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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
Electrophysiology of the heart is studied in ...
Ablation of the atrioventricular node 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by amirmullick3(76)
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CEG nrgia.csT The seancitd wnbetee SQR xspocleem si otsiolcuunyn btaou 6 sboe,x os erta is tndf.siah eueTcf si a dr3 rgeeed lokbc hwere eth aairt nda estenrclvi ear teanbgi pnndeetldeyin of ecorehhat dan eth RR is eaelqtuniv lla a neglTh.o 2dn SRQ elpxocm si RUESP ,ornrwa dna stheor era sola rorwan, iwchh naesm rteeyh drziigloaenp kahstn to lubnde fo i.Hs

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homersul  iltsl litlyhsg uodecsfn ywh inddt' you kpci iarloistan oend? 'saTth lluyusa reesdoytd ni fAib to nsmle'r'aoi eth RH +

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submitted by aladar50(41)
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orF teh GE,C I iiailytnl ugttohh ti saw d2n eedreg ypeT 1 ubsaece it eeemds ttha eht PR stvliarne weer ansgniriec ntlui a baet wsa odrepp,d btu if ouy ookl at ti lyelso,c esom of hte P ewsva eewr dhedni ni the RSQ If uyo oeticn ath,t enht yuo cna see atth rthee ewre gularre P swaev nad lrgaeur QRS xe,oclmeps tbu reteh aws a plectome tiadsosoiicn etbneew ehmt hwhic anems it was rd3 geerde trhae boc,kl so eht sarnwe aws iatlbaon aren eth AV ond.e

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yotsubato  arwens wsa oinatlba eanr the VA .endo N o ti ta.wns tI saw tonaabli FO EHT VA oedn lise.ft iWhch fadke me t.uo +9
makinallkindzofgainz  hTe negntta yb esur wrba"t"hb says taht eerht si r"p ehennltging gspievyrsreol" ubt erthe si .stoniTh is dr3 eedger VA l.okcb Teh P vwase chamr tou ntentscylios ta rehit won r,tea dan the RSQ eopxeslmc charm out at rtihe own .raet heerT si ocetlmep iitiassocond tbenwee eth P awevs adn RSQ pxoecems.l eyhT vaeh no par.esltniiho hsTi si lctyeax atwh uyo dwuol see fi ouy tbdlaea the AV d.noe Teh SA node dwluo tnniecou to to raetce P ewavs. eTh nubled of isH uldow ntienuco to argeente tnicoalnju ro(lman ik)nlgoo SRQ esplme.oxc +6

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by sajaqua1(607)
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ln'ouWdt ltaot AV daoln tliboaan tderoys ot ruthmtayoyhicit of eth ?peeacmark htTa uolwd neam atht oeblw eth VA deno hte myrhth wduol be dorveipd by a iuacrrnevtl fc,oi dan sheto ulsylau retcae iewd RSQ cml.pseexo

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haliburton  thta swa ym ornnaigse as w.ell sugse no.t +
yotsubato  hyttiS NBME mgaarmr tsrkies .giana +1
charcot_bouchard  oN. No y.sgu nueBld fo ish etlocad elwob VA deno nda ti cna eatgrene mles.uip it lslac niujncot pscaee yhmtrh nad arnorw xcoe.lpm Bloew tish si uerjikp,n nlbued narbhc p&;am lnvtuaerric cmelus. those rea wdie plmexco +20
abhishek021196  lk)reTepbcei  mrhdT(ceehteV A-o godl riaat nad rievlstenc teab elnntnypeiedd fo chae et.hro P edanas vw RSQ olcmeexsp otn lyrhiaytlchm .acastsedoi tirAla aetr &vuglrtnec r;ita ea.rt uasUlly rttdeea twih ceara.ekmp aCn eb eybs duac 3Lmy edesisa +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by fallenistand(27)
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hsTi squoietn is skngai hawt wudlo eacus !ihts RP lvtranei smsgien up is an suies ta hte VA noed. oS anagbtil eth AV oden udowl ucase ehart oc.lkb

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by mutteringly(33)
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UW Qoensitu d:I 6en9ts1 g7iT a vrye rmsaiil pncocte adn ospdeirv a tgrae apxialennto rof i!hst

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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nI adsbor dna benyo,d tI si idsa tath idrht eeregd terha kbolc is deu to cbklo in hte SHI Pknjreeiu ts.emys oS hwy luodw ainaobtl fo AV dnoe sceau htis e?esasdi

dWulotn tretcudoisn fo rapt fo elft ntrileevc eb a tetreb awesnr ?

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brbwhat  aHd eht ames todb,u Reda hte ptar aigna nad odfun ythps e.Ti 2 sI uaedcs ehnw ipkjneur si nniahgg by a hderat nad reeeofrht omse spseuiml oc,nddcteu oems th o.nbC is ecsuad by nurekipj ton guiconctdn uslimpse mofr nsa, osme rwole acmkrpeae ei purjknie or sih is ipodnlreaisg by sfltei eench eencvlstri ateb tnl.endieynedp Trhee is LKOCB in rkuijpne rof itoudncnoc fomr namn.oAsg soitpno eht lyno htgni taht bssiheeslta htsi oblkc is van nabli.ota +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by methylased(20)
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uRlaerg mtrhyh o(cntu eht es,bxo htree'y )s,eam 1 oueucntdncd p veaw iwht urlerga ryhmth -g-;&t iaart dna iervecntls igbnate elnpenyendidt ikleyl( csetnvierl rclt by iPjnikeH)-sur ;-tg&- mpetloec d)(3r hreat lcbok ;-&t-g NVA aoainblt hit(s si ylacluta doen fro tsp tihw ibfA emomse)sti

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submitted by endochondral1(24)
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I uhogtth otalnbia fo het av enod swa a tx rfo a bif not teahr ?block

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underd0g  eTh insutoqe saks rof teh UECAS fo hte rehat ,olkcb nto tem.retnta +

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submitted by osgoodschlatter10(41)
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I iknht eth esnioutq sfeerr ot a riecosna eacsud by taonliba of a tpaacriurl oeingr fo the .ehrat

fI uoy olko ufeaycrll hteer rea meso -eeuartrpm unerrvclait sbeat ro( rretah jsut )1. mPtreuea-r tvriarlnceu eabst cna eb auceds yb ltnboaia fo eth VA done ecisn teh VA eond si oernspblsei for rhyhtm trlnooc yb llntcoinrgo hte ebnrmu fo SA deon semplius tath rea tstmriteand ot het vcetuirrlna cleeralcti nr.tewok

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submitted by kard(52)
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neaiPtts woh guronde an VA neod taanboil era saol iedplmnta twhi a emcrakepa to help naanmiit a onlmra htrea .etar Tx. ofr plcomeet Blkco

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by goodkarmaonly(2)
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hTe EGC hsows a bzMito ypTe 1 cblok pio(orlngng RP edwfooll yb a pderodp e.Tesw evha scblko luuyasl aeirs sa a crbuopdyt fo a datsnlfuociyn AV o,end so aoitlban ta eht VA node is the tsmo apptpiearro rasnwe in hist easc

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kcyanide101  isTh lokso more lkie a ozmtbi ypte .1 uYo nac oamprce teh gce erignasd to atht no .A..F. rFsti gDeeer BH a&m;p Mbozti tpye 1 aer luaylus VA p.e.m.o.brls lheWi Mboizt pyet 2 adn dr3 eeredg rae ISH ijnprkue ibefr suessi +

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