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NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#11 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Sensation from the anterior surface of the scrotum 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: anatomy

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submitted by d_holles(218)
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I got thsi eno via spescor of tiaeiolinm.n Nto user owh uyo rae susoepdp ot mbrrmeee lal atht ist.h

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by socialismkills(9)
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ormF H.nmbKeuoc

  • mabruL xseulp
  • ooilfrmtGeane erenv ;-&g-t neatlGi harnbc &=;t=g REALLNAEATTO facresu of mutrsco
  • gunlaoiiIinl vneer ;g--t& irreontA tlcrsao vnree t&=;=g IREOTNAR searcuf fo rsmcout
  • arclaS uesxpl
  • dluPeadn veern -g;t&- oetrPsoir rtsolac eevnr t=;g=& EOITOPRSR csureaf fo outsrmc
  • itersorPo ceusoutan reevn of eht ghtih &g-t-; enaerPli serhncab ;t=g=& FNIRORIE rfacsue of eth tromscu


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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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ehT Q is einrsbigdc het lfteoamoiegnr rneev, hichw srun no the eexarnlt ecrafsu of hte rimteapsc rcod at the iiuaesfrpcl lnianiug ginr

hisT Q is NOT gerfrienr ot illinniagoiu neevr -- the liioagnunlii enrev eisxt HGTORUH het ifreiplcsua innagliu cnaal werhsae tish Q is ikgnsa butoa a vneer ahtt si RTENXAEL to teh flsripceaiu innuglia .acanl

eSe ncwaireghacnrkwgmto.cetnp/ia/n.cafgad/tj:./t.iedeowps/lupesvfii

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trump2020  hsiT is nrccot.eir ouY ehav it bcasdwk.ra sripenptpakS.ore//wiod.ct/eim_wc/rhdii:kgtia +4
medjay7  lalAytuc I ntihk @ohell si grhi.t ir tsF, beseuca tstah' hte ylon yaw hist sthiyt rngdoiw iseonutq smake en,sse csdnoe czu it yass h"tat leis on the NLXREAET RFCAESU" taht eamsn usdtoie of eth mctaipers do,cr nad eht ltegina brnhac of GF reevn caatulyl esde:o hT alinget bracnh of eht ontfieloreagm nerev eerstn het agnliinu acnla iav eht pede ignnliau .ngir (,) adn tneh etixs to aeievtrnn teh irnoreat and urioeprs rsloact snki ol(as the mrrecstae )u.msecl +
medjay7  RC:IEONORTC ireemv,dNn eynrhvietg I asdi is won.rg I etah stih uisntqeo +3
chaosawaits  Aretf girdaen lla of st,ih I tilsl avhe on ieda wath ot blievee ynmraeo. I sllit eefl eilk eth Q ssdbeeirc eth aoniclto of eth ulinnolgaiii enerv hitw ecreerenf ot teh cpiaesrtm crod but teh aoeoglnimefrt nevre thiw erreefcne to het o.nasnsiet Peeasl he,pl eon!ayn +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by meningitis(643)
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Au,yltacl I etccror selyf:m I oloedk lceros nda the ntioeG loeamrf has na reaxnlet mSicratep ncahrb adn a inaLlubigunom .ncrabh I tgtouhh it swa eht efinmGtolareo veren uesebca the agnilte rcnabh spssae routhgh eth eedp gniuinal nirg, nsrtee eht gnnulaii aan,lc sgeo to piaresmtc ocdr adn uelipsps teh rmcetesar dan crlosat .sikn

eHesr the m:aeig p/u/4id.aeiiGdsgm/o:ooapgelcy/emin2erp/r.dwtiwihka.m8ap/ksot/n4

oCecrtr me if I ma wngor s.elepa

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gh889  I kinth 'uroey rgi,ht 1F29A0 p44p4 vene ttases atth erynsso ot eht ucosmtr is vai eth lofamrtnoeeGi vrene +5

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submitted by mattnatomy(46)
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I elivbee yheetr' erferginr to ismrnpcsooe fo cbsenahr fo teh Ilnuiglinoai vNree pissbl(oy het rAtnoire tcSaorl eeNvsr.

Sce:ruo .rne/_iestr/nlvcios.dipoi/traghepkrewwotkiAta:s_ren/i

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armymed88  alIogiinlu evocrs rtap of the mldaie hi,thg aebs fo iesnp dna nrreotia orctmus rP eoo isrt acrtlso vreens rea a hrcabn of pldnudea nda rvcoe asdi raroaDl e a nresev voecr het udomrs fo eth piens cihwh are loas rmof teh dplnduea +1
meningitis  I thhogtu ti wsa hte ieGaoflromten nrvee abeescu teh lintega harnbc usspepil the rremsceta nad octsarl nki,s but I odlkeo it up da:n eTh gainlet arcbnh passes gthruho the pee*d nuignial i*grn adn sretne het giilnnua ;naacl a,sol iinolagunliI wsrpa oranud eht stcrmpiae cdro jsut elki eht enstiouq etms .syas +2
jean_young2019  hTe" ssrttrcueu ihwhc apss hhougrt eth csaaln rdffie bteewne esalm adn e:sf alinme lems:a the ceartipsm 6[droc] adn sti nivecosgr + het ailinilonugi" mrof iwki l"ugniIan cna",al hwchi means the ognlniiuliia vnere seil on het etxleanr efraucs of retacmspi crd.o .l:enki/i/r/nui./aw_gieopcsgnkitpdhiatlIawane Th ctonetsn fo icmrapste orcd uecs,lnid ernv"e ot mtcraesre eg(itanl hcanbr fo eth tloeairegfomn eevr)n nad liuactsret nvrsee staeht(ipmyc )n.sreev It is htwor gotnin atth hte nolii-aglniui reven is not tylacaul tecodal ieinsd the cemratpis ,cdro tub rusn nogla the ouidets of ti, in the ulgiainn" morf kiwi epmticars .codr ipSrd_rtido/.aiki/rite/maonpescwgwi.k:ptec/h +1
kavarthapuanusha  Lol dki lla of heest bu,t yoln tnhgi i hotthgu was cmpeartis drco rootisn neams lsso fo emrcrsitcea elxerf -t;g-& fnrleogieatom -tg&;- sumtr.oc kdI eht erst fo het iotnops oll +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by saifshaikh(13)
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I htink this piucret aneipxsl ti lwel:


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hello  inAddg ot .t.. iTeshh Q is cgibedrins teh OOFEERLGNAMI r,enve wichh rnus TLRAEXNE TO fo mitpacesr crod at eht acuripfesli aingnliu sTniihgr Q is TNO rnregeirf to iiniinaloulg nreve, whhci xtsie RGTOHHU hte sfcplieurai uaginnil aclan +1

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submitted by diabetes(31)
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ehT omrfpminpia ,uxlsep rttusaclie er,yrta rriecmesact rratey, rytrea of teh cstduu snrf,eede hapyclmti ,svslese taticrelsu matycptshei e,rsnve dna ctsudu nrfseeed lal unr dpee ot eth netlnair pisartcme hTe linnaiilougi rvene snru no the esruplcifia scfeuar of the nlretexa ictreamps f iTsaecah ulonagniiiil ervne is a rsynsoe vneer thta rasnntivee het kisn vreo het inrog gori,en the ldiema cstaep fo eth ig,hth teh pprue ptar of teh scuomrt dan eth iepeln too.r tI si olaynlmr oednctrueen igdnur oenp aieprr of iunainlg rahien.

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by rainlad(33)
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hTe teroh ewasrn oceich:s

motor vriteonanin ot het nubseoscruaolbv melcus = ealecupmsur/d cbarhn of het laeiprne vnree, whcih si chbrna of eth naddulep verne

tmroo vrinentaino ot teh rewol pintroo fo the ucstre amsibdoni uemlcs = mla-honidcroaoabt rs,neve chwih ear snnioaoitunct fo eth TT71-1 tltiercosna vseren

nensaoits ormf eht dorasl cfaersu of eth nepsi = sraldo rvnee fo the esp,ni ihcwh is eth etedesp iivsonid fo hte eadlupdn renve

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by skuutnasty(8)
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tafer iinrhtl-gbboa hits one orf a ..bti.. htsi is eht potho ttha doetaesmtnrs ti bset t(o ,em an.awyy) tusm eb ligiluaiionn .n



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drjo  olnailuigIin n. dvidere fomr 1L is sytlom osrseny plispnguy i kns fo peupr nad eldmai o rgthhoit of sienp ;apm& puerp sumotrc n* osl)ema(ms* ibusp &ma;p aibal jmaaro lms)tif(aee ecamsioapcn smercitpa crod uhthorg risfpeaicul niagluin ,igrn tearg ipc fo htsi ^ atsstnukuy@ +
ankigravity  Wyh si ihts not at hte .pt.o 'tIs teh ebst egami yb ar.f +

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submitted by kevin(52)
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utJs ot frlyaic lal het nm.cesmto

  • )(B csueRt nnitaoienrv ulwod ont be sa deep sa the pacmretsi codr eolttibclmnoac(aodsrtah/rinao )srvene

  • A)( ↦ ()D ear htob dldenpua vee,rn I hintk ist' resbloaean to xceeudl bhot as an ransew occieh sa chus

  • )(C rcPsseo fo ioainn.telim uSer, we nac kcinpti fi is't noeafmtolrieg ro igiauinonill but I inhtk sth'at all ew'er igben dteets no eerh

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submitted by amd(1)
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tI is the uOGNsUgLLyIIIINA psto inmeilasgd !ppl nn/t.ha/tegaasialnbsm_oiyosawhtoeeiiigwaa.nuw_tr/p:/lopn

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submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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Teh ouqisetn sttesa rscsmginope a enevr on eth tlenrxea rsaucfe fo mtecsipar mleecdfrtioGano.or evrne si nhtiwi imstparce orc,d nto rtanelxe ot ti. ceHen ti si aigiuoiinnll rveen iwhhc pilpusse rateirno fcersau of suf Imtorc. lsilt ni boutd, dnet’so amettr , bc faimotreoegnl n sloa spleuisp eth rotinrea a.rcfesu hclil ylla’

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submitted by mrizzle(0)
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Thsi ookb acetprh dcbsresei hist ftsuf ellw fi yuo nac ssacec ti hhugort eht iry.ablr

anoRegli vreNe ksBolc ni eAistasehn adn Pian hypareT itdaoTrailn nad iUusrdel-dnGodtua cqniuseTeh p.0g77

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submitted by lisa(0)
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ehT qtenouis kssa uabot a neevr tath is on hte XELRNETA fcuaesr of eth psrmcatiee dcor ta het velel of psuialcifre rn,ig atth is teh oilnilingiua enerv, beauecs teh ienaltg chrabn fo the ontairgmoeefl enrve egso dinise.

eTh rcikt is taht eth eeonliaofgmtr si issebrlpneo of irtvinnvaeg the artnoier ufearsc of the c,souetrm utb het egntlia narbhc of the iinaguln veern that gsoe elraetnx is isbeosprlne fo teh irorepus oerrtnia facsrue fo eth cmrusot

erHe ouy anc see obht senerv sietudo nad isdnei hte sterpmaci crod 8/pssi60n2ee=.had3basja-7rcte-mit9ie4r/7/-1npg0-ah41l8edda383o7edig115-spse/re5r:7/1rmc22p6a0hcd.dhen?.5 and eehr yuo nca ese the ennoartivi mofr boht nsvere lvgtaatmop-r/crmtee:0anp1dnocme0/ei7at.voeegt2-j-l/-te1aoniuzusmssteclwpti.fouern/fih/amt/-carloaluj/tedp

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kcyanide101  I ogt hsti fof :agniuiDUnI LOWlilRo eernv si nidreju nuigdr rinhae g.eurrys iPan ot eht easb of eth ip,sen roearnti rosmuct dna ot abtOairablru auuylsl iyrjnu nriugd ebalrdd uryesr.g ossL fo noiidcdat nad pain ot mlaied h.ithg niGoe t lrmfoea iluppsse mairlis aeras sa het iloi iiln,gaun ouy isihdstgni ti morf het lngiiniuilao ue to hte sslo of eht risaecermct rlefe.x +

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