I nhtik 'its obtau ganddi uro ooniipn nda mreo uoabt neesig tahw eth souatntii is secbaeu a tietpan eatdcctno oyu ni s.etsrisd The ohrtse aer atoub atncontgci angemaetmn ffo hya;ears htta dclou lsoa yddm"u eht "a,tresw I sI htsi tsionueq loas edgnsriads aryatnequr enpvriento?
I raeeg thwi cllj.r
mesa thgutoh scrpsoe tub hetn I aehndcg ti to rpsiicyahct onantsioctlu in roerd ot ifsrt ttnaed eth iptasten' ssitdres and yeantix nisce ti saw rnidgeihn her cedinosi nk.agim
Bsd eht oehlw lrodae oabtu hre msetnrtate adn ssnctfefieineev aws laminooylet nda llyihycpsa etahgsuxin erh.
ongiG aitrhgst to eth chari of hte iecsht citeommte twiuhot vgahin pksoen ot hte heotr hsacnyspii uolwd be aineproptipra bacuese it odwlu eb ujnimgp a bhucn fo estps ni ictmooucimnan tfrsi - klie lclrj is,da ouy antw to egt the ctupire fo awht's giogn no orfm eth heotr insaicsphy sitr.f eyabM eth ecolonicgyg igoootclns i'stn lytulaac sa oedopps to alaevpitli areusmse as teh nipttea revspeice hmi ot be dna nkhist esh' noidg tahw eht inttpea ns,twa etc. It cuodl just eb imiuinnmcomas,oct hwcih oyu ldcuo phel rcael pu ttwuohi tggntei tisech ildvvnoe ... ebrett to rtsta rh.tee
A,lso to add a iettll b:ti insnsteitr no a eetacrhalh amet era eth erac roanro.icotsd orF nya inveg bmrpoel a nattepi sah, eth itsiternn si lbiseopsner rfo maangngi lal the ednefirft ptescas of a tasptein etmr.natte nI hist saec, teh ierntn ash ot gamena het nngisdiste oinpinos fo rhe freidefnt elncgtoo.sygsi nI roteh tencsn,isa na tnnitsrie mya eavh ot gaamen eht inrgemstdeae ebewetn a runoegS sv. RI vs. cnO.
submitted by โtemmy(153)
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$279$49I raeeg tihw athw ash bene said btu soal onte ttah the natepti cllade rhe tnnertisi to phle reh dredssa hte ctiofnlc bneeewt eht otw isyinhpsac hiwch sah ngetto ehr irewodr. ahTt is her s.diree dnA rfmo wath i have aeethdr,g erewh obpl,ises teh anistpet essiwh uslhdo be em.t