Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues.
In my experience doing these questions, FA has NOT been very useful as a guide because FA has things like surrogate priority, but then NBME writes questions to teach a point.
I gte ttah hits easwrn eichco si eth mots ableicma
tBu lseonthy eth yaw yeth aksed hte isnetuqo it" is smto praaptprieo orf teh hyinaipcs to drsadse eht susei of a idfgene tueb in hhicw of het wnflooilg armensn"
My nogieasnr ws:a eb..eorw.efll hte ayimfl nac enve nbieg ot eargu htaw do do to'dn uyo vhae ot oerspop a lceadim ettaneetgnmeanma/tmr ?asegtyrt cwhih si hyw I etnw htwi oemmcnder" a"t.
dooG liteonxapan
athW a GEAABRG qnui.eots eH swa tangei stkfebraa 2 rosuh gao jtsu einf dna now we era supedops to heva eht ylfaim cmeo ot a neosnsucs about a iedfegn tbeu elki s'eh on hsi adteh be?d LISTBHLU
I nhitk the rsenaw swa sonecsnsu useebac teh rsgteu"raso" aka lifmay emmsreb htnaev itledberdea fI tshi asw rfeat ethri eitnbldrieoa nad they rigeda,es nthe ti seog seuops &-t;g talud dirhncle t-;&g prtsean t&g-; sslgibni ce.t ehT qesnuoit dsn'oet oeminnt any anditeresmsge, enceh heyt eden to dceied uimvyealuctl dan kema a sdicoi.en
thTa wsa utsj my atek no tish ts.neqiuo
hsiT is a tslbuihl cgArdconi to gtenryevih e'wev reev bnee uagtth hte dnosieci sgoe ot eht iwef fi hteser' no tudime.tonnaoc
i hkint eth inusqotse is iyrgnt ot whso the oniracepmt fo uniyt angmo lyamfi esebrmm newh rthee si a aepittn hwo is veldo yb both fiwe dna heT yutd of eth dctroo si to esnuer hte flmiay si euidnt in poprstu of teh ntpeita the and in scea htere is ltisl fncctiol ggirdnera ahwt to o,d you esu teh hhcirryea hewre weif oscme f.tisr i teg it saw a ubmd tub tihs aws my oclg
submitted by โsbryant6(205)
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$279$49ishT seniqout is dt-wo.ofl You tsmu nwok eth isogmenidkcia-n iahhcrrye dna also cdoirnse .moayount iknMga mnner"iscd"eomota fro rncitea rmttenatse is ,gnrow cueaebs ti ltivseoa oautnmoy nad dfnierom nc.tnsoe ihysicansP oudlsh ilpsmy ileapxn eth BARs' fo all ntteeartm nsitop,o dan wolla teh mliafy ot eddcie twha si bste dasbe on oidremfn nnotces and ehtr"i stpriepcnoe fo het NPTI'TASE e.sihws" If erthe is no cnedavda crd,ievtie then teh cisndoie osdulh be peedaalp ot a gsretorau Ptroyiri of oreausgtsr si at&ussd-el;-pgtuo etlret-i-sn;ncsahltiigg-.r;gp-s&d&bn ,sYe teh usepos duowl evha hgrieh irroip,yt but eht iymfla lduosh ta ltesa yrt to ecrah a sossencun isrtf foerbe apginealp to l"no"y hte e.wif fI a eusnsco,sn ncntao eb edam, neth the wief ouwdl hvea rtifs say in eth .nisdicoe erTfeeo,rh enungiarocg het iayfml ot eicded gcnirdcao ot teh shwesi fo het PTITNAE lduwo be a tetebr tsrfi tp,se secylialpe if eth iswseh fo eth iwef is rtyraocn ot ttah of het ep.tanit sAo,l ustj sa a eerglan r,leu I lyyacilpt ovida inkipcg sanrwe iontspo wtih esu"ts"blao husc sa erv,"en aywla,s ."ynlo heT ppsoure of a esgartrou is ot cat ni the setb seettnri fo the t.apitne