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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 1/Question#20 (reveal difficulty score)
A 49-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Avascular necrosis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by dr.xx(176)
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MIR is hhlygi niesse,vti pcsef,ici adn catcraeu ni het nedcitoet fo V.NA

egie-1dTwht ie:smga AVN stom tenfo rsspeetn htiw a cntcreec,si nklrieig- or ewll edfdeni bnda fo lwo ganils htiiwn eth eorupsri tpiorno of the rbscadouhnl olfrema hade enbo mw.rrao hisT anbd si hutgtoh ot sereerntp teh iareectv neafteirc neebtwe teh ctnceiro and iteavarrep n,zsoe and aylltpciy extedns ot eth labonhurdcs .lptea


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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by paloma(10)
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orndAcicg ot W,U lhlaooc auebs is a srik racfto rof aclsaavru ossi.recn The osmt nocmmo eits si eht fmreaol a,edh hwich eserstnp hwti anpi htta si xadbteraeec yb gwehti bnairge hotwitu oamnlmfriyta nisgs on hcilayps aenim.iatoxn

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cbreland  iSimarl otgthhu rpcssoe evro hee,r ntdi'd etg a owhle olt mofr het MRI rhtoe atnh kcal fo mresm,yty tbu pt tihw aoholcl bespolmr was eht eky ofr me. tJsu dapeyl the odsd +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by tiredofstudying(71)
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FA 0:022 364

seCuas of aarsaulcv re:oiscsn TSCSA dBne tr+hEtdcssooGo+Alioe rlCcc Seii.mS oiLk+ls clel dsem eLsEiaauaT++Sr

+teh“ sB”dne /p(oosinsrceamcsodesni degga)LEvl+i-ss C-éea hePetrs ssaiede cdi+ei(c)aaGrtphio uh edl+eseap sdSpii ilcpata aormelf iypiehpss

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drdoom  ofr etuedlbl si,tls eb esru to owlofl the slup isng ithw a cap!es :) +3

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submitted by almondbreeze(110)
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FA 1920 gp 545 no rsavaluca csronies of n atenrInco:fiob of enbo and ramrwo, uasllyu yevr funi.pla tMso moonmc siet si mfrolea deah (esdwherat )enoz d(ue to nfcyinuscefii fo mildae rxmcefciul rmelofa ra.te)ry ssCaue ilducne iortstdC,ooesric clohsloAim, Selick lcel ee,ssida aTrmu,a E,LS "het nedsB" /rdeiascossmoe(oinspcn ,desa)sei vL-gelC-gaE esrPeht sdeasie t(ciihid)pao, ahureGc ds,iease pldSiep pltacia elormfa -sphiieysp TASCS eBnd .ELGS

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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(A) s iRk fatscro for noigveepdl rscvauaal erisonsc nlei:dcu

)1 aaTumr = isuernIj, cuhs as pih diolcnsoait or u,recftar can dmgeaa rybnae ldoob lssvees nad rdcuee lbood lwfo ot boe.ns

2) doirSet es=u sUe of hhoised-g sorio,drtocsciet husc as e,peinrdosn is a cmoonm uscae of avslaaurc rsicseno. ehT nrseoa is nnonkuw, btu eno opyihsshte si htat scdtotioseoricr acn rcaeneis ldipi lvelse ni your bodol, guirencd doolb fow.l

)3 Esevceixs hlaoolc seu = iunnomgCs evlsrae ooiclaclh irnsdk a ady rfo rlesave reasy asol anc eausc tyaft edossipt ot fmro ni yuro lobod lsese.vs

4) taBooseispnphh sue = ent-Lgmro sue of scmoeitniad to saciener neob tdinesy gihtm tinoretucb to glodinvepe eostcoeorniss fo teh awj. isTh rare ianpcootilmc hsa derurcco ni oems pepeol ateetdr iwth hihg sedos of teesh tacmdoinies rof acnsre,c usch as upmlitel lyameom and tttscemaai srtaeb

5) itenCar iedalmc etarentstm = anRiaoitd hptraye rof cranec nca eknewa o.ebn grnOa ,snaltnipoartant esaeilpylc eydkni ta,pltrnsan slao si sdstocaiae tihw aaulravcs ncors.ise

ad()cieBlM cnsdiinoto citasasdoe hiwt calruvsaa rnesoics leu:dinc

teuirhiGsticaePnbar'atDsaecs e cedImDesa/e VAiSH yIstSis sulpu kaSemoitlrhst ceuyse ellc aaienm

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by warbyparker1(3)
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I uthhtog ti aws iptecs taitirshr bc apni twih ighewt inbrgea + mi,r tbu 2 motshn thiw tcspei attshrrii omce n,o ti asw na saey eqituons and I smiesd .ti

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warbyparker1  ilovtonuE tiem si yek +1

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submitted by meningitis(643)
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I thikn hte almsl dark eara no eth eflt daeh fo mruef and eht dreeankd kcne rae hte lcvaaarus

e:ckN 5ptp./t.cge//sse5msk./adb1npdm1mjmiehaicptict:1//g9/tc5o

eHad: i(vsouob inlsoe on teh RT r,eufm btu rimilsa sreetcdi sleion no eht tfle as nese on eth cipraetc N)BEM 1ph-pdru//e0tlj/g2uort0p1dp:/aocaen.os./5uswa/1n/ctst

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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ebyma moonsee anc plaxnie yhw siht si rclasuava ricosens nda ont .espsis tI 'etdnso tienmon rveef or sanebce of .eefrv eTh RIM sah a alslm utoamn of seyhtynoidp tbu ot gte aacrsulav rncisose messe /odd

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someduck3  Pg 554 of .F.A nimtones taht mihlcosalo can eb a easuc fo uavaalrsc ssrocie.n +6
meningitis  I nhtki het slmal akdr raea on the etfl adeh fo freum nad hte raenkdde cken rea eht vlaarausc s.eits betNkce :/da e cp/5tsck iem.9pgtc1 /tpg5ae/1c t./jm i:as/mi.m:dsHn/ o1ph5d si(bvuoo ileosn no het RT rumef, utb ialsrim steicerd isonle no het flte as eens no eht prcciate gB )e10Eouw1-st5t0cMe /ns/r 1/uc/dnr. o2tplot/Nsj:p./dau/hppaa +4
yotsubato  He odutwnl eb ylpagin flgo fi eh had ptsiec iht.trrsai curvsalAa csronies si a rome cnicorh tidoocinn tath ash a owls o.sten +4

 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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)1 lAasvaurc sonsrcie cscuor nweh boold wfol to a enob is inrpetedtru ro erc.deud edecduR lbdoo splpyu anc be ucedsa yb:

)2 itnoJ ro bone .atumra An y,injur cshu as a doitsealdc ojn,ti ghtim magade rbenya lodob e.sseslv nercaC aetmrettns lgnnovivi rodiaiatn osla anc aeknwe nboe and rmah doobl lsv.ssee

3) ttyaF stdioesp in odbol evs.ssel eTh aft s(p)iild anc klocb almsl olbdo eslves,s dcnierug eht odolb lfwo htta edsfe bso.en

4) nreatiC eds.sieas Mcledia siotcndoni, ushc as ekilsc clel iaamen nad resa'uchG ,dsseeia loas acn asuce denimdiish boodl ofwl to nbeo.

oFr uobat 25 pnretec fo oelpep tiwh aluasvcra ren,socis eht scuea fo rteepnrdtiu olodb lfwo si nkwounn.

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