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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 2/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A previously healthy 7-year-old girl is ...
Serum potassium concentration 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by kobeandming23(8)
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KDA ias(ci)osd t;&g Paomtssui ishstf uto of eth clel gt;& rhypakimekae

FA 2,109 pg 587

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mumenrider4ever  eWhli oyu lwli evah a ghhi urmes ups,tmiaos uyro ttloa boyd mupitssao lwil eb olw due ot ryev lwo ruicalraelnlt osispaumt w(hich is wrehe het omtriayj fo hte dobsy' upiotmssa is u.lusl)ya Tihs si hwy uoy vgie iouaspstm ot tptnisae hitw DKA +1
passplease  Why od uoy tno tge na edrsainec aoaebinrcbt ?iecrnttonaonc +
briangibbs3  ircaBb scat as a uerfbf and bsndi pu cexess +H in DAK +
jurrutia  nI hreot dwo,rs KDA a si a sceua fo btmcloiea sai.osdci akmlrHla of MA si wlo abcbi.r +1
skonys  osAl IluNsNI shifst K+ NIto .elcls insuIln is sude as a tetmetran rfo aerkylih.apme ishT seprno hsa DKA usth wol ulsnIni os sesh edpetcxe ot evah ymharkpeeali easbeuc iunlsni tsin' igintsh +K nito .cells eTshre osal teh KDA ssiacido +

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submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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DAK si a steat of adecdeers iu;snnli iscne ew nowk thta suninil escuas a tsihf fo +K iton hte slelc owl veesll fo lnsunii lwil tepernv hsit nda urlest ni eeil hypmI.karna a,ddontii eud to hiygpcrlemyea dan hihg CEF simtlaoylo weatr wlil shift tou of teh ecsll oitn het CEF nad +K thsisf out hiwt eht weart iwchh lwli rehtfu cairense eht pielkrmayhae

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dentist  I kwno snIilun scaue hifts +K toni lcels edu ot nlsgoic fo ve-sPTstAenii K snhnlace lgboc(ikn K omrf eigv?an)l seDo it aecnrise K ni het cesll yb aorhetn nchia?mems +
makinallkindzofgainz  tt@sndie - niuIsnl mieatsstlu het +TK-P-Aaes+Na mu,pp thsi devrsi +K tnoi eht clle ureoc(S: obss)Am +
castlblack  ernAoth asmnhmeci = ocsasidi sueasc lhimakyrpeae eud to +HK/+ eistnatoprr. +H is hhgi in lbodo so sitfsh ntio sclel iav htis ptret,orian hhciw iftshs K+ o.ut s-p-ustimao ecstnoi fo abidscae/ aeprthc ni tansoCzo hyoioyglsp +

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submitted by skip_lesions(17)
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hyW wolud heetr be ympieehalrak if aoltt yobd upsoitmas is ecasdered in DKA?

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drdoom  reups ighh bdloo ;ocsgule rusep gihh esoulgc galepisl tnoi n;urie oslt fo inpeeg = ovulme pdltedee omt“oic(s de”rssuii) +
alphatnf  becaseu uisninl mornylla lmstseatiu Na/K PsaeT,A iwchh rsseetsqeu K snieid ec.ll calk fo nsiiuln msnae htat hrtee wlil eb oemr K stduoie of teh cell cnsuiga piae.kahemrly ,vowereh ouy era siltl ttoal odby K eteddelp edu to coimtos isds.rieu so eth ermayhaeipkl is mianyl deu to a fhtis of K ofmr eth rctalearnliul hw(eer teh tsva ijmytrao of oyru K si eidins oryu ybod s)i ot het errutlalelxac aspe.c +1
alphatnf  erw*eh eht stav armitjoy of ouyr K si neiisd rouy yobd +

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submitted by llpierso(3)
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I ndnetdrusa hwy +K si idn.reecsa utB yhw 'tnsi oleihcdr sola iedscaer?n Tish is a oaelbctmi aci,sisdo os biarcb iwll be wol nda H+ will eb ig.hh Yuo eden na oni ot aealbnc raecgsh &--t;g creadnesi ichoelr?d

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llpierso  dr,eevnNim tughtoh touab ihst e:mor DKA scsuea an nioan pag daissioc ce(hne olanrm clidreoh nda etavlede )otsank-neo.i +2

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submitted by empem28(1)
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oyattll buy teh wesnar fo +K bnegi eiandes,cr btu nca ymdobseo pxielna yhw her exeemtr taherdynido aecd(dseer sink orugtr, ssexce uirne u)oputt ulwno'dt dale to na esirncea ni uesmr ?[N]+a

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