I hrevothuogt stih one bgi teim. inceS het qitnuose dsai eth msas asw gesrnisp no het eoustid fo hte ,cetahra I reduigf htat dniurg niiaotispr,n cb/ hte tcseh xd,npeas so emro s,epac so hte sasm odwlu hvea esls eftfce no het chataer as eth shtec saendpx (nda cnvsyerlo,e dit' hvae oemr fo na eetfcf idgurn itxieranpo sa the secth alwl trcrea.st) ,yppntaelrA it aws jsut tatsihrg up gceoabkl nda I utgthho waaya to .radh p.Oos
I onsrlyelpa tuhthgo fo tish iueostnsq inhgiktn fo ti ni hstee tmsr.e. iSenc hte naeitpt ahs a ssam ni hte aretach akpe axoryripet adn srrnpyioati wflo llwi eb reerpn,tdtiu adn ouldw ehfeetorr eb da.eerecds F1CV uodlw soal ahve to rdecseea yb hits. hiTs tedmeinial all eth retoh seoch.ic
kLei ayn fo the OP,CD eht ntitpae sah a filduicft mite ihnaelxg hte dsiiepnr ria (tuhs sit cldale an otbreusivtc sadesei)
ODCP eusltsr ni FCV edeaces,r FE1VCV/F iarto ceaer,dse RFC es,neiacr adn pkee itxeoapry fwlo .eceadser
A omrut or yan ohetr cjeotb tath dwoul escpmosr no ro owrnar seeth eht iar way ttcar lwoud teerspn as a DPO.C
inlagIhn dna agilhnxe lwodu be eimldti
tI ulodc eb tath shit si a fedix epurp iryawa rtoobtcnsui, ihwch duwlo vpntree nnlfoatii dna ltdniaoef of hte arasyiw edu ot teh uotrm plngimac dnwo on eth .taearhc
I gifurde shit was a alibarev atctoahcrrini orustcntibo adn ogt ti wor.ng
ogcirdAcn to DoTep,tUa iluTalAInNmR ralhcate ntbiosrucot si b,iaelrav lhiwe RTAnXimEllau catarehl uttcooirsnb kiel( ni tsih ecsa) si f.exdi
Wyh si eerth a cseaderde FCV? erheT si a smas ssipgnre on ehr aarcet,h ohw duloc htta ebiospls caftef lugn ?ovlume fI ew vgei reh ugneho mt,ie yhw c'dlntuo esh teak in a ulfl e?tbahr
iH ysgu nca mseoeno lpasee boeaeltra on eesht d.nigfsin I nsneadudrt hes sha lngu ecacnr 'attsh iimngdep ehr .cetraah utB how si iths pnteseivrteera fo an tcbirtsuvoe ddr?serio nr'tAe ugnl ernccsa esrcverttii fi yih?nnagt nTakhs
oT tnhki aubto isth ys,lpmi it alieryllt si na toctbonuisr so oyu cna ujst coesho het snewra whti the ODCP liek .FPTs
'Its a itb tuttouenncvriiei taht the FVC uldow eb dserade,ce tbu eht rneoas orf htsi si escubae at hte dne txiaepniro ofr F,CV the tiisopev plluare rsrepeus hungspi eth ria otu has qeazulied wiht the pseersur of the mersepthao / iawrya wnaigtn to peke eht olaielv nepo. tiWh na eaneirsc ni hte iwraya srnetacsie fmro het rbtnousct,oi stih nitqozueiala ptnoi mesoc at a riehhg CV.F Soeoydmb aftc ehckc em leapse
orrpdeotstopina"i utodnrcie ni eht keap toiexpryar lwof raet or mmmaxiu nmtuei vlueom omaperdc twih het corfde xiapytrroe uoevlm in noe nodsec E.1VF() tI hudsol be odn,te eewrh,ov htta eethr can be a gnictasinfi slos ni wiyraa acnriosel-octss raae oeebrf teh txkoetbo altnftengi fo hte pysrrtaoini ro pxaeyritor loops aer usi."aevdizl
hsiT gtihm be a ogrfrwiarstahtd swra,en tbu I was nwneordig hyw hte teptian luowd evah a resaecdde rpairyiotsn l?owf Besucae to ym ,digsnrtnaeund oleepp hitw tecuisobtvr eieassds hvea eltubor ntheibgra ,uto tno in.. oClud nomosee eaxplni to em hyw it ce?sseedra
submitted by ∗nwinkelmann(366)
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$279$49g98h8@ B"caeeus eth cotusbontir si voeab eht lleoarva soginre eterh si a dreaseec ni ari ,fowl otn gnlu lm,eovsu ihcwh owdul make tsih an isuetvtcbro yahlp"goto si hte most ueflhlp ni.pnaoalxte If uoy oknw hte tsom iacsb iol/detpyiafhsntoogoiihypn fo tirctseovub sv rivetcirtes hhcw(i I o,d tjsu dd'itn in taht mtos iiilesfdpm )y,aw htne you can iregfu gytnniah ot.u fI segoinmth si imcigtnpa ywaria fowl = sbttvicuero, fi mtsghione is gtnaipmic raiwya ulvome = te.trsiivrec HKNTA !OUY