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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 3/Question#29 (reveal difficulty score)
Drug X is given to a 25-year-old normal ...
Partial agonist at β-adrenergic receptors 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: pharm repeat

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submitted by tea-cats-biscuits(273)
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tParila itnagoss aehv weak gtnosai tiyvitca no etrhi won (thsu in siht eacs ti ascues HR ot crieaes,n di-nrcebareg ffee)tc btu ehwn na ulaatc itasngo si ntesrep (aak ehwn uoy ear einis,xgecr uoy rae ducroginp EN nda E ttah eavh flul tboagin-s cfestf,e) alaptri togsnia atulalyc vhae a idml oaanisngtt fteefc h(stu het tehar aetr c)rdseeas.e

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potentialdoctor1  Mihgt eb ntvlraee ot dad atth etreh rea owt tekrsaob-blce htta era ctlulaay tiprlaa antebsgoti-sa e(terx ireth oigknbcl ecfftes ued ot eelrss efceft hewn mcedapro thwi gdnoenuoes h)occaesmaitlne g&--;-t- Poldloni adn ooautclble +10
thelupuswolf  yeK to noet as mjdoao dais that a iptaalr agnsoti lwli otmecpe whti eht ulfl naigost in het prneeesc of the ufll ast,gino nvgpneiret eht ufll agnsoist' xmimmua efefct +

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submitted by madojo(212)
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A yke otyerrpp of liaatpr tgonasis si ahtt etyh dsylpia hbto agsiitonc nda cisnantaitgo ec.steff In eht secneerp fo a fllu naoigts , a plitara sgnoita lilw cat sa na staiotnnga, gemctonpi whti eht ullf iagonts ofr teh msea oprcteer and eerybht inrgecdu eth yitlabi of hte lulf intgaos to urcdope ist uxmmima eetcf.f E.x nMepihro lflu( nsatigo) vs ueinopenbrphr alr(iapt sginoat) ta ooipdi mu eoetrcspr 342 AF 19

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submitted by theunscrambler(4)
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Prlitaa o:singta ~tett0#nt11met0.0u5:2u2oFsrp02y:ce02y%%t8n4aie2frilpdt7hf%2-i-.eAr:nnm60-rpri7opo=a14.,x%8er%2_l8ptf3/f0%t9eecrerxmee0yio0eko62w-gc%m/okscark/st/0pr%700520%.

nI eht asec of eiserxce, ereth is drsciaeen tihytsamepc teon tsca( sa llfu t)soiag.n

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