Increased WBCs indicate genital infection/inflammation, which can lead to poor semen quality due to the production of excessive reactive oxygen species by leukocytes.
Absent fructose concentration is an indication of a congenital absence of vas deferens/seminal vesicles, while decreased fructose concentration may indicate an ejaculatory duct obstruction.
pH > 8.0 indicates inflammation of the prostate, seminal tract, epididymis, etc.; pH < 7.2 indicates seminal vesicle dysfunction or obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts.
So I oeokld ntoi isth uhfrtre oto beasecu I tyerpt hmcu wkon ghnntio buaot hte meka pu fo menes. orFm hte rershcae I fdno,u sa as sdaett bolwe yb yo, ctuseofr si het mtos oprttainm sntiucotnet fo nseme in erstm ro msepr uotfinnc. leoBw si roaftnioimn I fdnou to dssedra the tohre nsewra iscche.o
ncZi cdifyeeicn (in u,res)m per AF, sha eneb mitpalecid in aeelydd downu neghali, spepuersds yni,mmuit eaml gpoo,hnmiydsa arddsecee ludta aihr ayllxa,r(i cfi,ala c)i,pbu ,easysgidu mon,aais aidtirorcsatmme aeioptenhratc et(fdec ni nttinsiale iczn rs)btnooa,pi dan yma edrsspeiop to lchaciolo i.corshisr AF tdind' ypsefic het leevsl ni the seenm, tbu per eht wbeol ,arteicl salenim incz neonttc was fudno to veha rno cotrroalnie ot nsspeerme/m yi.lettcvatviel//ec I dto'n kown if 'rwee sopuepsd to nwko t,hta tbu own I ,od lol. //.w.w/tp5nld7bv.ihig3t/bunn5hps0oe.mmc7w3:.
As guhyorxnb mn,iodeent suinlleem is lyno tennioedm eonc ni AF as a tetremnat for ,tneia so I lkdeoo ntoi it ertruh.f eSlminue si a nenctto of eem,sn btu lelesv aryv so cumh hatt ti sveesr on oiorcgnpst lcalcni ecraevnel to rltnif,etiiy pre htsi r:ilceta u5hbg0.tentwp./h//sic.3wpnm22mio:wb1.v3/ldn.
oT lreu tou lla fo teh sarnesw eeusc(ba I dt'idn alyrle wnko thgnniay ouabt eth yilutqa fo ,)mense I ufnod itsh y"B asstsiittc-t, teerh wsa on niifngcsiat nefedeifcr ni eht eemns aN rncoentcinota namgo eht neifetdrf uspgor (7 sorgup oltat ebsda no sprem ,)octnu tnnigdicai eth citinfgnsaiin rloe fo aN in repms til.yi".omt seipnthuw/.:2bdn.1/1l7m/t2c/n5phgvw.iwmob..
naiyFl,l I t'don tknhi eht -lphaa5 teuesadcr ezmyne is ltyuacal ni nee,ms ubt I udloc eb wnogr. erEiht way, it d'tnwolu be omlnlraaby aleetdev or owl if eht sereosttotne lelsve rea mol.nar
crAdgnoic ot eht ,ELSUM sls'eiunem lyno seu is in liemesun ifsedul sa a amnrtteet orf a uugsnf laedcl lsMazaisae spp (Teain r)voeorcls.i
tsel divao long sixotelnaapn ahlsl ew .
p.t wtih .ytifientrli qckui etts ni wfe enscosd = smeen cotsurfe
catf : eamlsin leseicv mkase ero.usftc
btcrouonist fo lmaenis eclesvi ro gcoanetinl eacesnb = lwo tcosurfe ni esemn = oaclmebit enacibmla g;&t fefetieivcn gsosainrpteemse
I seorenad huorthg thsi one sncie I daelern htta islenam silsvcee yhealvi eus Srtiobol oDysehangrdee a(nd ioraevs &am;p leriv I velebie ,oot) iwchh esanm heyt blyorpba vhae a riapulrlycat imotrntap ende orf ec.osFutr So orblnaam trufosce in eemns is bpraybol otn a odog
..PS I rwndeo if hte senatnci ddi eht tsets-teat on tsih no...e s em(ede ot owrk lelw ofr de)ebstai
eacdrIesn BWsC nedticai ignltae a,caoofnmteilnfiniit/mn cihhw cna eadl to opro nmsee taiyluq due ot teh nocodutpri fo ecxsisvee caetirev exgnoy cieesps yb lkeeoyctsu.
tebAns sfoctuer nrcttocenioan si an nicoatniid of a incelotnga bcaseen fo vsa lnreeaem/fdenssi seice,lvs whlie ceeardsed soufertc ornctnaoentci aym edanciti an taolrauecjy ctud tuorb.snocit
pH gt;& .80 aiinstecd naiotnlmfiam fo eth oae,rptst sleinam rtt,ca i,esmyidipd e.t;c pH ;< 2.7 iciatedsn lseiman csievel tcysdnifnou or nisuorottbc of eht olarcutajye ducs.t
So I kelodo iton tshi erfrtuh too cbeesua I etyptr cmhu knwo gonhitn abotu eth mkea pu of enem.s From the rerasceh I o,fudn sa as tsdeta wlboe by ,yo csreoutf si eht somt toptinmar soticutnnte fo senme in tsrem ro smper unnc.tiof ewBlo is tiomfonnria I ufdon to sdsrdae het rhtoe nsrwae esicoh.c
cinZ eeciyfdcin n(i r)s,meu per ,FA ahs eebn dieptimalc ni yddeeal oundw ihn,aegl sduprepsse yitnuim,m eaml ipda,ohsynomg deecserda dtaul aihr a,raxlliy( ,ilcafa ubp),ic deiasgsyu, na,aosmi tmramaioedstirc ecpaeatrihont d(efcte in nisnailett incz osr),pnatobi and aym eperpossdi to lciolcaoh rcishoisr. FA 'tnddi cysfpei the elvesl in eht snee,m btu pre het lwobe lreaic,t mnsilea iznc ntconte wsa ounfd ot ahev onr ntreooicalr ot mr/enspseme /vceeyli/.lcvtttaei I 'dotn nkow fi ew'er seodppus to nkow ,htta tbu nwo I od, .lol w3.dvctshi//wmg5tbim.ohp5p7l../nn3wn0:u/be7.
As gxhuroybn ,noteedmin smneellui is noly enetiodnm neoc ni FA as a ttrtanmee for aei,nt os I odleok onti it htfe.urr Sumleein si a toncnet fo nsmee, tub evells rayv os umhc thta ti erssve no orctnoisgp icalnlc neeveclar to lintiiryf,te per tihs ecr:ltia wmhi2/dbp/5bcoh0/nun3tt...3iw.n2gv/1em:wspl.
oT eurl uot lla of hte easrwsn (ceasube I 'ntddi lrlyae nkow htnanigy utbao het iuqtyal of esn),me I dfuno tish "By c-isststa,itt htere asw no gsntiniifca fnefeicedr in eth mnese aN otcaennnroict omgan the etrnfiedf srugop 7( orpsug tatlo dbaes on msepr ,uno)ct dignicniat teh fgicnininasti oerl of Na ni prmes oimlt.".tiy
nF,ayill I to'nd hnkti the h-5paal suetadrce yzenme is ltcylaua ni emnse, utb I lcodu eb ngro.w etiErh a,wy it dwoultn' be yrlbmlaona tdeevlea or lwo if hte orseettstneo ellvse rae lom.rna
you lal are likongo way oot pdee iton .sthi
shTi saw a selipm atfc claler ensqit.ou hnWe yuo ees emnse + ytiieitfnlr ni a ueoniqst and fcestoru in hte wsaes;nr ist menes = fcuoster
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$279$49I tusj nekw htta pesrm eend tsurco,fe otn esur thwa sieesda socserp siht is oh.tugh eH saw ptyter aonlmr so 5a arsuaecedt tsdnoe' eprestn lkie .thta I nwst'a eusr if heert asw nya ddo esu fo het torhe snsra.we erhe si a .kinl lFee erfe ot .pxenad
Fuosrtce askem up 9%9 fo eth udgcirne ragsu tepnser in sm.een Tihs rasgu is ddouperc ni het mnaseil vlesis.ce niemihsiDd slelev fo ofesrtcu vahe neeb wsohn to leaplral onneadrg ciyiefencd adn the tesnsteotore .veell llnFogiwo teretntsoose pat,yhre eht ellev of esrcofut glahrAeh uic.nosset het uefcorst tets si ton ptra of a rnietuo esnme sisy,alna it si lsueuf ni casse fo emrpoozsaia esbcean( fo rpesm in es.)enm nI maoepozrias aodcsrney to eht bsaecne fo eevcslsi or fi hrete si na ntutboc,rios on coerufts is etnspre. In rtctsaiuel ,oeosiramzap rectuofs is eptnsr.e nheW aoieopzrsam dan lwo nseem ulvoem xessti, het stocruef tste uolshd aosl be onde, on a psltajceaetuo erinu pamlse ot echkc rfo grdtraeoer uoaatilncj.e shTi rocsuc hwen teh ajelueatc oseg onti the drdebla aditnse of uot eth .hueta rherT udeorrecp orf nieinrmgted het mtuano fo ercostfu in mnees svleonvi angeith msene ni a nsgrot adic in eht cesenper of .sncoreroil rFeoscut ivges a edr olcor Svlnfoi(eof trcenaio) and may eb reda in a topr.mteeoh hTe lnroma avgraee is 3g/mL51d er.stcouf