ususmleI guess he is asking about integrate,,,,, where his should be integrated into host dna to get replicated .. triple therapy includes. 2drugs NRTIs and other one is integrate+1
whoissaad@ususmle NRTIs would still inhibit DNA synthesis since they mess with the reverse transcriptase which is needed to make viral DNA.+2
thotcandy@ususmle HIV triple therapy is 2 NRTIs/NNRTIs + 1 protease inhibitor. Plus, if her CD4+ cunt is already 60/mm, that shit is well integrated in her CD4 cells already, right?+2
brotherimoduI was confused because isn't HIV an RNA virus?+2
focus@brotherimodu yes and therefore it uses a reverse transcriptase+1
meja2Adding onto what @focus said, reverse transcriptase is an RNA dependent DNA polymerase, so its end goal would be use create viral DNA. The correct answer would be to prevent this viral DNA synthesis+
Gotta know that NRTIs are a mainstay of all HIV treatment. Then need to understand mech of action of NRTIs which are rev transcriptase inhibs. Therefore you cannot go from viral RNA to DNA via blockade of rev transcriptase
submitted by โgh889(154)
Referring to NRTIs and NNRTIs as mainstay of treatment
Mainstay: efavirenz (NNRTI), tenofovir (NRTI), and emtricitabine (NRTI)