issoQtneu eilk hsti aluulsy inehg on aikgsn fi eu'ryo ggion to floolw eht elsru ro otn guhhot, bsuoyliov het eno nkiasg ehr ot eli adn sya she aws reh sisret si ,nrwog tbu the ecrctor easrnw si ivolbosyu ngariekb eht shpeico n'teercs l"icy"op - aesyuplbmr fi eth siapyhnci si desnnig erh to iphseco etnh tehy odnt' rwok terhe so why duolw the .Dr eb bela ot jtus tlle erh sit nfe?i
a,hYe I got hsit neo rgwno thwi hte esam lgoic sa ouy,
I nnygiulee dentpiterer ihst tsouineq sa uthgoh het otw emonw weer ni a pinaetrosihl aueesbc fo eht eoustq ym" lceos erd".fin I igeufdr fcsnniaitgi trhseo wludo eb aolewld to vsiti mpsli.y aH seems ekli I'm eth noly oen hwo erad too afr in beneetw hte nse!li
m2@emy1k2 I sola tgthhou eht uoqste lmipdei a aisbnel ihratisleonp nda htat teh iateptn saw rfaida ot sareh ihst tyeh( regw up at a ietm wehn it swa ivyehla gtemai.tsz)id oS i was kit,hginn fo urceso uoy nad yuor eaplis"c rndf"ie nac ytas hr.eeotgt I ownk ihst si otn utjs a phsae
ngythinA apltiarculyr grwno wiht A 'otnD( .rowry 'Ill clal oyu itghr ayw.."a.?) tI smdeee ekli eht msot poasinserofl ety oenrtsecdia nsware Ar
e ew pdesospu to mlipy thta rh'yete aperrsnt ebads no eosth ottiaquon skmra unroad "loces if"e?dnr aseeBuc iwoehrets it msese leik oot aalusc and lses fsaesrpolnio ahtn A, atomsl as if sti' aignkbre ilc.yop
I acn waser atht I was sthi ceatx meas ostuienq ni DOULWR erobfe. The lnyo aesrno I tgo ti rhgti sthi eit.m
lo@nikemyl acn ouy pseeal vegi the IDQ rfo teh drolUW teiso?nuq
Can eeonosm xpenila to me why oownfglil ptlaosih icoylp is the ognrw wsen?ar mI' os nl.tsAod nlaisestyel who si tshi itoopn ayn enitfrfde omrf teh lsta potnoi herew eh sask hre to ays tsi reh t?esisr Bhot go satngia soithapl lcyoip. lWodu glteyar iptrapeeac smeo ihgitns layl.
anC ooenesm nxpaeli ot me wyh lglwoofin hitaplos ylcipo si the ngrwo snw?rea 'mI os nosltd.A aesietlnysl how si iths iptoon ayn difenrtfe omfr eht stla onpiot wreeh he assk her to yas tsi erh sertis? tBoh go gntisaa paotihsl pcol.iy Wduol teagrly eeiarapctp oesm ghiitns a.lly .P:sti rkcuts em as a cmotianr henialsotirp sa e,lwl ubt it so'tend aerlc ym ๐๐ญoutbd
ejalte@pakar ollwnFoig the alsptiho ioplyc is nworg uceaebs it dwoul eb eculr dna iruaycelnsnes iidrg to endy a yindg omanw eth fcotrmo of erh octslse .mainopnco ,Aslo It uwdlo be orpaiineaptrp ot ska het Pt ot iel. hWas
't eht ntiop fo neogbimc a troocd fi yuo vhea to lolofw smeo SB aecotorpr lipoyc tdnieas fo gcallni eht thsso and goind igtrh by uoyr t?antieps
aY nidka dmub ttha lsluuya EBNM uulsyal tesll su ot verne baekr eht ,urles yte ereh 'its eldsnduy ko. tuB rhee eth snorae rfo shit ncextieop si that iehwl lyon yflaim"" si e,llawdo a elbanis inlotresipha qusaeiifl eth ""einrfd as mfyila e(hty jtus ewre reevn iafflioylc ncdeaelowkgd sa mfleiamrryiad/ edu ot gsiamt or tstae wlas, wihch eoystic csegneozir ytoad si ubmd adn de.o)taudt t'Is a udpist ytniaethcilc atht her fiacsnginit ertho n'tsi wollade ot stvii sa a ymafli ,remmeb so ewlhi we aluysul vrene wtan ot ebrak ulrs,e ihts anoercsi wlolfos eth ri""itsp of the rl.ue sluP t'is a laylre eetmerx ocneaisr heewr eth oamnw is idnyg adn ujts anstw ot ndesp her aslt stomnme hwti hre devlo oen nad it ludow eb oto urcel to dyne mnesooe ehreT si on iel d,lniovve ihhcw idnka esealv epno het acehcn fro teh asotuiitn ot eb dealerc pu fi roesw oecsm to rs.wto iTsh is ieftnfrde from E ihhwc si a tgtharis up .ile oeHp htta p.dehle
lleW i ma ngiitrw tshi eftra ggetitn hte snawer gonrw nda tfear okwn teh ghtri nrewas , i ndaki nhtik ist .sifejudit oCz yhet inedmetno ist ehcoi,ps fi in hipsoce yna munota of naip actmiodnie si weoalld , hent shit alos ouldsh be wadolel , lrfateal mnia mia si to ocomftr eth atep!itn fI it rewe yam be wrheeesel nhte fwoglloni ohisaptl pyocli mya eb hirtg , but iesohpc wlsaya tiestnpa fotmcor itsrf os emask se!sen lAso
its eerht in nbme 71 , so dont yrorw if you tge it nwgro .
submitted by โimaginarybanana(30)
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$279$49dt'on be a c?ikd not llreay erus thaw meor three is to .ti hTe pttniae stedon' aveh yan etroh ifamly so isth anmow dlsuho be criesodend ylaifm