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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old man who has been treated for ...
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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by thotcandy(131)
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veeoyEnr asgink hyw nto s?PPI

fi uyo vige SIDAsN hchwi esaecerd sGP os you egt DGER, eht pssiteml way ot xfi ti si ot grnib tohes PsG ,bkac os ltsosmri.opo

utsJ ypsmil -sPG ;t-g-& GsP+

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hungrybox  iThs is hte tbes tlnoxnipaae oMsOAIl ekasm em flee eikl an oabutsle itiod +9
guber  sola epr ,AF losrmtispoo si udse ilspcaeifylc rof ironenpetv fo diNA_deIScnDu ppiect ulcres +4
cuteaf  I tknhi het key to grienaswn shit osetqniu si ot mmrrebee hte ipsfeicc isde ecefsft tcsaaesdio twhi sootlprimos &tg;- seveer heada.rri oN hoert EDRG niomacidste ni the rwnaes ieocsch hvae ihst desi ffete.c niAdacits lcoud olsa csuae aredihra gM)HO( tub otn in the nearws siechco +4
deathcap4qt  tlAlyauc noe fo het edsi stcffee of PPI eus is ireaadrh dn(a hotre IG ) oNt in FA btu iempezadhs in AOSMSB dna e.hkytcS I gto tish Q worgn for tath sarneo ubt I see onw yhw spiloooMstr is the rtebte easwrn. +3
veryhungrycaterpillar  tshT'a wild. I aekt PsPI ekli cdayn dan e'Iv erevn adh ai,hedrar utb I sehoc teihsinam lekdocb escaube ipcmaPeFdieodt/ni isgev em eth RSOTW airaderh reve. +
an1  I geacdhn my esranw rfom GP to IPP uecebsa I caelrl syctehk sgnyia PPI asw eht steb ofr na e,lruc adn hety thbo dah rdhariea in hte tskhc.e utb I zeilread hyw mi rgwWnhy o tisn’ sthi PIP (?)E bcusaee sI’PP IHINBTI het ppmu dslu(ho vhae ebne a etdtdo lien) slo, A PIsP’ riaensce the rkis fro CfD.if whihc anc ldea ot h,drrieaa yeth d’ont yirletcd caseu hdriarea ilneun PG rmooPtoipsl sPI sR’F cidulen sosiotproos,e glun elncie,d enserdica kirs orf IA hieispNrt, nad dceerud pitbnorsao fo F,e g,M dan Ca not( eht setb icohce rof an ldo ug)y +1
kcyanide101  EMNB r][eddaect SAH A EYVR SLMIARI Q TAHT EHYT SCEHO IPP roev GP aonagl orf AIDSN enuddic sctmoha uses!i yReall noaygnin ohw tyeh !pfli +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by emh(11)
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rlPdnoansisgat acsienre GI ytolitmi edu ot eirats.plsis sIt' teh maes oarnes hwy het ruetsu cnostrcat griudn amittoens.nur

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samsam3711  soAl ootispsroMl is sdeu rof het neivtepnor for DAISN iecdudn epcpti reclus +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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Nto erus I ma rgddiantnsnue ihts nstoeiuq - hte tntieap gto na DSAIN for RA dan htis adesecedr erh sisrnplaoatdgn os esh vpeledode EG.D..R Doc eddda riosostlMop ot raottcucen eht ecdesdaer gndasltrPnosia I eht gtu adn an aedresv tcneioar fo lMssrptoioo is aharreid .. ?ecrCtor

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chris07  esY. rhieDara si a dsie cetfef of +3

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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hlnsiEg is ton my rsift glaeugan.

I tkhni hte osaenr ttah tno ugins PPI si the Q onimsent oreht sdreeva ceefsft anth rtigasc ubnirn:g

.".. ash eseerv craitgs unnbrig dan tmfsdocoi...r TEESH evseadr Sefft."ce

eeoer,rfTh I seugs PPI cna eielrve gisacrt ngiunrb ubt not oidf,tcrmso so we iveg teh nttpaei hwat eh is ckal of.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by dubchak7(1)
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hTey susggte oMrostsoipl to creucttoan ADISN...s yhW ont I?PPs

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hayayah  IPPs' 'ontd ahev namy dise !tfcseef fI het qsiueont dtnid' lnivvoe eht harierda idse eefcft teh snaewr dlowu aehv eneb ot iegv ehr a PP.I +3
tsarcoidosis  I egsus noe eakatwya si taht sPIP 'dotn telydrci cuesa hdea,riar btu yteh od renscaie het rsik fro fif,Cd- cwihh eacsus adre.aihr +19
usmleuser007  PIP fsdee- tec+ifs: ceneiadsr sikr fro .C fd+ fi dnsercIae skir ofr reps tcniefosin + can ausce myaagheipnso + sracdeee sontbraopi fo C,a(2+ +g,M2 &apm; n)rio + rneaedics ikrs fo soproioetcot phi aurserfct td(/ olw usrem mla)uicc +2
temmy  heT inttape otg reseve sigcatr ubngnir nda rocmfidtos as an eeftfc fo the dg.ur yM cigol wsa icnes het tteapin aws kaitgn na NSADI ti dah ot eb a OCX 1 iroinhbti atht trysodse hte itpeotcevr barirer of hte IG mauosc eud ot ithiinnoib of gstrpnanlioad so we eddnee to reatt hiwt a ugrd htta ilwl gaeenertre lisadngarotnp nda orntlpasdiagn is a avdaolnitosi hicwh mgthi be eht raseno for hte hdarra.ei +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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I utjs rzadeeli there erwe lidos rrowsa nad ddehsa soawrr ni the aeig.m sI rehet a cnsiiatnigf ot hte saddhe rawros vs eht iodsl rrsow?a

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faus305  The sildo ilnse are teh etorcrc ns.rsawe llo jk but tno alyler +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by hhsuperhigh(49)
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My suesg rof ton sconohig IPP si uebaces hte duarnoti of rd-gsgunu.i PPI ncerssiea hte ksir of .C ifdf by egorlnm-t niusg hihcw eerdcdonsi sa reov 1 eyar of g.iuns hsTi pt ouldhs veah seud eht ecsndo urdg sles hnta 4 sweke inocagdrc ot eht nueitosq. So PPI si iklnlyeu ot uecas C. fifd eadrhrai tnhiwi tshi thosr odriep fo ga,eus lslaiecpey ewnh tihs tp is not nioouep,scommidmrm ro nuisg bi.ositcitan

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by criovoly(17)
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ehT tsrfi rudg eving swa an DNASI adgltpno(sarins )noibtihir hits csedau uElceD/rSGR eseaucb of eercdase clusamo oiertt.cnop

hTe onsdce ugrd saw oostipmlors hichw esvig smucoa nocprtieot nad a cnomom dsie teffce si ardra.eih

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by handsome(3)
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AF 0022 pg 939

tssoooprilm caillinc sue - nonrpeitve of SINAD udicend eticpp urcsle

M:OA GE1P galona i n cftefe sacesu eesdcrae dcia ordpnticuo nad cerseain csoteeinr of rgcatsi cmsuou .raeribr

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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PIP fitfcee-sds:e + nacedesir kris rfo .C dffi + cdnesIaer sikr rof pser iftonsneic + anc ecasu naeagoihmpys + serdecae rposoanitb fo +,aC(2 2+M,g p;a&m ionr) + rcisaeedn krsi of storopootice ihp afurectsr t(/d olw seumr l)umacic

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imnotarobotbut  asT'ht not eth ghtri weanrs ot,h hte newars si eht iinnbdg of EPG ot 'its rceeport +
tinydoc  naC eoensmo nepixla ot me yhw eth PPi snarew si nowgr fi it eieasncsr teh rkis of C Dfi tlouwdn ahtt alos ecaus eseevr .hraedria sPPI aekm a olt rmoe sseen to eb gvnie ot isth eapntti ni the tisrf lpeac. +1
maxillarythirdmolar  peKe ti lmei,ps +1
roaaaj  ytcnido@ ouY era rcceotr batou PPI nigasencir eth srki fo C. idff, tub rthee swa no iythosr of tianitiocb +

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