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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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I gto tish noe avi rpescso fo leiiaot.innm Not resu how uyo era ppdssuoe ot brmmeeer lla htat

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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moFr c.HnKmeobu

  • Lumbra uelpsx
  • montiGreolafe reven -;&tg- letGain ahrbnc =t=g;& AANOATELRETL uecarsf fo oustmcr
  • nuloiligIain renev t-;&g- ternriAo crsaolt erven =;tg=& TEOARNIR cfasuer of ousrtcm
  • acalSr ulxpes
  • danludeP nrvee -&-g;t rPsrtoieo sorcalt ernev tg;=&= OTPESIRRO faruesc of trscuom
  • iosrtPoer uoanecust venre fo hte htghi -;&-gt eanilPer canebrsh g=t&;= ROIRIFEN ufcsear fo eht ucrtsmo


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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eTh Q is cgbdeinris het eotrgelmoniaf never, hhiwc usnr no teh xnaleret erscauf fo hte mtrcsieap dcor at hte iisapclufer uniaignl irng

Tsih Q is TNO eefgrinrr to ailngoiiliun enrev -- het iolgiinanliu revne seitx HUGHOTR het iipflaecusr auiiglnn nalca ewarehs tsih Q is ankgis atoub a rvnee that is XTLRNEEA to the uirsieapflc iagilunn l.cana

eSe ac/ui.meoatf.avgi/

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trump2020  hisT is cotrre.nic uYo hvae ti kcrdbsaw.a rwk/eni.wokrpsa:hitticidtapdieocgpeS//i_.m/r +4
medjay7  ctAullay I ihtkn leo@lh is .tghir s,tr iF ubecesa ashtt' the nlyo way tshi sitthy ogwindr qsonteui smkae n,esse cosedn zuc ti ysas ath"t iels on hte NAXRLETE "SECAUFR ahtt amnse doeutsi of eht eptcamisr d,roc dna hte leaitng cbhrna fo FG enrev llyctaua e:T ohdes tilaeng bchnra of eth negtoaoelrifm evrne estenr teh aguniiln lcnaa aiv eht edep innuglai gri.n (nvbb.7/wNn3/.tp0Kk3/oislh3/.h4Bw:.iogtmon/csw), nda thne esitx ot tnneviera hte enrriato adn sirepour aclsort nkis olas( the etcmaresr m.uecs)l +
medjay7  OTICR:ROCEN Niever,mdn ihrnvgetey I asdi si I taeh shti tuesnqio +3
chaosawaits  efAtr ianrdge all of ,hist I llist heva no aide htaw to evlieeb e.myonra I tllis eefl ekil the Q berssidec eth notalioc fo teh aiiunllgoiin rveen ihtw fernceere ot eth crmaisetp drco btu eth oongarmteelfi evren hwit frencreee to eht innaotsse. Peeals lpeh, yenan!o +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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,ytAlluca I erctocr y:esflm I dokoel eorcsl dna het tionGe lemofar sah na renatxel prtciSema ahcnrb dan a nngumlbioLaiu nhcbar. I ttohguh it swa eht maifoentGroel never ucebase het taiegln bhnrca ssaesp ogrtuhh eht pede uinglain ginr, eetnsr eht iganuinl al,cna gose ot aticpresm ocrd and ilupssep het arrcsemte dna crolsta

Hsree teh i:emga eg//.wdmsoi4g/eok8l/aa//ni2ro.4ipkeptpirwtcs/.uoyinGhamda:pmedi

tceCrro em if I ma gronw .leapes

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gh889  I itnhk eoruy' ght,ir 92A10F 444pp neve seatst ttah onesyrs ot the ctmruos si avi the miraeoGentfol nerve +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I eeievlb rhtye'e regrienrf to pomociessnr fo rnhebsac of het ulIinnaigloi eeNvr ybsi(opsl hte otnAerri Stolrac rsvNee.

orecuS: shrriserenrovriktieil/awwtn/.ag.:dsppcek_eit/n_oiA/to

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armymed88  giiluanIol vsecor ratp fo het leaidm ht,ihg esab of nespi nda orrnaite romtcsu r Pi sooert catsolr eensrv rea a chabnr of pneddula dan ceorv isad l aorarDea vesern recov eht modsur of het eipns hihwc rae osla omrf teh nddalpeu +1
meningitis  I tuohhtg ti aws eth iotaGmfelorne eervn usebaec the agitnel anbcrh supiplse het terasmrec adn rotscla knis, tub I leodko ti pu a:nd hTe ntleiga cahrbn ssaeps otghurh teh pde*e nalniugi rn*ig adn etsner the iaunilng ;aclan olas, ilainnlgIuoi swapr aonrdu eht siepmatrc rodc ustj klie het tueoqisn etms sa.ys +2
jean_young2019  heT" cutrseusrt hihwc psas thhgruo het alscan fidfer tneeebw mlaes dan es mfn:iale mas:le eht seiaprmtc c]6ro[d and sit nirsocgve + hte iolugnaiinil ren"ev. mofr kiiw nugnliI"a "aacl,n chiwh nmesa teh ugaioinililn erenv lsie on het neaxtrel efaursc of ptsarcmei r.odc nnanagii/n.tikIai/h:/tliprgwe/._opcwiudkleas The osnttnce of iemptcsra ordc esdcil,nu ev"ner to ceetrasrm aleint(g hnrbac of the enaolfgreoimt evre)n adn itesutcalr eenvsr htem(iycsapt vns).ree tI si rowht otning ahtt eth l-aniuinlgoii eenrv si ont cllauyat claetdo nideis eth mrctepias o,crd utb nrus along teh soeutid fo ,ti ni het glnuiina .ca"lan form kwii psmaretic c.rdo r.gthici_eiw/rk/wd.daopSiepkiat/m:soiterpn/c +1
kavarthapuanusha  lLo kdi lla fo eehst u,tb oyln itnhg i hghtuot aws tarcmipse codr niosotr easmn ossl fo sracrmtecie ferexl --t&g; neroamolfetgi &t;--g muo.crts dIk eth rets of the osiotnp llo +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I nikth tshi tuepirc eaxnpsil it ew:ll


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hello  giAddn ot .et.hi Ts.h Q is dsigberinc het OOREGENAFMLI rev,en wichh runs TRXELANE TO of mrtecpsia dcro ta het asipfulreci ingunlai hinsgiTr Q is OTN igrrenrfe to nlniiilouaig eev,nr chhwi xtesi ORHGHTU eth fisirapeluc gnlaiiun naalc +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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Teh ifonamrppmi l,supex aucilstetr yetrra, atrsciecemr rerty,a earrty of het tucusd f,nerdees ypcltahim sesvl,se ttcrueilas castehiympt ve,rnes nda dcutsu fendsere lla nru deep ot eht nrianlte ptemracsi The agnnioiililu renve unsr no eth scfrplaiuei ruesfac fo het etlxaern mscapreti acaiheTf s iungionliail eevnr si a ssrnoye nveer thta reninvaets eth ksni roev hte ingro ,ngerio hte leadmi catsep fo eth ,hihtg eht euprp atrp fo hte rmucsto adn eht epilen o.tor It is yalrmnol udonneerect rgdniu peno raierp fo lginuani i.renah

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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eTh eorth arwsen eiocshc:

omtor iantnironve to the saoosucbrlneuvb ecslum = euespal/rcumd acnbhr of teh ilrnaeep ,eervn cwhih is rnhbac fo eth pldnedua evnre

trmoo neinivraotn to het wroel ionotpr of eth ustcre miodasbni emcsul = oroh-acadtoamilbn nee,svr hchwi era aniosutnoticn of hte 7T1T1- ertloiacnts veresn

stensiona morf teh soaldr euacrfs of hte nipse = roalds renev of teh np,sie which is eht seedetp doisnivi fo het ddluanpe enver

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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ftare l-iabgrnotibh this oen orf a .t..i.b shit is teh hptoo atht tadnmerstsoe ti bste t(o e,m awy.)nya stum eb ongliiauniil .n



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drjo  iigIolninaul .n eviredd rfom L1 si tmolys nsyoers ipyspungl ksin fo prupe nda dmeial ohrot igth of snepi pa;&m prepu otmurcs ao( *ms)nel*ms supbi m;&ap baali mrajoa maste)f l(ie inmacapoesc tameprsci docr tgohuhr iusaflrecpi unliiagn g,inr gtare ipc fo thsi ^ tstkusnau@y +
ankigravity  Why si htsi nto ta teh .top. I'ts the sbte meagi by .far +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by kevin(52)
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Juts to iyaclfr lal the nmsc.otem

  • )B( cesutR retnninoaiv wuldo not eb as eped sa hte mesritpca crod nd/o(searabhootaiornlatmcclit resne)v

  • A)( ma;p& ()D rae othb pnaduedl ree,vn I ktihn 'its lraebesnao ot dceuxle btho sa an wnaesr ihoecc sa husc

  • C() rscePso fo innola.emiti reS,u ew cna kpiinct fi 'its egmoltfanoeri ro iiiauolilngn tub I hintk 'tahts lal wer'e gbein eettsd on reeh

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by amd(1)
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tI is the LAsNUINIgIuyLGIO tpso aimdgsnlie !lpp hs_/pnnumpsbei.iwawiottingytownrael:o._//aon/lgaaesihata

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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The nstoqeui tsteas geiocmnspsr a ernev no the naretlex fsuacer of tsipmcrea dfr meot.clnaoreoGi ernve is iihnwt amtcipres ,droc ton tnaxlere to ti. Hcene ti is aglnouiiinli eevnr ihhcw ulsepisp iraotnre farceus fo mrosI.tu fc sillt ni odu,tb nts’deo ertmat , bc gfnoateoremil n sloa spueslpi hte rntiroea er.aufsc iclhl ’ylal

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrizzle(0)
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sThi book rapcteh ibssdrece thsi sutff llew if oyu nac sccsea it htrghuo het rrai.ylb

gealoRin evNer slockB in nAeihtsesa adn nPia rThaype odnatiiarTl dna adotUlGsu-rdidneu suqnehiTce 770gp.

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by lisa(0)
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hTe onsituqe ksas atbuo a vrnee ahtt is no the TNLAEXER ruseacf of hte teapeircms cdro at het level of iairfsupcle grni, ttah is eth aiinlngiuiol vreen, aceeusb eht taliegn rnhabc fo teh eorfnmigaotel ernev geos

The rkitc is that the gamrenofietlo si oielpesbrns fo avrnvniiteg hte iaortner cufsare fo teh meocs,tru tbu teh agntlei cbnarh fo hte agiiunnl nerev tath sgeo xleatren is eslbieosnpr fo teh purreios inraoert curefas fo het cotursm

ereH yuo can ese ohbt nrsvee usdeoit adn iensid the crtpesima crod p2/l3re8758r-9/simd5n.m2e4d18-tg3-6cgr6d/nnd:ebjiee7a.crc11pe7spehs=arsh.as3e/?t-/aed-1pi0i0ao4hh7a5021d nda ehre oyu nac ese eth ovinnritea morf htbo rvense 7w/l/tidnemnuag1ldmpepj/1uoacatit2u/nloi:r-ezitassrcaftttootst0omfelc0ahrgmujpvr--pn./e/e-aomeec/a-lteve.

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kcyanide101  I tgo htis off n:lOioDnglLRiiua WUI envre is rjnueid dgrniu ainerh uesyrgr. iPna to eth abse of het esinp, erotnair mstruco adn rabOaaoltit bru aullysu rnjuyi irdugn lebradd ergyurs. ossL of icnoaitdd adn npai to laiedm tn oeiG lmoefra puelisps ilmirsa saaer as the loii un,ginlia oyu ssntidgiih ti fomr teh nilogniaiuli eu ot teh loss of hte tseccaimrre erfx.le +

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