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submitted by โˆ—stinkysulfaeggs(125)
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yKe sor:dw a"t htis eim"t nad "nac be lpfhl"ue

heT searwn ot htsi ineutsoq int':s eagtr - wno e'rew iogng to tkae mhi off eht vetn ecaebus uoy odlt us tt'hsa tahw eh .ndawet

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nbmehelp  ^^^ etacxyl +
handsome  od oyu okwn any gater ecenerefr rof nomncmoicutai nqeusisot ikel sthee? +

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submitted by โˆ—nlkrueger(51)
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.... odlwu we arlyel keat het odwr of a frdeni ohw ldieiefnyt 'tacn eb defrniocm? I efle ikle ihts is gsidalmein

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lispectedwumbologist  All het htero wrsnea esicoch kaem uyo moce csosra as na essahol. sEya awy ot eac ciseht qnsietuos is ot tsju ton eb na esoahsl +12
seagull  I dlwuo eb a rbeggi esashlo wehn hte fmlayi came 'In eftra I lpdeul eth s..p.o..l.tpuubpg teh dnfire sida +37
dr.xx  The etptnai ash on eiw,f iednrhlc, or esclo elarsv..ite. +4
nwinkelmann  eowmdscutpleo@isilbtg isht is ngiog ot eb my ehiqetcun, eaubecs evI' ngotet a cleoup of etseh rog,wn btu I lclmoeypet regae ihwt eoerveny ss'eel etsnminets fo spcounisi fo oggni fof what a fneird sadi otihuwt yan oramntnoicfi obuat sttea of acdaevn itcer,divse etc. 'sIt yeallr mbud. +3
paulkarr  hWti ethse osn;tequsi yuo eavh ot ktea ahwt BENM yssa at feac .eauvl If ti sasy no lamfy,i he lylera edos veha on if.lmya hTsi rnefdi si lsoa icgnlaim ahtt eht 87 o/y dsai stih oubta mhieslf, so we nokw 'sit the pnisteat ehwsis ertrah hnat osoemne ses'el ehswis rfo hm.i (A son agysin eh 'tacn elt og fo ish etarfh yte estpeid the enastipt' RND eypt of no)ttu.iasi +1
suckitnbme  I htikn het tinop rhee snit' thta ew oduwl keta teh ttneaip off hte erttniavol abueces eht reifdn aids o.s ehT ansrew si nsagiy ah"nkT yuo rfo yuro i,tnup ew wlil teka ttah onti ncsnoai"etod.ri tsI' oletlcyemp imancmn.-otolt +9
vivijujubebe  tyeh ays no lsoec vetareis,l hhicw amens he udclo aehv rtemoe aeies,tlvr avsleriet sutm eb aedks oeebrf itnliesgn to a ntrsgnf'dreea/rsi +
handsome  nac you nceemdrom yn a geatr necerfeer rfo miootcacimunn oetsusqin kile et?she +

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submitted by โˆ—syoung07(58)
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UUGUYUEUUU eky -here epiantt fewi ash bene dade ofr 5 aryes nda eh ash on derchiln ro sloce rsielt.vea shTi frd"ei"n has bnee gkatin caer of uro ygu ereh leik a vtleeria .owlud oS asbde no NBEM taht esolc eho.gun

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madamestep  oPeepl 'ontd lie on Ovb. LolusiSE,UMy erthe aer xspictoeen klei child aseub or tmyneia htye tup eqosut dnuoar shgitmoen. tBu eth masnpusiot is that eyth era llntgei het htutr. fI nt,o till' be AYLELR suiob.vo +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—rockodude(39)
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ton urse fi htis is thgri tub het wya I tuhhtgo buota ti was hatt tafre flymai a grotaures edsicnio mekar nca be a sleoc refind adn the nehgbori ash cokniog rfo him nad rugnnin resrdan rfo the tsla 5 eryas inces shi fwei eidd os I bieleev thta het ceosl infred tguesoarr noiegadinst amy apylp

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bmilt34(1)
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moSe hsngti iev otecdin orf hetes sypet of sensqi?tuo 1 ) dtno eb a ickd ,b( d, )2 )e ontd erffdi to omse threo epnrso )a(

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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Iev' hda a drouwl q rwhee teh crcotre esnsepro was ot rmoeev eht ilef psportu fi the etiantp si entdeierdm ton to eb an raogn nvoed.rneo fi eht fyamli si vcyatile itnsaag hsti .onesdcii In my eneicexerp eht ensrwa htat si ostm ethons dan( ikllye smeka ouy sdnsuo ekli a saetctsl elshsa)o is lyluaus eht crtcoer noe on NEMBs. I pedkci E adn I tod'n ese how ihst snifder ionipon on his aevandcd crea teidcvesir rea ta lla tnvelera fi the tneptia by lal taconus licdamyle adn algeyll si recdiednso edd.a

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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So sa a acsyinihp per shti einouqts ouy ilwl go of eoms oirbsgenh' oswrd dan ton fonimcr if hte tapeitn sha na daecnvda .c.v.redieit mssee kiel eth dco nad the nibeorgh are ni emso indk fo a alde here ....

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