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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#47 (reveal difficulty score)
A 61-year-old man comes to the emergency ...
Budd-Chiari syndrome ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: GI repeat

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sajaqua1(607)
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rihuBadid-C dsmroyen ruccso ehwn rethe si icsolunoc of hte caipteh inve or teh petahic nevi iaslf to rdnai tnoi het .IVC ishT anc eb dacesu yb misbroohts fo eth iahptec ,vien ro yb ithgr dedis ethra faelrui (iaucngs lbdoo to back' up' hrerev,weey tub sti fmatoetinaisn guhhrto eht pcaeiht inve aer all hte igsns fo iahdud-rCiB dynm).roes hgyitnnA atht anc iesenrca teh isrk fo troobmhiss nac tehn ersnciea hte rsik of ridaBuCi-dh seo.mnrdy shiT csidnlue yypmlhitaoce ,aevr a lbhrpauoaelcyge s.eatt uOr tapneit nda PV tub msesid shi iptteonapnm tow ekwse og.a eH wno npesetrs twhi lcslrae ,citesur an nalgdree e,rvli nda seom ssngi fo atorpl itnpsynhe.roe oobsishrTm fo teh oyln aclamionta toniop teednpres ttah soecrv all fo iths si teh atpcieh eivn ei oru petaint ash BhdaduiCi.r- meebRrme thta raduiihC-Bd illw ehav a nt"geum lrive" apnaceeapr no sgors goytoalph.

)B tHeacip s-iorrschi tsi' rleiynet plbossie our ianptet sode eahv cahtpei ohrsiscri orf dtuearnel asrnso,e heewrvo teh cuate tsoen ksame sith elss C) natcraciPe orna-icamc anepcitarc arcaominc tnrocutiobs fo the ocmnmo blei tduc ldcou ceaus a kbac' 'up fo ebli, uytatileml scigaun some ivrle adgmea dna alelcsr iusecr.t rowveeH nceo ngaai eth intimg kesma this n.uylkile )D aoPltr neiv ohmtoi-bsrs rloapt iven otoshbsmri ludoc aseuc emso snepcli eematglnner nad roptal phstnye.ienro ewHvoer, tsi nbctoioruts ouwdl ton cesua a re,netd rnledega lreiv suebace ti si p.autmres E) aiyrPmr ms-ishoaemtrocoh deu ot a cedfte ni inpiched ,cndrioutop this roni dorlvoae rsesnpet wthi eranddke ,inks lnisnui ildtg,saionure pctahei mgdaea (ithw teh teniptloa for rtahelocpllaue m)aoiacnrc nda hetra daeises ctverteirsi( or aldiedt oy,daphoctiraym nidenpdge no uroy scour.)e ehT lyno one of tsehe inssg hatt ruo ntepait sha is an rdngaeel l.eivr

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almondbreeze  AF 2910 pg 368 +
fatboyslim  sJtu ot d,ad aichtpe hirrcossi wlli veah a eknushrn and uaroldn evil.r +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dentist(94)
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fdonu stih esrpu fuules koob no zamnoa btaou Cd-idhiaurB chc(ke uot teh isck c)orve

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llamastep1  aTnhk you ofr taht +
focus  aaahah.hhha D.DAE +
anjum  I orseend giilnkcc taht kinl +2
azibird  ahahh,aaahhhHaa tsh'ta a muts ckicl. mnoSeoe aepsle byu ti nda elt em on.wk +
chediakhigashi  hhhaaaah +
aakb  I tdon' konw what I swa ..pncgteei.x +
jaramaiha  Teh seuhls is ealr :D +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—notadoctor(175)
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dcogrciAn to lj,aGno peaoctmyilyh vaer si eon of eth stom nmmooc saecsu of h-airBCiddu dmy.nreos gcAdrnico to AF, -ihdBduairC si tsseoaadic meor yneralegl iwht orhlcblgyuaepae ast,tes aymlhceitopy rav,e tmtparopsu ,ssatet nad HC.C

apitceH rhsisiocr can eb lured uot edabs no eth tmei croues of het iaeptns't teisntraneop - he asw fien 2 wksee oag adn the dnaoamlib pani ttradse na uhro ao.g

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krewfoo99  oslA ni ,rsohciisr eht rlvie wton eb edlngare or reentd on atpolpnai +2
almondbreeze  fkoo@we99r odGo jo.b ngcicaor to 02A9F1 6,.p83g cngosieevt veilr edsiaes gly(ah,oaeptem ,acsitse iveasc,r adalbnimo ,nipa ievlr rielufa)i esesm to eb eht yke ni -daiBhudrCi DS +2

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