Lykcu toiud,ecdn tub lgkoion ,abkc I beeivel hatw thye eerw ggnio rfo is hwta seh osdulh ehav eenb tcndceiava for at 6 tsohnm of eag esnci( heter rae no enpptraa ts.sym)omp
peH B ccevani si lasuuyl igevn ta bhri,t 1 tnh,mo nad 6 tonmsh of a,ge os ist' ttepry npttiroam ttha ehs be cneiavatcd antiags t,i slesnu she yraalde ahs ,it in ichhw scae seh duhlos eb tedetra to oivda orisscr.hi
the cihld is syatmomtcaip eaceubs tshtiepai B is smltyo lenist in ansnitf ued to poro lyythpmoce esmyt.s erhto dsissaee wudol rpbyaobl ohws ermo mpmtossy
isDdsorre ocnmom in esat siAa iogrndcac to sp:i nijotalGHate BBEV ncitofeni - sltmoy ledangi ot aapgenyharlnso hACpl aA omrasaaiesistnailNeThm ekndli nttsIilaen teyp agiscrt AC
In iths uoiqsten, cseni the ttneaip is ampyctomista and BVE tisn tyacxel e"encdesr o,fr" netw ihwt eBpH sa eth naswre
To ums ti pu, nvee fi oyu 'dtdni ormemiez hte ohelw aiimmotuiznn lbtea, its' yesa to errmemeb VBH niztimanioum is oend ta trb,hi o1m, mo2 nda 6om lyogh.ur losA eaddd taht hte aybb is fo sEat nAsai t,cedne and eth catf hatt heort oicninseft on teh tsil t'nrae edesrenc ofr in eth siftr acpel in hoiletoy-ghklan nietpsa,t I htikn 'sti fsea to ucddee HVB aws het arwnes her.e
fO lal teshe sruvi,es eHp B si eht lyon one taht a l,ichd if tnf,ecdie oudlw eb a occrihn cra.erir hTsu ew udlsoh nerecs ot kame ruse that ew can tprvene refutu srik fo ior,sirchs
oS era we oeusdspp to tjsu yolo hits one? wtf
dooG esarrhce to adre ervo H-pBe iebng trenlevap in n!chia :st/ta-/1ec08tcmd4es/s1.2408nychtcpib78m9ot/m1.naeso1-lirc/bifr16elid2-.9
I tghutoh Hitaepsti B ash ighh eerpvnalce ni plogndviee scnri,euot esh si fomr a ralur gnireo rofm ,Cniha I otg ih.trg Puls eHiaisttp B si ctoyamtsmipa in wen nbsr.o
Yuo tums nwok taht ipetiaHts si lnpveaetr AF in
submitted by ∗chris07(69)
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$279$49hTe loyn cinioneft no atth silt htat you wuold even ceners an tihewsoer etlhhya pernaipga idliinvuad si peHB. heT erohts I ouldw iktnh oyu yonl hceck if teh anitpte hsa a sittnoanerpe htta mseak oyu tpsusec t,hme leik BEV if ethy hda sgnsi fo ono,m ro RVS if they adh osirtprreay soptymsm. tA ttah ,onpti ree'hty no eonrlg cnegsrien ,tsset tub roem tsaigocndi .esno