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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Avascular necrosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by dr.xx(176)
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IMR si gylihh seine,isvt isfcce,pi adn rcuetcaa in hte coednttei fo ANV.

wegidTh1-et s:megia NAV omts otnfe etrpessn htwi a sct,increec -ikirngle ro ellw ienfedd abnd fo owl ligsan wtinih het upiseror oorintp fo teh doclrhnubas lmafreo haed eonb omr.rwa Thsi badn si tuhoght ot rtpereesn eht rcieeatv ftreianec ntebewe eth reconcti dna tavraperie enosz, nad llciyapty eesnxdt to het suochldrbna tl.pae


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paloma(10)
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nAcordcig ot ,UW lhoocla ebusa is a ksri cotfar rfo acvrsuala cssoein.r ehT smto oncmom tsie is het mofelar deh,a wichh ssneprte whti napi htat is aetceexbrda by tigweh breigan utotiwh ortamnalfiym gsnis on scipayhl im.nnoaeaxti

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cbreland  irailSm toghhtu ospresc vreo her,e 'ndtdi tge a welho tlo rfom hte MIR heort nhat klac of ,ermmstyy utb pt with ahocoll oepslbmr saw the yke rfo me. tsuJ ypdale eht dsod +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by tiredofstudying(71)
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FA :2200 364

Csseau fo cuvsaaalr ceiors:ns CATSS Bdne it +mso.+Soeo LrtsrckhicsEiiclolo +dGlASCe ellc SiuL+sTa+srdaE aeem

ht“+e Bsend” ssnip/omesncsadoco(eir sa agiLd+-veegE-lsé)C esertPh eiedsas ch)+icodret piaaihuG( sap+dpSedei seil capltai elfmrao iiesphpys

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drdoom  fro ledutlbe itlss, eb usre to flloow hte ulsp sgin iwth a apsc!e :) +3

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submitted by almondbreeze(110)
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FA 0291 pg 455 on uscaalvar enicosrs of cn entrfbIi:naoo of boen adn roa,wrm lylasuu yvre .ifnapul Mtso conomm site si foaemrl dhae tesrdahew( )zoen due( to cfiufsenciiyn of imelda efurccxlmi lfarmeo yte.ra)r sseuaC eiundlc eostocostCird,ir miAholslco, Sckeil ecll da,isees rm,uaaT E,LS th"e "Bndes pisomocsc/(erieasonnds ei)d,sesa LlegE--vCag rePshet esdsaei caiohidit,(p) herGcua sie,saed peilSpd alactip falrome ypsih-psei TCSAS Bden .ESGL

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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(A) skiR cfstrao ofr dpnvogeile rsavaluca serinosc nd:iucle

1) amarTu = jn,uisreI chus as hip losctnidoia ro fec,arrtu cna edmaga anyerb odobl esssvle adn edrecu dloob olfw to

2) rdSeoit =s eu Use of digehso-h iros,ttisedoorcc hcus as oir,npedsen si a onocmm asuec fo uasavlacr oicsnse.r eTh anesro is nknwu,on ubt eon yeshtpoihs si thta ooorcricseitsdt can inrcseae ipidl slevle in yruo lbdo,o icgeudrn blodo .owfl

)3 esEivexcs colhaol seu = soCugnnim rlaeesv laocclhio inskdr a ayd rfo erleavs arsye aslo anc aesuc afytt pssdtioe ot fmor in oruy bdolo svess.el

4) enshpooBapthis seu = nmegtro-L seu fo tioindecmsa to iecsaern boen eysnitd mitgh ttucrebino ot olnpveeidg senoisooctesr fo hte a.jw ishT aerr icopmatoilcn ash ducecror in mseo ppeelo tteader with gihh sseod of eseht mctnsoiedia rof rnecs,ca shcu as ilmplute mealymo dan scmettitaa baesrt .ercanc

)5 Catrein macedil anstertmte = Ritiaonad yhtreap ofr encrac anc akenwe bon.e anOrg inaatpoasn,lttrn esclaplyei ykndie ttpaasrnl,n olas si dasatsoiec iwht uvrsacaal

(Balc)deiM oionsicdnt ecaadosits hitw lrsavucaa csesinor ndice:lu

uDnerai'sasaetei recs hcaPbtiGt tiDcSAVsSiIdI/eHe msa eys lpuus Siktaslmesuyetreoch lcel einaam

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by warbyparker1(3)
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I hhtguto ti swa cspeit raisirhtt cb naip twhi tigwhe agrienb + ir,m btu 2 mntohs wtih sietpc riiahtrts cmeo no, ti wsa na asye iequnsot and I idsems .ti

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warbyparker1  ioEvutlon meit is kye +1

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submitted by meningitis(643)
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I tiknh teh lslma drka raae on teh fetl deah fo rufme nda teh eednkard cken rae teh asaurcvla essi.t

keNc: .h/s9t5/1cde/penpi1cm5/a.t/d/1cmbpkic/mgesot.iajt:ps5mtg

eaHd: v(ibouso linsoe on hte TR ruem,f tub lamisir dsceeitr seilno on the eltf sa esne no eht ciceptar M)EBN /.etphtjnapeals/g/c51ruo/0:trun1ao/s2cod1dtwp.s/p/-0u

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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eabym omoesen cna aenpxli hwy tihs is arlvcausa resscnio nda not ssi.pse tI tosdn'e eomtnin frvee ro eesabcn fo fvere. ehT RMI ahs a almsl nuoamt fo ynythepsiod but ot etg uarcvalas sirecosn emses do/d

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someduck3  gP 455 of F..A nmeistno tath laocmsilho acn eb a saeuc of alvrascua enir.ocss +6
meningitis  I hknti eht sllma rdak eraa no het elft hdea fo rmfeu dna eth ddankere nkec rae eth rcvasalau .estis sm1ite/h/a b k. d.5/csd5psa19mieg p/pd:o Hicajcpmeg5 :/m:/t/ Ne1tncktct e. vo(ibsou lnsieo on the TR ru,mef utb simlria irtcedse elnsio on the tefl as snee on the pcctirae uo/us:opr pw)/0B0lgh1tnjdu /rdap/. n/t1t/ -Mp/tea5o2cceNsE +4
yotsubato  eH ltwdonu be lypagni olgf fi he ahd tcepis rat.ihirst csuAaalvr snireocs is a erom chcrino ciotonind ttah ash a slow sen.ot +4

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1) saaAvrucl cisnsroe orcscu ehnw oldbo lwfo ot a beon is ttnerpruied ro duedRce lbdoo plpusy anc eb deusac b:y

2) oJint ro enbo mu.rtaa nA uyin,rj uhcs as a lietsoacdd ,ijnto gitmh daamge nrbeya ldobo ess.vesl Cencra rntemtatse iiglovvnn intdoraai lsao nca nweeak boen nda hmra dbolo

)3 yFtat eodtpiss in obdol ess.levs hTe tfa li(dips) nac lkbco lslma loobd vsl,ssee inruegcd the oblod olwf htta edsfe oenb.s

)4 iCrntea sa.eidses elMcaid s,tnonciiod hsuc as icksle cell aneiam adn rs'ahecuG ssaeie,d aslo anc aseuc mdinhisdei bodol lwof ot .beno

rFo uabot 25 ecptern fo eoeplp hiwt auravlsac eirossn,c het cusea fo etderuntpri lbdoo fwlo si nkno.wun

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