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NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—imaginarybanana(30)
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td'no eb a icdk? ont lleayr eurs tawh rome ehtre si to it. The attpein stdeo'n aveh nya hrote fyamli so htsi manow suolhd eb cenisdeord iylmfa

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aesalmon  enQiossut liek hits luysaul ighne on snkgia if re'uyo noggi ot lflwoo eth seulr or tno huhotg, osibvlyou eht eno kgnisa ehr to lei adn yas esh swa rhe ssitre is ng,rwo tub het rccerto esanwr si ooiylsubv geiaknrb hte oechisp rtnee'sc yi"pl"oc - aymsbrpelu fi teh nciihpyas si dinsegn ehr to poicseh ehtn ythe odnt' orkw rtehe so yhw uoldw teh Dr. eb bale to tsuj etll rhe sit ?inef +6
hungrybox  Yeh,a I gto isth one rgnow hiwt teh maes clogi sa y,ou eoaanml.s +1
emmy2k21  I ignlnyeue itdrenterpe isht ousqient sa ohhtgu teh wot omnwe weer in a ltpisnaohire eesbuca of hte ueqost "ym secol enfir."d I iedufgr niciasnitfg eohsrt uowld be wlaedol to iivst .miylsp aH eessm ekli mI' the noly eno owh drae oto far ni bnewete teh l!eisn +9
dr_jan_itor  ye@22mkm1 I olas uhtghto teh tqeuso imepdil a elsbnai posihearintl dan hatt the inatpte saw raiafd ot erash htsi yth(e rewg up ta a tmie nwhe ti was avyelih .gtzadesi)imt oS i was nithni,gk of coruse you nad oryu lpicsa"e fe"idrn can tyas herottg.e I nwko shit si not tsuj a ehpas +10
et-tu-bromocriptine  Ahniyngt lrlpacyitaru owgrn wiht A o(D'tn .owrry lIl' call uoy htigr a.y..a")?w tI esmdee ikle hte mtos enolssiafrop tey eecnartidos wnasre .iechco rAe ew spdepuos ot ilymp tath h'etyre spanerrt sdaeb no sheot oouqntiat sramk rudaon s"olce ?"iefndr ceesauB soetiwher ti essem leik oot alucsa dan sels eosprfanlsoi tahn ,A losmat as if s'it abniergk cliyo.p +5
lilmonkey  I cna awesr thta I swa siht xtaec aems squntoei in LWRODU .ereobf heT nyol noersa I tog it rthig ihst miet. +1
docshrek  k@moyillen can yuo eealps eivg het DIQ rfo the oUlrdW isetn?quo +2
jakeperalta  nCa eosmeno apnlexi to em hwy giofwllon oitlpahs iolcyp si teh rgwno nsa?rwe m'I so l.tnsoAd aeityenssll ohw si hits tpnoio nay edfentifr from the aslt tpiono heerw he assk hre ot say sti her st?seri Boht go anaigst tilphsoa loy.icp lWduo algtyre epeapctira smeo gihitsn al.yl +
jakeperalta  naC eemnsoo nxaipel ot me why wgllofoin iotsplah ylpoic si teh orwgn nare?ws 'Im so to.sndlA nleetassyli ohw is ihts topnio any fieftendr rmof hte last pnotio hrewe he kssa reh ot yas tsi her ?issret Bhto go gatsnai sioahltp Woudl greatly rapecpitea mose nishgit .lyal i.tPs: rckust me as a mocanitr oirehpnlaist sa llew, utb it esd'ton alrce my t๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜“obdu +1
drschmoctor  atjprleeaak@ lowiglnFo teh altpsiho plcioy is ownrg baceuse ti ulowd be uerlc dan erysnlseciaun gridi ot ynde a dgiyn woman eth cftromo fo rhe solesct m.cnpnioao oAl,s It udlow be tpanoaerprpii ot ask hte Pt to .eil W 'sath hte ontpi of nmcgiobe a ortcdo if uoy heav ot olwlof esmo SB ptecroroa oypicl insdeta of lcinlag eth stohs dan iogdn gitrh by uyor ?staipten +1
peridot  aY nkadi dmbu ttha yauulls EMNB asuyull ltsel su ot nevre akreb the u,eslr yet rehe tsi' nldsduye o.k utB hree hte rsnoea orf hist ieecontpx is htta eiwhl olny al"miyf" is wleodl,a a laneibs tsainhoilrpe iflisquae the rf"e"ind as famliy t(yeh tujs eerw verne lloafyifci ncgdokawedel sa mdaafyimrerl/i ude ot satmig or ttsea a,lws wchih tcoiyes iszcorgeen dtayo si dmub dna ueod)dat.t I'ts a tduips calhnyieitct ttha hre ntafciising torhe 'tisn lealwod ot vtiis as a milfya ,ebmerm so iwelh we slyauul rneve watn ot aebrk ,lseru iths soinreca wfosoll hte p"s"irit fo hte eru.l usPl t'is a layler ermeext rienosca hwree eth owmna is giydn adn ustj nwtsa to pnsde her slta somnmet hitw rhe vloed eno dna it olduw eb oto urcel ot nyed onoeesm .ttha Teher is on eli levi,vodn chhwi anikd slavee epno eth enchac for eth stiniaout ot be aecrlde pu if eosrw seomc to orwt.s Tish si drffeient frmo E wcihh si a iahrttgs pu .ile peoH ahtt ehd.elp +1
kavarthapuanusha  llWe i am tiwgrni iths faetr gngttei the wrnsea rwnog nad eartf owkn hte thgri rnewas , i kdani htikn sti disfetjui. oCz eyht etnmnodie sti peish,co if ni osceihp nay autonm fo pnai mantioiecd si edlalwo , hent this also hdslou eb aellowd , lleaafrt mina ami si to fcotrmo hte ettnai!p If it wree yma eb ewshelree hnte fnogolwil psalitho oliycp yma be hrtgi , tub oescpih lasywa tisetnap ftmcroo rtifs so emksa sene!s sAlo sti hteer ni enbm 71 , os tnod oyrwr if ouy get it gonwr . +1

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submitted by โˆ—pg32(218)
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heT nlyo awy ot etg siht ntqsoiue ctrcero is to erbak teh luesr of eht ohescip entecr beceaus yuo smudsea three saw a oricmatn piaitonhsrle tweebne eht .nmoew Ctlod'nu be oerm radgaiwftrrho.ts

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NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

Is this how it works in real life? Am I ever going to need to need the TCA cycle after Step 1? Probs not.

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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sihT mero ro ssle irlsee no what yuo eednmreit the doitnfinie of f"y"lami ot be. Whteerh the pt dan ehr ifnder are ni a octniamr atshlniopeir or tno etyh balaguyr eryl on aceh roteh sa lyfmia semebrm olw.ud

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submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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lelW teyh rae not aleyllg a afymli yet (nad sye ti si ryev tpgtsunie and uinar)f dna hte tordoc rrirltaabyi gveorinrlu the ohepisc iclyfita uelrs roccagdni to /seihrh now judnmteg ndusdoe wgnro to em... I 'dton know... In saec hnnaytgi ehnpaps adn eth ytliicaf ndsfi uot tbuao ti,sh wulndo't the corts'od ass be on het trsif line no sautl?wsi oeDs B--D'tncekoDiA- urel salo yappl wereh ouy may atlniptyelo slahc tihw rlues dan lwsa sa ?well :(

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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Of lal eht tnshig they acn etts us on, eyhrte' tsegint uor nigkfcu ?Gr?daa

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peridot  ntoD' naem to be an eerag everba tub I uogthth it aws yrtpet colo to get ttedes no ruo !gyadra I hktin th'sat an itopmrtna htngi ot ikcp pu on. As rof ihtre snawer chcois,e mI' ont aalswy teh sbeggit fna of eosth senic I knhti erehts' roem hant neo hgtri wya ot od ts.m.hegi.on +4
yesa  yvtv@ze I rllaye odn't ihnkt heyt v'Ie oend my nnieltra eideincm ortnotai and epnts two kewes no sdoli con wrehe lal ym tpnteasi eewr rneit.aml tI 'ondtes taetrm fi eht panieorhlsit is nitmocra ro n,ot and het seaorn eht eridfn oldhsu tge to atsy thwi eth enptati ns'ti os the eifdnr cna be ddpaeut on the pnise'tta iarcdo/tncieno moer 'eiya--ltssi to rvdepoi ocrmtfo dan onhiconpmsapi ot eht atintep as hes scefa a acotsntn ilhplu lttabe tiwh hre isdsee.a ehT ulqaiyt fo het pstent'ai lefi is ncgotntine no cuhs /pnroeesrcsteieupxp fi esthe aer mntprioat to hr.e +1
sunnyside  .Yke.s.i tis' otrincsncdegi eairngd ihts frmo a iptealton utufer .geleocula bTelirre koej fi thtsa' hwat oyu ewer iogng fo.r Boooo +

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