as an pi"tnoo fo ltsa rrtos"e +

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submitted by medstudied(0)
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I sismde this sa wlle eaebsuc I oclltyeemp ohuottevhrg ti isecn hyte hda to dda nsspvosri()ea esatind fo sutj yangis HDA chwih daem me hntki fo its roel ni inntcsotrico fo oosmht mls,cue tub hte iptno si htta theer lilw eb olignpo of eht loobd eoulvm ni hte esarciv dan lvtai snrgoa iwhhc llwi anreecsi ANP eaeslre mfro hte itara dan sneic PNA si sdlreeea ihwt hhiger odlbo ilre/umtavola eh,tcstr oyu nca dwar the culnsnocoi hatt HAD ilwl eb wlo aeubcse NPA si gninsgila ot hte iysdkne that teher is an nauabnecd of vlumoe. oAsl, isecn the eisvrca si onigg to teg emro olodb owfl oemrcdap ot eht mieistxeert iscne he si gnogi to be ytcierhhpm,o ouy ulodhs olas tge sarindeec fwol to teh edysink ro at tlesa ortipreeanvs to( a itrneac )enttex and htsi udwol ont poemotr eth erleaes fo AHD cihhw is ylno rleeesad hnwe the obdy ensses an eaiscner ni loobd mso.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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Tihs iqnesuot ahs nhgonit to od htiw tptrmaereeu eth( eteitnvg sdtn'eo sesdrda eth prmtteuaeer of het treaw - so nd'ot sue)mas

hsiT si owh uyo tge teh rnsaew:

1) gniBe in utsarp-eceo or ni a isnmmwgi olop pu ot eht kecn lw:li

a. neaIcsesr lCntaer dlboo ovelum (mero oolbd rrneust ot teh higtr ieds of hrtea = edsacerin )lrpaode

.b crInasees PNA = enrcsdaie tnliidao of renclitsve ~ rmoencptoysa mhecsniam ot eedruc uovlem oorlvade

.c aesedDrec DHA &p;am Royneatlinds-sem- = ydob si ni sttea of meoluv dvoeraol mp;&a nsdee ot eceurd ctsisemy emluvo

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usmleuser007  rcn:eorotic eya ti soed edsrasd het etrwa mept but het iamn take yaaw is cisenedar odplear +
d10s  APN is rseaelde rmof iaalrt hrcttes otn leiet.cnvr +

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