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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Avascular necrosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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MIR is yihglh intsseiv,e eipcsifc, nda aectrauc ni teh ncteeoitd fo N.AV

weieT1h-tgd :saeigm AVN mots tfeno essrpten whti a nrisccte,ce nkir-ileg or llew deneidf adnb fo low sgnial nwthii hte roreipus ipotron of teh unahbrcdlso amforle ahde nebo w.aorrm hTsi bnda is uhtoght ot tnespreer hte cteearvi acitrfene enebewt teh onctreci dna rrvpieteaa ,zeons adn tayliclyp xnedtes to teh runcasdbolh pa.elt


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paloma(10)
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ocicndgAr ot W,U colohal asueb si a irsk rfoact for vcualrasa niecross. heT somt mmonoc etsi is teh meloarf head, chhwi esrntpse whit napi ttah si abdcteerxae yb ihwteg berangi huttwoi nlyrtaaomfmi ssnig on cpayhils .onxiatneima

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cbreland  liiSmra oguthht psorces revo ,ereh ti'dnd gte a hwoel lot orfm het MRI etroh tnha klac fo reyysmm,t tbu tp hiwt llohaco espbmrlo wsa hte yek orf me. uJst edylpa het sddo +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by tiredofstudying(71)
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AF 22:00 634

sseuaC of vlasrauca ircseo:ns STCSA Bnde im+ sEGc SoLoS lieocr+ieAtrhols+icCdt.losk lelc E daauiLsema+Ter+S s

hte“+ dn”sBe /a(ciemrsesopnscsdnioo vdéalEaiegC+g-se-L s) erhtPse saidsee i+Gtchric)a(eaiuohdp idselpip saee+dS altpica femroal sipeiphys

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drdoom  orf luedblet ts,ils eb uesr to oolwfl eht plsu nsig hwit a ceap!s :) +3

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submitted by almondbreeze(110)
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FA 9210 gp 545 on avrcslaua scsrnoie of :rbtnfo iIneocna of eonb nda a,rwrmo usuyall vyre .aniflup stMo oocnmm esti is lamrefo heda weedtas(rh zeno) (due to yificecsfinun of amlide ufercxcmil mlerafo .)yrrtea sCeasu cildune dooiisoseCttr,rc Alihoclsom, ickelS clle sied,sae raTm,au ESL, e"ht "edsnB icoeiso/(cranssnsomdpe sead,ie)s CEgLg-e-vla srePhte adsisee ah)i(,pitcoid Gceuhar asis,ede epSipdl tacpila ormlafe isys-hpepi CSATS eBnd LESG.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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A() sik R trsaofc rfo oeipenvdgl saarvulca rcsniseo den:clui

)1 mraTua = i rujIe,sn uchs as pih iotolidnsca ro ecufrrta, can mgaade bearny odolb ssslvee and reudce oodlb wflo ot be.nso

2) eStirdo use= Use fo ioesd-hhg ctitdscoiseo,rro scuh as sinoen,redp is a mnmoco sueac of alvarasuc isocers.n hTe osaern si nknuown, utb neo seshhyptio is thta csiodiettrrosco can csnieera iipld esllve ni oury ,olbdo dengucri lbodo oflw.

3) xEesicesv lcooahl esu = Cmsoninug lvaesre lchiacool rdsnik a ayd fro lvaesre seray laos cna uaesc tfaty odisetsp ot rmof in yrou odblo

)4 ihphatspeBsoon use = entgormL- sue fo dmcnioasiet to ercasein eonb itenysd ghmti itctnreoub to vogdielnpe eoseritososcn of eth wja. sihT erra optcocinlaim ahs ccdrureo ni mseo epeopl edttera whti hihg sdoes fo eseth dtamionices fro scen,acr cush sa ilmlupte mleymao dan aeasmtttic rseatb ce.cran

5) einratC laiedmc trneteastm = iaotRnaid hrpyaet for arcnec can wneeka beon. Orang ao,sanirpttnlant lypaseeicl ikndye ,stnanrtpal aosl is assiatdcoe whti carsulvaa

ceaBi)M (dl nosdiintoc csoaditsae hitw laacsuvra ssinoerc diln:euc

hcsiirtatD earGP'aneiubesaet sc yVi/sHIeAas ImDd cisSteSe spuul etoteyaSkulremic shs elcl aeanim

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by warbyparker1(3)
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I huotthg it was tcseip rrsaithti cb aipn iwht hiewgt aenbigr + ,rmi tub 2 hsnmot ihwt csepti itharrtsi omce ,on ti swa an eysa tuqnosei and I smsied ti.

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warbyparker1  otoluEvin etmi is yke +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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I htnik het lmlsa rakd aear no eht telf ehda of mrefu dna the ekndedra kcne ear eht casvlraau stes.i

kec:N aed:mtnstc15/

:adHe bsuoiov( nseoli no the TR f,meru ubt iliamrs recsdeit sienlo no teh eftl sa esen no eht retpcica N)BEM tu/rg/1c.lrts/e-s/t.u1u/ojpapncpap2ots/:o/we0nd50d1ha

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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mbaye oenmeso cna liaexnp why hsit si cralvaasu sensciro and otn s.spise tI ne'tdos tnnomie efver or csebaen fo fe.erv The IMR sha a lslam unaomt fo eotyspydnhi ubt ot tge vaarsclau sreiosnc msees ddo/

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someduck3  gP 554 fo ..FA snontemi that ahllocimos nca be a csuea fo laarvacus scnsr.eio +6
meningitis  I hktin hte slmal rdka eara on teh ftel haed of meruf dan eht aneerkdd nekc rea het vslacaaur s.itse mp.1tes/jtbt mce /s5//ei p5dmeaiH c::c9d5gcnoaaig:/ smc /k.pdN p/kht uviosob( eisonl on eht TR ,erumf tbu riisalm ectrieds nesoil on eht tfle sa seen no teh epatccri 1dss2sp/to.BNj/oc/ ln:./o 01huM/p)wE1 0end/ea5rtgtaupc-trpau/ +4
yotsubato  eH oultwnd be ilaynpg olfg if eh dah tcsiep aitsi.hrrt lAaauvsrc oiscrsen si a remo rnocihc ioonnitcd ttha ash a wsol .eotns +4

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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)1 cAaulvrsa nsoscrie ucsorc hnew odobl lwfo ot a neob si rnpdteeirut or ducrdee. uRdeedc oldob yplups nac be edcaus by:

2) ontiJ or nboe .taarmu An ynur,ji usch as a odedtialsc join,t mgthi adegam ybnrae ldobo evsss.el eracCn trtmasntee viivnonlg onaatdiri sloa anc awkene nbeo dna ahrm dolob evl.ssse

3) tyFat peitssod ni oobdl Teh atf (dpisil) acn kbcol lalms oolbd e,lsvses diecrngu hte oldob fwol atht dfese bns.eo

)4 nraCiet edsss.eai iMadcel cdnntoois,i ushc sa skclie llec aeimna adn eas'Gurhc s,siedea oasl can ceasu ddieiinhms dlboo fowl to

Fro ubato 25 nerptce of opelpe hitw ruasvlcaa e,nsrcois het escau fo npdrrteutie boldo owfl si ownu.nnk

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