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NBME 21 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—imaginarybanana(30)
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t'ond eb a ?dikc ton lelray esru twah mreo rtehe is ot ti. The teaiptn snot'ed evha yna otehr myalif so isth omwan ulohds be oeinddecrs fmaily

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aesalmon  oniteusQs kile sith allusuy hneig no knsiag fi uo'yre nggio ot folowl eth rlsue or ont h,guoht lobuoviys teh one gianks ehr ot eli adn yas she aws ehr rtsesi is gwr,on but hte ecrrcto swraen is voiusobly egbnarki eth sheoipc tes'crne y"lopc"i - abyelrumsp fi het ciasynphi si sengdin ehr to pciohes enth htye tdo'n rowk ehrte os wyh dluow eht D.r be laeb ot stuj lelt ehr sit n?ief +6
hungrybox  eha,Y I tgo htsi neo orwgn hwit eht emas ioclg as u,yo l.aoanmes +1
emmy2k21  I eynunglei drpetteinre hsit etusnioq sa hugoht hte tow oemnw weer in a hespoilanitr abesecu fo eht estquo "my oclse frin.e"d I fdegiur itgicanfins erohts louwd eb awledlo ot stiiv .pmsiyl aH esesm kiel mI' hte oynl neo who rade oto raf ni eenwtbe eht l!nesi +9
dr_jan_itor  mk2y2@m1e I osal gtthhuo eth qestou ipeldim a inbseal tiohrleinspa nad that eth entiapt swa afdari to haers siht (tyhe rweg up at a tiem henw ti was ievlyha ttmigedaz.)is So i saw hii,ntnkg fo rsuoec uyo dan rouy ipescal" ednirf" anc ayst tet.rogeh I wkno ihts is ton utjs a spahe +10
et-tu-bromocriptine  nntAyghi rlaprltuicya nwgor htiw A 'D(otn oywr.r llI' lacl uyo hitrg .".?.aawy) It seedem ekli teh stom ifnporsoelas yte tnordeeiasc earwns ceohi.c reA we pdssepou ot lmpiy ttha tr'eyeh spraentr badse on etosh oanitotuq arsmk oaurnd "elsco ?"nderfi sBeucae heiwstero ti mssee ekil oot cualas nda essl aosplofesrni htan A, saltom as fi tis' naebgirk oyl.icp +5
lilmonkey  I nac saerw ttha I was sith ctaxe ames uqoesnit in RDOWUL oeferb. Teh olyn neraso I tog it rghit shti .imet +1
docshrek  lnly@omkie nca oyu laspee eivg eth QID for hte dWUolr ?qeuiotns +2
jakeperalta  nCa mseoneo lnpaiex ot me why fnolowlgi iothlasp yliocp is het rogwn snwra?e I'm os notAdl.s eslyaltnies woh is iths potion any eiftedfrn ofmr teh stal oitopn wrehe he ssak hre to ays tsi hre tsr?ies Bhot og ntigaas plohtasi p.icloy dolWu rgelayt eacpaprtie some sgitinh .ylla +
jakeperalta  aCn meoonse apenxli ot me ywh wognfloli apthosil cpyilo si hte gwron wa?nser Im' os oAdlnts. etalnysilse woh is siht optoin yan ffeeirdtn fomr eht tasl opinto rwehe he ssak hre to ysa sit rhe setr?si tBho og nagasti platiohs i.ylpoc dWlou talyreg ipteaercap seom gihinst lya.l :Psti. ukctrs em sa a irnoamtc asrltinipohe as well, tbu ti dstne'o rclae ym bu๐Ÿ˜“o๐Ÿ˜ญdt +1
drschmoctor  etkrjlepa@aa wgnlFooil eth laoihspt lcypoi si rngwo uaecbes it udowl be lreuc nad scneislynaeur giird ot eydn a ingdy amnow hte oromtcf of ehr ossclet nopacm.ino oA,ls tI uodlw be opranppiairte ot kas het tP ot W h'tas eth nitop fo ogincmbe a troocd if oyu ahve to flwolo eosm BS rceoopatr cypoli easdtni fo callngi eht othss dan ongid hgrit by uory ?eisatnpt +1
peridot  Ya adkni dbum ttah ulsulay MNEB yullsua lselt us ot veren rebka hte rsu,el eyt rhee 'tis nuddseyl .ko tBu rhee eht sroaen rfo tish poxictnee si htta ewhli ylno "ay"imlf is laew,old a elsnabi hreitaslpoin iiuflaesq teh r"fdin"e sa lifmya hye(t tsju rwee reevn lcifayfiol ndelkwdocega as a/lrdaifeimyrm ued ot gstami or setta a,swl hchiw cyiseot zenicgrseo dotya is dmbu adn dt).oeautd stI' a pstidu ccneiytlhiat htat rhe nisanticifg trohe nsi't wledalo ot itvsi as a lfyiam e,bmrme os wlehi we sylauul enrev antw to arkbe reuls, shti renocais ofowlls eht ii"ts"pr fo eth rue.l usPl t'is a rlyela merexet ascnrioe wereh hte oanwm si dying dan utjs stanw ot espnd her stla tosmnem iwht erh olvde noe adn it lwoud eb too cuelr ot dnye onesoem t.tha ehTer si on eli inldvo,ev hhciw dikan vaesel peno eth hcance fro eht nsttaiuoi to eb drlacee up if eswro seomc to w.sotr sihT is erntfefdi ofrm E hciwh is a arsttghi pu lie. peHo ttah ehpedl. +1
kavarthapuanusha  elWl i am trinwig htis etfra ngetitg het swrnea nogwr nda atfer owkn hte hgrit neswar , i nkiad hnkit its di.fijstue Coz tehy entmdione tis pohcei,s if ni csoehip ayn oamtun of npia dmtaconiie is owellad , enth siht soal luhdos be dalwoel , llraetfa nima mai is to mroftco the !iptetan If it reew amy be eeswrehel hten gnfwoilol optshila ilpyco may eb thigr , btu iphcsoe awlays ptitensa cofomrt rifts os smake !sense olsA sti heetr in bemn 71 , so otnd wyorr if yuo tge ti nowrg . +1

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submitted by โˆ—pg32(218)
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The nloy ayw ot tge tihs noeusitq cctrreo si ot kbera het ulsre of eht icoseph eercnt csebeau ouy esuasdm eethr asw a oitancmr psioaltnrieh ewtbnee het Coundtl' be ermo iwrfr.dhoatgtras

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NBME tends to focus on these rules for ethics questions: 1) ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2) NEVER ask the pt to lie 3) NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4) NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5) COMMUNICATE with other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Basically instead of referring the patient, you go to the resource yourself.

Is this how it works in real life? Am I ever going to need to need the TCA cycle after Step 1? Probs not.

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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Tihs more or essl eersli no tahw uoy nemteierd eth ienfoitnid of fimya""l ot eb. ehhWtre eht pt dna ehr eifdrn aer in a imacontr elhtrisoapni ro ont hyte rabygula eyrl on echa ohetr sa yfalmi mmresbe u.dowl

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—beetbox(6)
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Well heyt era otn llglaey a yamlfi yet a(nd yes ti si ervy uiptgntse and )narfiu dna the crotod aybailrrrti gerruilonv hte ocpeshi fltayici erlus crdogncai ot hire/hs wno nutejmgd eundods rwgno ot e..m. I d'nto In esac iynatgnh npapshe dan teh acyiiflt sidfn tuo btoua htis, ntou'lwd hte rtsc'doo ssa be on eth isrft neli on wu?tlassi sDeo DtiABecD-nk'-o- elru oasl lpapy rehew uoy aym ietltypoaln sachl ithw ueslr adn awsl as lwel? :(

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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fO lal eth ghnist hety can estt us ,no 'yterhe gtisten uor ucgfink ?dGa?ar

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peridot  t'nDo emna to eb na gerea aerbev btu I ogthhut it saw pretyt oocl ot etg stdeet on uro ydag!ra I hnikt hat'st an oirttnamp nghit ot kpci pu no. sA orf rihet rnewas oice,hsc 'Im not aaslyw eht ibsggte fna of hteso escin I hitkn sereht' emro tanh one higtr yaw ot od n..m.hgtesoi +4
yesa  vztvy@e I lealry od'nt thnki yhte .are Ie'v noed ym rlteanni ecidenim ioottrna nad tpnes otw eeswk no ldosi onc erhwe lal my tietnsap erew t.alinemr It esdno't amttre if het ilaeisrnthpo is riacmtno ro t,no dna het snorea eth irfden dlsouh egt to stay tiwh eth tatenpi 'snit os eth efrdni cna be tpudead no the ias'tnpte rnie/tcciandoo orme -'-taliyises ot vpierod foomrct dan sphicmoipanon to het aptenti as seh escaf a nntacsto pliuhl abeltt hitw reh saseid.e hTe yuaqitl of eht nas'tipet efli si ingotntcne on hcus eesr/pscpuoreexpnit if htees rae ntmoiaprt to e.rh +1
sunnyside t'si cindrgnstoeic airendg this morf a nplotteia uetruf glc.oelaeu eirlbTer eokj if ahs'tt awth uoy rewe igngo rf.o ooBoo +

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