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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has hypertriglyceridemia ...
Aspirin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—lfsuarez(160)
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eWhn stpentia ear gevin icoiNnitc i)icNaca(idn ehty rea ldot ot cxepet cmonom esid ftscfee ot occru scuh sa mthrwa nda eesrnds. eOn nac daovi eseth esdi eftfsec yb niaktg isnapir

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mcl  To dpxane on thsi, hte /e/sirndfusrnatlhsmgweh is edu to leaeers of 2DPG dan E2GP cwihh is wyh gnakit an ADNSI lpsh.e +20
snripper  tonDse' ahnaeimtnepco nitsihib XCO ,21- to?o yWh tcn'a uoy use that ndatise of sii?napr sJtu dnn.regiwo +4
raspberryslushy  I dah isht asem noetuisq ot,o dan dha it orandwre wnod to hteso tow ccshio.e dEend up ongig airwsn/ip tbu it was rots of a ocin sts.o ltSil otn user why t'si tno mnptcienhe.aao +
eagleeeee  I think the aeosnr si ahtt paneoihmtcnae is dbethiiin rlrhaipyleep nad si ylnaim dsue to bihtiin CXO ni hte CNS +8
whatup  The rsotw dsie tffcee fo aicinN is itxoethaic.ytpo aenmoeActhnpi si lfyoamsu knnow rfo ihexyttapoic so ispiarn si a erbtte arnsew +4
doctordave  teioemAnhcpno is an tinryapietc nad enalgsci,a btu ti is not iaymofta,iramntnl os it udot'nlw eb euufls orf iaNicn icdedun fluh.ings (eSe cteykhs hmrpa fro SDIsNA) +3
meja2  nAihmeptnecoi ianlym sithnbii OC2-,X tshu wdoul aeld ot otniihiibn of uooncrtdip fo itL,nkreeueos dna rmoe nipngladrostas wlil be aemd orfm rancoiihdac acdi nyol ntggite up by C[-X 1O I rmeerebm isht yb giuns sit a,nem ihneotn-mpcwo-Ae orf C-OX2] +
fatboyslim  eybaM piasrin is hocsen erov pncehaioemnat ecseuba nsipira elesibrivrry insiihtb CXO +

COX-3, a splice variant of COX-1, has been suggested to be the site of action of paracetamol, but genomic and kinetic analysis indicates that this selective interaction is unlikely to be clinically relevant. There is considerable evidence that the analgesic effect of paracetamol is central and is due to activation of descending serotonergic pathways, but its primary site of action may still be inhibition of PG synthesis. The action of paracetamol at a molecular level is unclear but could be related to the production of reactive metabolites by the peroxidase function of COX-2, which could deplete glutathione, a cofactor of enzymes such as PGE synthase.

But mainly, Acetominophen is an antipyretic and analgesic, but it is not antiinflammatory, so it wouldn't be useful for Niacin induced flushing.

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submitted by kungfupanda(5)
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emtcinepAohan ctas by ngnbitihii eht 3C-XO ni teh SCN and eechn rdageisecn the oydb aetu,rretmep btu nto on eth laephpirre -XCO1 ;&apm .2 eehn,c Aipsirn si het tetrbe cicohe

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