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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#3 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Renal tubular acidosis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: renal

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submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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qrsRueei oiknwgn hwo to aelltcacu an nnoai apg - oklo it .pu In stih ecs,a it is a lraonm anion gap bceoimlat .socidasi oKwn eht umenisonmc LDEIMPUS adn R.ASADHS anlRe ubulraT sasoicdi si teh lony esarwn chcoie htat is na pmalexe of a roalmn onani eacolbtim s.siacodi

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mousie  nnioA G:pa aN - lC( + HOC)3 = orlanylm udnrao 1120- +5
seagull  ogdo to n.kwo I pkee goiklno pu het eirnu euasvl ubt lla ti dsia saw vri""s,ae hetn I hertw my cpoemrtu and leeldy doe"s atht yvar erhotM ****F.rse I od lfee tbrtee n.wo +80
_yeetmasterflex  dalg I t'awns hte noly noe ohw ogt vrey ipsdse fof ta teh nuire lesavu +4
fulminant_life  lUlyasu het fitrs ihgnt I olok ta is hheetrw or not teh -lC si gih.h rlGaenely if the Cl- is ghhi tsi gogni to eb a rmoaln pga +9
henoch schonlein  i knhti yteh egva uyo eth eiunr lasvue bc yuo nac talaecucl teh IREUN noani apg ichwh si aN( + K - l)C. nI sith ceas the rUeni noinA aGp is ovpstiie (5.) sroadB nad oBeynd temnnios hatt a iteispov GUA is deu ot neRla ruTblau iAdcssio pyeT 1 ia(ynlibti fo aalph eicareadtntl lcels to rceeest degnoyhr so)i.n tjsu eahornt paoracph ot awsenr itsh q +23
270onstep1  ytcalAlu edaaihrr is teh "D" ni Dn(S"soeH"ArASRa hwy I aws uckts ewenteb h'oCrns nad RT.)A eEdnd up ngigtte it htrig htwi ..ART +1
talha_s  oS teh onresa tsih si ton Chnsro' aisdsee si uayctlal awht BnB xelnsaip ni Rlane Trualbu ioscaisd d.eiov eitnAmy rhete is a lceoaMtib dAisoics ihwt itantc iedkyn ereiontsc fo +,H hte RANRIUY onnAi apg (-)+aNKlC si ATG.NEEVI shTi is ecaseub the cesexs 4NH htat si edeectsr into erinu si dnoicbem htiw C-.l eTerhf,oer ni 'nhrsCo aideess nad eyTp 2 Rlena uTbrlau soAc,isid hte yarunir nnoai agp is TGnI.E AVEIN ihts utosien,q eht rnrayiu aonni pag si SOPIIETV os hsti olwud be an lempxae fo pyeT 1 ART sceuabe het neikyd can otn eectxre . +IH ogt ti thgir by ne,achc niieedtfyl did ton naedrdntus ti ni hits mcuh dialte wneh I saw iwngnsaer it oll +11
ih8payingfordis  FA 2901 pg 850 - 851 +

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submitted by โˆ—medguru2295(64)
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uYo 'nddti lyelra edne ot ucetlaacl oAnni pg.a heT ibacrb saw XLCNLPOEAYTEI low. hatT si rnglyelae .RTA ,lnoiytddaAli hte lC wsa evyr hghi in eht isgtten of etrho lamrno eeryloltcste. nidtliylA.,ado it swa a s owl ntsoe oer(v 2 ske)ew ongkicnk uto ynma oerht cioeshc ,aeSylltaic( icctaL iisdocAs, ADK, nad Aooiclclh istKoo)disea.c

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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ieUrn oinna pga = iUern aN + K โˆ’ Cl

nI a teolcabmi iiascdso oihwttu a srume aionn :pga

A vtpsoeii einru ninao pga teuggsss a wol unryira +H4N .(eg. eanrl arlubut aosiis).dc

A tengivea iuern nonai pag gsestsgu a ghih nayruri HN4+ (ge.. )eiraadrh.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cocoxaurus(59)
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UBT hwy si eth suemr asiptosmu oal?rmn

I wsa aleb to ranrow ti nwod to AT,R eeabsuc enon of teh tohre nwrase hccsieo aemd hmuc nssee, utb the osmtpauis dha me dnoces igssuneg sy.emfl Can sneeomo enaxlip tath lab ?idgnnif aT!nksh

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subclaviansteele  My eakt is atht ehs tno ursep ioaidcct and teh K si at eth low ed.n +
nwinkelmann  ees teh tcnmmoe by dizbr@, iwhhc napeislx atth eth uneri inona gpa is oitntprma wc(ihh I okto ot enreitrpt sa eomr otipnmtar htan het uemrs +K ,vlele ,llo ceusaeb teh lmorna K ehtrw me fof .t)oo +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by zbird(2)
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hTis tentapi hsa salpeiTDty- I RAT chhwi is nixadlepe by Nolarm remSu inAon pga ()8 bioclMtea aossidic hwti erh pieitovs nuayirr noain ap.)5(g+

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krewfoo99  hyW lwuod the uerni isastmuoP be os hgih if it si eytp 1 ? udSnthlo it eb pety 2? +
drpatinoire  9ok9oefwr@ I knhit 'tis TAR2 ncioF(an mnsd,re)oy he si nliogs lal nskid fo a,N ,K Cl hwchi ldhuos eb rsredbeaob ni CTP. +1
misterdoctor69  tpniroar:@eiD it atcn' be R2AT bsuecae eht ruein onain pga U)(AG is poetisvi ,+() hcihw iepimls hatt eht aptntei is aunble to esctere H+ i(va 4,HN+ whhci spcleou /w -l)C. R2AT no eht othre ahdn sah a tavgneie )(- GAU eaebusc R2TA cefftas oynl eht rpaixoml lt'usbue aytilib to rroesbba toarbaebcni .i(e. +H treiescno aiv 4H+N in het adlits tvocoelndu uelbut is neaf)decuf.t +

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submitted by yobo13(5)
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nCa moseneo elnxiap hwy ti 'ntac be C'snroh isnec htta dulwo salo csuae a nno A?AGM

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drpatinoire  fI she sha Chron, ehs ahs ylaerad tols a olt of ,K OC3-,H tnhe the spnoetamroyc etsysm dnluwto' elt reh pkee isnlgo elloetcsyrte ni hre eunri. +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sherry(35)
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rirDaeha in RSSAHAD acn elad ot lcteimaob siisadoc as ew.ll On ndesco ouhtthg I eediddc ot etka rocnh sadesie ucz I udrgfei hte ilacnlci eurtcip is omre etirtientmtn tiwh uamsositp ueit.nssdrabc I ssueg I usjt ntervihok due ot het ckal fo threo acyphisl minbaorl.etsia

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daddyyikes  ohret hnat hte peaittn otn avgiehn yna xss fo rhos'cn i tdno ese any osnaer hyw tsi ton rh.'cons ew difefr c'ronsh nad rta yb eniur niaon .gap in hniccor riardohea it si evgeitna hiwle in tar ist e+v btu in qnutosei the nonai pag asw oamnrl +

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