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Retired NBME 22 Answers

nbme22/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 38-year-old single woman with a history of ...
Displacement 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by kernicterusthefrog(139)
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ehs" elfes rheppai and orem rale"edx etafr itgantrs gkoibck:ixn isht is a TERMAU fdsneee sahmmncei ccsia(ls xtoektob soamutiibnl, as has nebe .d)sia hsTi uneotqis is ujts inpal rnw.og I'ts otn nteme,apicdsl eecaubs tsi' a lhytha,e caislylo acltecabpe tltoeu ahtt eimpvosr erh ioetlnaom ats;te cinungph sgab ear netam ot eb ehpndcu tshu( it is yaclluta OTN u)la.nret cDineltpsaem ot na eocjbt udolw be nuipcngh a ehol in rhe l,lwa or akringeb erh esva (I just kiel htta .rgey)mia Bhot fo thsoe udwol eb erbtte athn uinphncg hre ,mfliay ro ignabkre tiher arc ndiwow, hciwh is hwy sti' dltpmansciee cioc(osnsunu rcrnieiteod fo na etomion ot a erfas )e.cjobt ove,rewH giikxbncko is LLYETRILA na amxleep in reevals ychsp kteobsxot for il.omnusbait ahkTn uyo fro gonimc ot my DET k.alT

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jaxx  M,iahelnwe I ohgtuht gnetrihyev asw worgn so I netw whti tenhoar Mauert dneesef mnhcamsi.e +17
happyhib_  htaW fi, just hatw fi. Hre kangti eimt to do oenlisss was uylcatla rinhgut reh cilrnedh by ehr nighav lses temi ot despn twih them dna ni tnur otn rgivpnoid ogdo reac for temh. sls(e fo a tmeaur dnfseee mceh )w.on sTut r me I aereg yptlecomle utjs tno tbse ,nwersa btu gnive hwat ew aer negiv uyo cdolu eugra dboyne ;atht mosabs evne sasy a" mom ishwngo reh negsfeli of ngare tsworad the icldh tseadin of teh aultca rlmpe,ob hte bu.ndh"sa So in a wya ehs is otn grasednsid rhe clauat rolembp wcih(h seh OLUDC sads)der. +1
kernicteruscandycorn  I tsrppou yruo rosstein,a owflle snicrukreet +2
madamestep  I eikl to nhtik fo uiSlonatbim sa eginaR Groege at eth end fo Mean ilrGs vhitngir at ldeif yho.cke +1

Yeah, and the First Aid example of Suppression is:

  • "Teenager’s aggressive urges toward his parents’ high expectations are channeled into excelling in sports."

which is essentially this exact situation

This question is WACK yo

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 +32  upvote downvote
submitted by joha961(45)
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iekL sotreh evah ,disa I htnik tosnmaiiulb oduwl vhae ebne et,ebtr ubt ciaelnstdemp mfro irtfs dai ssay thta it si, codii“nterre fo moinotse or psluisme ot a rltaune ersonp or eojbtc” so ’hsse iickngk reh liymfa yb cgkniki eth .bga

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djeffs1  toN fi ryuo'e txisse adn kthni ist ntaprrppieoia rfo woemn to eittacarpip ni oiin..gckkxb. +2
chaosawaits  ehT imessx ni moes ssqnuieto is ictch +
kani  your anewrs made me uaglh os m.uch +

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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I tgo so grnay at tsih .esotnqiu tA laset shit dlya hda a gihcnnpu bag

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by borborygnoramus(5)
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As best as I uclod e,llt it aws silaeenmtcpd eebcaus eht etroh checios reew fedtiilney wor,gn ton /cb stpiaemndcle saw a ogod ico.hec etFl ilek three wree tslo of htsi type of qnsieotu no htis a.mxe

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diffuseaxonalinjury  I neded pu ngscoioh enmitclaesdp cb sloimniuabt 'awnts rehet + ni eth gbeginnni fo the s,eniotuq ti aisd s"esh' yngra ta erh liyamf for otn heplngi rhe" os my thogthu aws 'hess iicldspagn ehr gerna oubat erh shlic'd snliles on her limyaf (a nertlau dr3 )rpyta. wcak noetsqui r.desesrgla +13

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submitted by nbrowne1(1)
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I tnhki htsi oteiqsnu saw kgansi utoab teh ganer atth ehs sprxsseee aorwtd erh almyfi rfo ont nphglie uto rmo,e hhciw is erally nacsdlpmetie fo rhe trsess eldtaer to rniacg rof na lli hc.dil hTe ibicknkxgo is a onsedc npigco ihmsSaicnmeo.imltbau)(n

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