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Retired NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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9g@88h Bceuae"s the stutciorbon si abveo hte rlelovaa igrsone tereh si a eceerdsa in iar ,owlf otn gnul levs,muo icwhh odwul amke sthi na uoeitscrbtv "ytploghoa si teh msto eluflph .aepnltaniox If uoy wnko teh omst bicas dipinleosyt/ghothofyonipai fo boticuvrtes vs evsttiricer (hichw I od, stuj dnti'd in ahtt msto idipmesilf a)y,w hetn you can uegfri tgyhiann ut.o If shteongmi si taigcinmp arawyi lowf = ut,brioscvte if eohtnigms is micinapgt iyarwa oumevl = rieirtstvce. HATKN !YOU

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burningmoon  woH tuabo mye?hapmes iryaaw voleum agecdnh ubt its' sirv.obuectt +3
almondbreeze  i tnkhi PO nmeat ot asy atht hsgnomtie RSNDEEGCIA wyaria luemvo = irscrtieetv +3
jgraham3  I hnikt thye mean if geoinhsmt si tnmipgaci UNLG mvoelu i(e. nlcsepxopan)ciimeona/ = i vtwriaseciteAyrr odisedrr &-;gt- bso. / leaahrcnymP rredidso &g-;t- iWesrt.h mepyhesma eht yiarwa ollaepscs (.ob)s rbefeo hyet ear blea ot elaxhe fyull suth het ari si aptperd +
dna_at  suJt to eb e,lcar tish is ton a alsccsail brsittuvoec lgun eesiads feagtfinc hte mslla asrai,wy sa ti si oevba eht arnaic t)ara.hc(e ihTs is erettb ieficlsasd sa a exdif rupep rwaayi sobuitcort.n eeS the owfl olop eehr fro iedfx" tuinocbsotr" - it cmea up ni MDIE loWdUr so yeabm iamfiliezar yusrfleo itwh teh gmaei eicsn it si unuqe!i 2:8dgigoe4/9wwpts.a.cmmp/hew/tr/sem +4
notpennysboat  ,a_a@ndt nac ouy ielapxn teh npccote fo the reppu ywaira ctu?nbstoisor Im' tills ytertp ofsudnec +

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submitted by xkno(5)
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I evougrthhto tish noe igb t.ime cniSe teh eotsqinu adis teh mass was ipsgsrne on eth tiusdoe of the careth,a I efugrid tath nguidr npaoirtiins, /bc hte estch s,edpxna os orme as,epc so the amss owdul hvea elss etffec no teh rhcaaet sa the techs pesandx an(d oercesy,nvl dit' aveh oemr fo an eecftf gnrudi rpxnotaiei sa het secht lawl stat)ecrr. ep,plArtyan it swa sutj tgitshra pu agokcleb nad I hotugth waaya ot darh. osO.p

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submitted by .ooo. (38)
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I lanyelpros hgohttu fo shit nqiuotses nnhtiikg fo ti ni thsee .e.stmr ncieS eht tietnap has a asms ni eht atcrhea kape yrxoierpta dna irasnyiorpt wlof lliw eb titreuenr,dp dan louwd tofeererh be esa.rdeecd FC1V udlwo slao vaeh to eerdcaes yb his.t hsTi emiindtael lal hte teorh io.shcce

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charcot_bouchard  erA yuo ?Me +3

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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kLie nay fo the PDC,O teh ipatnet sah a fiuftdilc meit ixnlehga eth riinedsp ari t(suh tis ldclae na tcouievbrts )isdeaes

CPOD tsrsleu in FVC edaece,rs V/CE1VFF oiatr sdaeee,rc CRF ,erciaesn adn eekp toxraeypi wofl .crdeseae

A tumor or yna heort bcotje tath uwldo rmscospe on or awrnro ethes eht iar awy tract wlduo eretpsn as a ODC.P

Iaglhnin dan gihaxnle owdlu eb iiletmd

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submitted by visualninjacontender(18)
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tI olcud eb htta sthi is a idexf eppur aryiaw onbuts,icotr hwihc odwlu retvnep nntilafoi and eatdfioln fo the asawryi due ot eth omtur cingalmp wdon on eht haat.rce

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submitted by mrglass(47)
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I rifdegu itsh was a lbivreaa caortirthaicn uoicostbtnr nda otg ti rng.wo

gArcdcino to o,DeTUatp IuaiAmNlRlnT raehclat otbcutoirns is ,airalbve eihwl amXnuElTilAR lthcraea crnobtsituo iek(l in ihts )csae is idfex.

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submitted by azibird(279)
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hWy is hteer a desrdecae V?CF eTrhe si a mssa nresipsg no hre hata,cre hwo clduo ahtt elosipbs fcftea lugn vuelom? fI we gvie rhe euhgon tm,ie why nlot'ucd she aket in a lflu ha?rteb

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submitted by docred123(9)
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Hi ygsu nac nomsoee eaeslp leraatobe no ethes isgf.nidn I rdseaudntn she has nugl aerccn sat'ht dpnimgie her at.raehc But who si ihts aeeeepnvrittsr of an iboecrvtstu dsdi?eror 'rAnet lnug ecscrna ittcreivsre fi nahgy?int T anskh

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nlkrueger  I egare atht t'is oficsgnun tbu I doelok at ti sa a yhpclais bti*roontus*c ensci t'is iimnniggp on hte iayrw...a. btu yeha kid hist is diewr +
ferrero  oest'nD eht etrhaca eavh taaercigl gnsir so ti wtludn'o lcolseap whhci eksma it msee lses elik a aciyptl octeruvbits edrisro?d 'Im erlyla ont srue yhw VCF olwud agnhec bescuea I 'dnot ees woh ttalo nugl aayiptcc ro liaesudr mvluoe odlwu gceahn cusbeae toseh era iatcst ndotsnoici rwehe three is on rwlfiao ta .lla I tsneaurndd FE1,V eapk axeroyptir lwof, pkae ritpoaysnir wflo .tec +2
mousie  rgeAe tihs is a aellyr gohtu Q tbu I sola kntih I lrayel erov tohguth i.t.. I laienmteid lla htiw a rmoaln iRtao cb oinegmsth nsbtitcurog olwud uoilbvsoy doruepc an itrseocbuvt npetatr uaghloth I otnd' wonk wyh VCF oulwd be ecd.srdeea I 'tansw user botau hbto keap rayiproext nad anipisrtnoi owlf egibn deecdears nac nosmoee eplh me htiw tsih ro llte me I'm otlalty ghtniikenvro .aan.ig are etyh tobh eceardeds smylip bc esetrh an nocibutsrot ?.. +5
mimi21  aeY I got oudncesf on this Btu I ussge ythe ednwat us to kloo at ti as a brtusevioct diasese . fI hits were eth seac lla fo esoht ocntnfiu ttess woldu d.ce ( eeS FA ) +
gh889  sceeuaB the nsirocbtuot si oebva eth llaoaevr gieorns hetre si a eeradces ni ari folw, otn lung umlove,s cwihh udlow kmae iths an uesotcrtbvi goyhotalp. +4
charcot_bouchard  FVC eehr ecd msae way ti ecd in ueOtstbrivc lnug aesiesd. Rade eth etcnpoc of uqalE rrpsusee niopt of B.Bn eerhT eh syas ni sichnribot ew vhae ttuocievnrs enptart ebucsea nadliemfm wrayasi egn mero nreiscets.a so PPE smoec arey.l I sgesu rehe due to taaelrch rnwrognai erpssreu nci nrm.soetdwa ciwhh soalpselc llasmer aw.yair teusrl ni rai n.aprgtpi +1

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submitted by ninja3232(11)
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To hkint tubao hist ypsim,l ti lilraeylt si na cniortuostb so oyu acn tsju sooche teh aswren iwht hte DOPC keli P.TsF

s'tI a tbi cntioeuvtteiunir hatt hte CVF odulw be deeeras,cd tub eth senaor ofr sthi si saeeucb at the ned axtrpeioni for C,FV het viistoep eplrual urespres igpunhs het air tou sah zdeeqaliu htiw teh srepsreu fo the tpsareheom / aiayrw ginantw to ekpe eht iaelvol pn.eo iWth na rencsiae ni hte yarwai tnssiarece ofmr het otrbncsot,iu stih aaezoniilqtu oitnp coesm ta a rihehg .VCF oeSdobym tacf ecchk em leseap

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submitted by donttrustmyanswers(74)
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ptrs"aidnporoeoti tcuenrodi ni teh eapk opetxirray wlfo taer or umixmam tmunie mlovue aeodcrmp iwht eht orfedc petxrriyoa eumvlo in one csenod .V1F(E) It dlhous eb td,oen ,ewvohre that rteeh cna be a gnnisiitacf sosl in iwraya sirocc-sotnsael aare befoer hte ttxkoebo lgnnattife fo het artinipyrso ro yxiratoper oolps aer vleia"isdu.z


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mamed  ogoleg fxied uprpe yaiarw tsnuotirbco - eht oirrympest vecru shows ceaeddsre iiotrnnipas nda anoitpr.eix A lroew awyrai ibstrnoucto tsuj ulbtsn tairpixoe.n Eahctraixorct slubnt tnoairinsip. +1

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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hsiT gtmhi be a tfitgorrrhwsdaa nrweas, tub I was igdrenown hwy hte patneti dluow aevh a reeasdced rniroiyapst lof?w cBuaees to ym urenida,tndgsn elpepo wthi cittvouresb sdesiase hvae obutler ehgitabrn ,uto not in.. Colud oeesonm ixnapel to me yhw ti ?dsrsaeece

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rdk3434  kayo os i adh the emas dtuob ichwh is hwy i gto tihs souieqnt gowrn , but nhet i dah thsi karuee notmem , in rlowud hetser' vttreeipei gsaemi atbuo svtrcebiotu nda vcerisretti esaieds moeuvls dan tehy yawasl wosh ARCAHLET OSSTESNI ognal hiwt that , htis eutsoniq is ewmoasht klei hraltcea nsetisso eatoestpnrin , ustj glegoo glnu folw movleu ahatlerc itesson!s pohe hsit phl!es +1

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