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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-week-old newborn is brought to the ...
Organic acid metabolism disorder 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem artist90

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 +47  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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Uear leyCc sdrsoDrei t;&g lIseaotd eeserv oaminrmpyeameh t;&g( 000;1 ,e.i. on orhte veerse bcloeimta btranesuscdi

theinrinO lsemaratanybracs dieyeiccfn ;> ots(m monmoc eura eyclc s).id rticoo aaici/iaciaeumrdd, anmmyprhemaoei

irOacgn esmidiAca &t;g mHmmaeae,roinpy gpaan-ion aosci,sdi ktseios frmo( ycigoea)ymlph

ni-dmMheacui C-ylcaoA yadhreengeods cyecfeiidn ;tg& m,rnmmoeayiHaep itoehctoykp hpoiaygylemc nees( ni oxdaoβ-itni esrd,rdiso EECPXT hlpdnrrdotseyuyo)eaok

ivrLe oifnncdtsuy ;gt& mnmmapyareeio,H FTsL emssed p,u lrode .pt

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lsmarshall  ymSmura of mtaibeocl iesssu intgalre to yimmoaemnpaerh +9
seagull  mi' lignaen dtoraws nirnhietO assartbcamenlayr ncdifyc.eei +3
notadoctor  tNo erus yhw shti 'nist ioededsncr a dnmaorotiilch rdoedris ceisn teh seuis si thienrniO lyeabrsrmantcsaa edinycicfe in the iadomhirt?cno +2
charcot_bouchard  if it saw tlndroacmhoii sdreoird no oen duowl spaeec +3
wowo  giefur in OCT cfedyi,cien yteh mihtg vhae ot ietplycilx ntimoen the ricoto cuairdai DAN ytyalipcl resstepn i,leearr uaodrn 4s-h248r of feil atrfe ytv'hee fde ta( etasl rep B+)B saol rpe BB, inrpocpoi aemiadci and MM aidcamie aveh na tsneo of ksewe to mohtsn and aeld to dlbiu up of igaocnr sdica g;-&-t iiaademc in tdoiinad ot hmmayiaenpmeor tno( uesr wh,y tbu reelasv aa netre eth TCA yccel vai nippyrloo oCA t&g;-- olhnmymlealyt CoA &g;t-- cncliysu ACo, tub nwo hits si cefntdu d/t ynemze ii?eecdic..f.nse). onAyh,w cnrpiioop amdieaci dseebrdci on 102A9F ,58p tub 'ondtse list eapehiammomnyr +2
artist90  i nkhit it nocant be nertOhiin ernaaaacmrtsbyls ifdcinceye bc it is XR .iedssae tihs pt ahs a eyhhtla 2ry odl trbehro cihhw urles out dniXlk-e ivsceesre edaeiss rroctce em fi i m ornwg +7
artist90  ti si 010% piricoPon iiamdeca oUwdlr d:Qi- 0431. ti is an taxce ocyp tseunqoi fo r.wulod i ogt it nwogr bc i oorgtf eseth ear orginac sdc.ia tBu i am ltsli uofsnced on 2 hth 1-oswign oeds diiocsas sueca glmcepiaHoyy nda wo2 y.tKi-sseh is anmoAim tlaevdee in seeth tsp cb erau eyclc will eb ienf? +2
yb_26  1) aimeemyharompn is nees in all auer clcye disesrrdo tepxce sanaeigr n )deie2ifycc inrcgao cidsa rtclyeid nbiithi auer eclcy g&=;t pmeeamiymaonrh (mofr )UdroWl +2
yex  niogrcAcd to W,U teerh si ohenrat qtseonui # 341.1 ishT oen rrsfee ot ecltylimamhno maedicai AINRCO(G CEMDA.IIA) ACGELYMPIYHO lestrus omfr lovalre icesadren aeibotmlc erta gndieal ot dirceasne guseclo itoztluanii nad rcdiet itcxo -)( fo coliessnogengue by ciganor hTe eensprec of ychilaymopge leads to niecasrde efre tyatf adci tbmloisame htta rcpeodus T,SEEONK serintlug ni a urerfth nniao pga etm isi.cdoac nyalFli, ianocrg dsiac sola eycrtdil -)( eth uare ycel,c ineldga ot NEMYHM.EOIMPARA +19
ih8payingfordis  I ihntk erhet has bene some uociossnfn ubcasee FA oesd a roop ojb ggeiartntni ethse osccpnet ohregtet btu reeh rae moes cefsner:ere FA 9102 gp 8:5 irPpocoin iaeAmcid tish( is noe xplemea fo rnaigoc adci saebitlomm do)erdsri nI the myurmsa ugrief no Pg 74, kloo at hte rionept aeimtslomb lo(daetc mbotot g)hr.ti saBiylc,al you nca evah drdsrsioe ehrew oyu eahv PoiAp-noorCyl publdiu oelna OR lyAon-oiorCP dan AylhymaeloMtlonC- bp.ldiuu nA d eeths ginocra damcaeisi rae oaloutsam ivscesree ni trihe ceaihtneirn nttae,rsp wichh fti itwh het mset rw'ee genvi (ie XX nilivdidusa acn be c ne)defOftae ntghi atth WU etast hatt I od nto heva na iepoaltnaxn of:r hte bpidulu fo agrnico iacds hiibint eht auer ccyel neech het ecsreain ni oaimnam ynna(oe osnwk hwo hsti )hpnpsea? +
aaftabsethi1  naC mneesoo ltel me hwy not AESML ? +1
jaramaiha  fttbihaae@sa sucebae lla fo eth sgnlbiis ouwld shwo esmo mmysstpo if it rwee to eb a ncomlaritodhi .isdsaee hcWhi ihs ebohrtr is a,ltehhy dna steirs aws mf-tuellr but dedi eud ot enfuiipsced as.ceus +
utap2001  yhW sdaisoic ecuas coylpHaegimy adn sKeisot adn iroamm?apyhen nI sidcouscah(si lcaict oisista)d-&cg; tidcaien dybo ryegne cisirs ;t-g& .icn ocy,gyilsls tim-apl&ygH;eyocg rotpeni nw,kraebdo oenaHyrapmmi ;g&t- d.ce TCA c,lcye ssKiote +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by powerfulgarbage(17)
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tsuJ to dda ot wtha omes htseor aehv i,dsa shit si in tFsir idA as .wlle AF 2200 apge 8:5

rnOicag mdseiaaci tmos momconly pnterse in nyfcain wtih opro gindfe,e v,gitmoin hoyn,ioapt a ghhi innao apg toebmiacl sosdiaic, eeotam,yagplh dna

Teh gnriaoc aicd luoncucaamit odse 2 :ginsht

  1. grcnOai saicd iibihnt geieelososngunc, nildgae to fngtsai emoaclhygpyi which ehnt sausec coitai,oeskds gaucisn a hihg AG bateilocm osaiscid

  2. nciraOg ascdi thbiiin het reau yeccl, daligne to ahpmmoenriamye

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forkyeaa  tihs cinb hatofcrwl ohssw how eth esclyc rae eh.dinbiti hmgti eplh. /wp/gn/i:3f8Cpn.ttr..6/vaPioimtbnsFc2wc21r.M/leu/mhlh2ggeisci/w7/ +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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aCtn’ pleh uchm no eht etcax asnirngoe wh,y utb teehr aer a wfe rdWolU osutsinqe no hits erweh fi a aenoetn ahs mgcoaylhyie,p tkessoi and neiomyaerapm,mh a ongriac caid rrdsioed duhsol be ceeptssdu iro(ipnopc cdai or atlhonmiclmey .)dica eLss iupoisucss fo na ATR uasec myghepaociyl is tno acichsearttcri of hat.t

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sweetmed  mI asmsnigu cuabsee tttceule-aagylamNt si na ciearosllt vtaciatro of CSP I dneeed ni uear e.clyc nad NAG- si mdea of mtaeulagt and latcye cA.o So in rgnicoa iicdeaasm, lal the ecalyt CAo si gnbei sude to maek enoestk for geeyrn scein gcsugoienselnoe is dsemse u.p oS erUa ceylc dtesno kwor as wlel dna NH3 selamcuacut +4

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by passispass(1)
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yM neaigonrs on isht etqusoisn aws slrpmei - I thkni htye ndewta us to ickp na osmoataul eicrseves eidsaes sabed no tnterap of disk dfeatfce (hobt msfalee rea deafefct - atcn' be anygniht -n;eikd)lX yob saw thlhyea - lure tuo mnaiotdh.coilr ithW srte - relu uot auecsbe fo isrnaedec momnaai dan lianetifn na.trptnseeoi Only ginorca icda sobmialtme irserddo lfte

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by forkyeaa(1)
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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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inrOihten nabrtraaamessylc ei ost.encdMyfci cmonmo arue elccy soddr.rie eX-lk nid sevsicere (vs ohret euar celcy enmezy sfniceeedii,c cihwh era amlauoots ee).esrcvis

resInfrete iwht teh osdby’ tliyaib ot eetialinm minaoam.

nOeft ntdeiev in eht sitfr few ayds fo el,fi btu aym setnrep atrel. xsecEs aabmcolyr hpopsthae si rectdotneov ortoic dcai (ptra fo het rmnepiiiyd inshsstey aw.t)yaph

sF:ginidn Ied ncorricateso cida ni oobdl and un,rei  NDr,eceUeasdB yomsstmp fo yaoamp.ienhmrme bsiageNoml tlcoa maiane s(v irocto iuirca)ad.

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passispass  anC ti be na ink-eXld seidaes fi othb emealfs rae affdecte and ybo si t?on I nthki ulnyelki +

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