ykucL iteo,cnddu btu inkogol ack,b I ieeeblv hwta hety reew noigg fro is twah hes lsduho evha enbe vtndeiaacc rof ta 6 tsomnh fo gea esn(ic rheet era on etraapnp .mtympsso)
peH B ccinave is ylulusa gnvie ta rthbi, 1 nhomt, adn 6 tsomnh fo eg,a so si't tryetp pntomrait that she be antciacdev anstaig ,it enulss seh dyraeal has ti, ni hihcw csea esh ohudls be tertdea to vioda sirosr.ich
eth icldh si atstmmcayoip sceabue pheittasi B si tsmlyo nilest ni snnfiat ude to poro lpmyethoyc syt.sem rtohe idsassee luwdo ylbbaopr hows more tommsysp
dirsrDeos nocmom ni saet aisA dciargocn ot oiinlaHa:tGsjep t VBBE incitonfe - mytosl gnileda ot anynhlroeasgap lACapAh sTs aietoaiiasramnmeNlh kindel lnaItsinte peyt tgacrsi CA
nI tshi etsoinq,u nscie the npateti is oypmtisatcam and VBE tsni ycelxat rdneseec" r,"fo twen wthi HepB sa eth enrasw
To sum it pu, vene if you nidd't emorzmie eth heowl nmiuiioanmtz tlb,ae si't esya to brermmee BHV mitanomiinzu si oden at rhi,bt o,1m mo2 and 6mo huy.gorl slAo eaddd htat hte bbya is of tEsa Asian ndecet, dna the acft thta rhtoe ctiisnnoef no hte ltsi aet'rn rdesence rof in eth ftris ecalp ni khhinyagolle-ot tipant,se I nhtik is't sefa to udedce BHV was hte saernw rehe.
fO lla etesh uri,ssve epH B si hte ynlo eno thta a ,lihcd if ne,tfcdei lowud be a iohrccn rr.arice Thsu we hlosdu ceersn ot emak ures ttah we acn nvtreep futeru sirk fo ir,osircsh cet.
oS rea ew pseopdsu to tujs oloy sith eo?n ftw
oGod hrsceera to ader roev pBeH- egbni renevltpa in in!ach fph1sem1s2.1mdt/l6dc-0t8t-n0oye:co8im1s2.lrai4ees/97bcrc98.t1t/i4ca/ni-/b
I huhtotg ptHsietia B has hghi vcpleernae in ioglenpvde euisntcro, she is rfom a arurl gnioer mfro Canh,i I tog ihtgr. usPl Htseaitip B is potymiacsatm ni wen rn.obs
uYo usmt onwk ahtt tiiaHpset si etnlaevrp FA in s.Aia
submitted by ∗chris07(69)
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$279$49hTe nyol ennftiioc no tath ilts hatt yuo would enve nerces na seihrewto lahhtey ipeagnpar liudniviad si epB.H heT ortseh I olduw tknhi uoy loyn heckc fi het atptine sha a rentotpnisae atth emaks uyo tescsup t,emh like EBV if eyth hda ssnig fo onmo, ro VRS if eyht had orrtsiayerp tymspmos. tA ahtt noi,tp te'yerh no grnole rgsneienc ses,tt tub rmeo tacgnisodi s.neo