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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#21 (reveal difficulty score)
An otherwise healthy 45-year-old man comes to ...
Aphthous ulcers 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thisshouldbefree(51)
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I etg tsehe RYEV .eftno I esem ot teg mhet ynlo aetrf aengti ghsminoet htta acn gmaeda eth ocsmua ni my uhmto uhsc as hrda shpci iTosts,to( ervy agejgd yrev ipa.n) eeThs ear TON docl sesro SHV(). s ihT is lmyspi a soauphth elcur; eyht acn eb esrtss edincdu gt(dsyuin fro hrda .ts)te thye rea rvey nfaulip dna do c.urerco ehtre aer on osscieaatd sx ithw m.het

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j44n  y'heert lsoa eadcus by sr.sest I tog 3 ni ym omuht the ady terfa iotmrrePc leecnadc my tets rof the r3d t!eim +15
ih8payingfordis  nI aylman ,erstm sheet tngish era elldac arkcen I osal get ehtm on my etonug emtmisose - usepr nfpialu llicpesyea when ti amsek actncto ihwt tiayhgnn t.lsay sJ tu klie tdhe@rbf,hoisleeus st'i luulays rdpdceee yb muacos gadmae i(e gbinit ym ongteu atyileccandl ehilw g)iante +2
xmen  tste in 2 i avhe tehm won +1
drdoom  The plaglcyoiisoh rcrlloaoy fo lgchpaoyolics ”srsst“e is oilrctos dan tsi mayn nosscui rtisedrct,os(iooc et ec.rte)a oroitslC uesspsrspe eth rmonl“a” ubt eircgatyeelln ylctso oscsper of dremla nctaaenmnie nda grwhot (lbasa tmes lecl ido,iivns nsik + irdlepmea t,voeunrr cnidnigul ni eht .ums)oac So, ni het enesprce fo hhig ssrs,“t”e lomanr clmasuo nateinnmcea si cse.rcidifa sTih is ecuasbe soem tehro, erom nompatrti isatleixnte tetrha is hpiepangn ni the yo.db hTe usrtel is utfsf eilk uhsohtpa lc,seru ecnsi oruy byod si llyeailrt egtlcngnei oyru ocaum,s gnolalwi it ot nit“h t”uo ot everpesr egerny to rdsasde mose orthe maojr cismesty ueiss. +1
drdoom  rFom =rstrcco1tM5in1hpwhtseln.ctg4./rwm/:l5?i8ipv/Plie/sp//6acC.abncmw.os: hTe oogcutcdilrcio ctereorp GR)( is hgyihl sexdpeesr ni the aalbs elscl utb ti is bealry ebclaedett in eth toerh searyl of hte idpmieres ().22 eTh olnilziacaot fo het GR in lbaas oscnrte,yceo sa lwel sa the vnaegite festfec of icgcouotildrosc on aetntrycioke wghtro torfca dna ey-pIt IIa-Idn oaglnelc enge eienssopxr 3)226–( etggsus that ndueosengo ciortosl ni SC ssuppeessr otn ynlo ouwdn anehgil ubt asol mraoln kins ohrtgw adn ortevr.un +
drdoom  ^ twb, SC = sCiungh nmedyoSr eoho)r(tiysmcplris +
jbrito718  igrHnapea dwoul ocurc ni hte resooptri thopyr-a&r;gnxo- duaesc by axsokCie A NTO HSV +
meryen13  I veha moes ni my otmuh ...rn 2 kewes to my spe..t. etyh can eb food ro sstsre eniudcd dna ist mreo omoncm in mose sorngie rmoe nhat es.roht ni ddileM asEt dan siaA it eessm ot eb mmnoco. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstruggle(20)
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hyW si it outhphsa rcsuel if reeth era on GI opsts?mmy Why tnca’ it be rsephe z?soret

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colonelred_  I’ts usjt enakrc ,rseos ethy emoc dna o.g I thnik in heesrp het isvgmotaiignotsti llryea noly ppeashn hwen yuo rftis etg encetdi.f Aterf ahtt oyu sujt teg trurnceer lodc .essor +4
hyoid  psHere ozster is ont hte meas sa herspe liemspx .rusvi +31
bigjimbo  you louwd ees tmedraome rahs in zstoer +3
kateinwonderland  cf) tJsu in ceas oesmoen etndaw to nokw eht siaecvtua rsimonga fo hhatpous :ehlcTrus e iecpsre acesu fo rekcna resso mnrisea lca,uenr huhtgo rsceerresha cuestsp atht a intmiabcono of safrotc erotcsitnbu to oaetkubrs, enev in het asme r.pUnsn ikolee lcod oes,rs canerk sesro era not taiceasosd ithw srehep uirsv n.ifenoicts +9
charcot_bouchard  respHe eosrZt sntode cesau taistgoosgii.tnmvi eenpHrnagi anc useca liasruvce lisone ni ohumt utb spepnah to hdclnrie ni rmmsue essnoa by toener suriv +
drdeeznuts1  'mI gonwriend if tihs cdlou eb a mdil seca of hcetBe nrosymde iotthuw ilntaeg mvvoelntien +
sherry  It esur anc be ethBec ro hpmgPeuis fi eht q risepvdo us ithw remo oin.f rCkaen osser sutj moec nad go for serya ihwt culrena i.eamnchsm soAl hesepr sztero si esshglin yb VV,Z otn 1.HSV +2
avocadotoast  otsM ciuetrps no goolge owsh nirahpaneg bieng sertpne on eht hadr el/otra,phatat wlhei apsohuht rlcues rae myncoolm no the reowl .ipl I hknit shi cakl fo ignltea osiseln rea itpgoinn us wyaa mfro aeninh.agpr +
drdoom  oyAenn ilslt uscurio bauto hte pyhpahsot fo hthosapu lcrseu anc ehkcc uto teh rdtahe bavoe: semxc:s2n5t3ab9tenpr/6o//4.mhe8b#mewn4//4sam +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by madamestep(17)
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nnAoey sele gte ihts rgith eebsauc yteh get tehm so fneot romf ybsleotual lluncrootend esrsts?

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