Yeah, and the First Aid example of Suppression is:
which is essentially this exact situation
This question is WACK yo
Leki ehorts aveh sdia, I hktni altnimiuosb wduol avhe eneb ,eerbtt btu tpneediscmal mfro sitrf iad ayss ttha ti ,si nerd“eiictro fo somnteoi or uesspmil to a lartuen onreps or tocjbe” os s’she igkcnik rhe lmfiya yb ngkkici eth bag.
I tgo os anyrg ta htis nqoiu.set At lstae sith dayl dah a npcgihun gba
sA bets sa I ulcdo lel,t it aws cslnetmiadep sbeceau hte rtoeh ishecco eerw etnilydefi orgn,w otn /bc iatelpdscmne aws a dogo iccoh.e eFtl ikel rehet weer tlos fo isth pety of tnuieoqs on hsti max.e
I nikth isht insoeutq swa giasnk boatu eht rnega atth seh xsesesrpe trdoaw rhe ayflmi for otn gphenli out mero, which is larlye delpncatemis fo ehr ssrest atredel ot cagrin fro na ill ihldc. hTe ciibknogkx is a edocsn cnoigp htu)aiseo(mblmcanni.iSm
submitted by ∗kernicterusthefrog(139)
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$279$49ehs" lseef ihaperp adn oemr exalred" trafe iatsrtng ki:cxognbki tish is a REMTAU nseeedf simcanehm (scailcs oxkbteto tabmlusiion, sa ahs eebn ad.s)i Tsih sunoteqi si tjus pnial wn.ogr 'Its nto tclns,eemipda caseube st'i a ,hyltahe syloclia baeccplate eouttl tath osrveipm her ltneomaio set;at phnunigc bags rae teanm ot eb ucedphn utsh( it si alyuclta TON utr.a)enl ecpaeiDlsntm ot na jcoetb dlouw be gpihnnuc a elho in her la,lw ro ebnrkgai her seva (I utsj liek htta rim.a)egy Bhot fo hsote udolw eb eettbr hatn ugpnchin ehr ,lmfaiy or niekabrg rithe acr i,donww ihcwh is why s'ti cdamplnieets iuusn(occons oetrieidcnr fo an nomoeti to a rfaes jcbeot.) ev,eorwH ibnkicxokg si YLLATERLI an example in lasreve hscyp kxbtesoot for nlti.obisuam hnkTa uyo for miocgn to my DET lakT.