p.g 74 no FA ogt het odog ssiuva!l
II*OPC tnopesir rae nedede ot acot lviscees mrfo eth RER to olGi.g CO"P()IoIwT petss ofw;rdra OPo)enI(C stpe ceara
n sgeo ERR -> oigGl -> SrsoyessroeLm/ctoey eclsVsei >- msPlaa nareembm
dan I tothhug agler osssomyel ude to cakl of yezsemn ot gaddere
The esiz fo het ysmloseo si nto tfefaecd by hte cpenerse ro cnesbae of ,itnerpo btu its ntnioufc si domsicpoerm (.ge prnioet is ngtgtie sktuc in het )ERR
I pohe iths slhep ot mweehrov aws solt lkei
emuNll ttina:oum A animotut (a a)ecngh ni a geen tath seald to tsi tno beign beinarrcdst inot RAN /ondar rtealdsnta iont a cinltuafon ptirneo tpcourd. roF eex,mlpa a lnul mutiatno ni a nege ttha alusuyl decenos a cciipfes ynezme salde ot teh ipotcuonrd of a nlafnntnoicuo zeynme ro on enmezy at l.al
I thkin uyo dmae a y:otp OIPCI E(RR &t;-g ;)iGglsoic- IPCO ls(irtnao-gg &;-tg scigo-ilg adn igcolsig- ;g&-t )RE,R nrtcliah oiconedst(sy adn ioglgrnsta- g-t&; so)mslyeo
oS ym ouhtthg cseoprs asw fi herte si on COP sglnia hetn eitasdn of nogig ot lGgoi it dwolu eb estn arsaty tnio scpmyto,al iank ot hwo ni I-lcel Dx hte enyezms tge snet out fo the llce icens heert is no afirfgiknct ignals reeefroh(t I meupesrd elrga oyslsemo edu to tainge teh geedaatgrg te.n)orip rAe ew gniays hwioutt POC or rCtnhial that teh livcsee will sylpmi tsay upt ewhre ti i?s If I cna tge a eyplr beorfe my mxae (2 k)eesw atd'ht be hcum eiatdpparec
submitted by โsklawpirt(34)
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$279$49I nikht eth deai hree is plimys that neo olhusd iktnh atbuo wreeh sesvcile rea mciogn fomr no ehrti yaw to teh goigl xl.pocme
o"Tw spset wdarfro adn neo spet kabc". iaelypflcSc het itosuenq yam be refnrgeir to a arer acialiroacnf .rsredido an nsweersaas fo thta ieaesds is nto nasyseerc. taWh si neeascrsy si duanintsregnd eth giinor mrof hrewe ilscevse are takifrdce ot het gilGo appru.staa
OPCI rnipoet is endeed to otca sescvel form het ERR ot nsde ot g.oilg Th,us hiwt a antuomti in atht rte,npio teh pgecdaak eosnitpr hatt udlosh belb off nad be nset ot het l,ogig dntasie lccmateuau ni teh RER nda idalet ti. hsuT the srae.wn