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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
The 35-year-old woman indicated by the arrow ...
X-linked recessive 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: genetics process_of_elimination

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by stars and more(16)
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X inedkl eicvrsese hrete nac rneve eb yna aelM to laeM nrerastf sicen the amel nsogfripf sgte Y from .rhfeat hte ridepgee wssoh elaM to aMel srsoiantmins so ihst nncaot eb X ilekdn sevcsreei

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weirdmed51  ??? +
weirdmed51  heT drgeiepe whsso ylno eacfeftd ma,el cnehe ethre sha bnee efemal to elam nnisamitosrs fr.cer-esae(mrial)s Hcene X ldenki eeciv.ssre +
weirdmed51  remidnNve, I gto ti owgn.r +1
freemanpeng  I egb to iefd..r.f AR is uhcm mreo ylinlkue htna RX in siht ca.s1e . RX, uoy noly dnee 2 acrrire iies 2wv. AR, you dn(e12e) rceirra eswvi (lnd)n2yao sbyo edtihnire ahtt maetdut eg.en rooP MBNE ,usyg ikngown gnotihn tboau sa,htm nlyo tskginci to dtuips "aelM to lMae msnoanssir"ti wla +

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submitted by monoclonal(24)
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ehT inotp ehre si, teyh rea nasgki us to nemilteia the lyon wernsa that si otn spoeibsl. I tog ti w.gnro reda well faesll

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ergogenic22  enbm io:gcl thaw" if teyh all myarr recrira vwA d"snie s'dento nryeveeo iwth lasmuatoo odamnint teg it in eht d2n trgnoainee usl(ens ntoeelpcim )rpeicenetna efle mudb +26
cavernosum  loltyat eaerg. twah a itds*p sq! +1

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by obgynnycstep1(7)
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hTe pedeiegr tepnssre us ihtw -lMleMateao- tiassnreer .oThmsni are two edmos fo tneeicnriha eherw lMtMe-la-aeo sianimrntsos is )bm i:ploiss1e kl-dniXe r2cses)ee iv oaitchdMlnroi nticnreahie

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by trazabone(16)
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yM dnaegitundrns si ttah fi naspetr rea uenlarted yb bdloo to sheot atefc,edf ew sumeas ahtt hety aer ont icsearrr (ni the eservesic )seca. rheer,ofTe if ew evha a alem hfreta efctafde hwti ndkie-xl seesrcvei amrider to a -riar,eorncn ee'rhst on way any fo his snrpofgfi lwuod eb

f"I oen tarpne is ton a iarrc,re thne a clhdi anc only rnithie a ieessda laelel fomr hte throe reptn.a nI etesh epor,slbm ew can musaes htta yan iddilanivu mgnyrair tnoi het ifmyal is ton a .rrier"ace-ii/eC.t:tmc..sstsws/peuisn/tpi/g/uordnsncfcdutwtn/ustrhn~iict.Pounwsc

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linwanrun1357  If ew ussema atht ethy era nto errsciar (ni het creesveis ase)c ehT n who meca it anc eb R!!?A +3
catscan1979  tyc^xeal aw'hts asid oaebv rhee. I nkthi ixl-dkne eesiervcs si hte etsla ek,lyli tub ton ilm.peiossb +4
furkan7  Hwo si x ldniek siecvrese si the atsle ylilek ehwn ew ende 2 rcrriea felmsea for tatcyibimpilo fo otbh oatmoasul seeevsric adn X dilkne rcsievees cehneriient ot shit prgeeide? I tkihn bopitiyalbr of eehst two aer eht ase.m Am I sgnsmii nmoisteh?g +1

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submitted by ayhamai(2)
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kl-xdnei si tno oiepsbls fi teh monaw was ton a rerraic mtlaasouo rivseesec is tno ilpsobse fi eht aownm wsa ton a i rrr,saoec wyh we heocos dx-inelk

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utap2001  nI all epgreeid insueq,ots ouy hckce up rfo 3 i:thsgn 1. if hte nctrnieiaeh is nonuots(ctunio pkis e)nongeri,at fi ;sgy&e-t nmtaond;i g;t-n&o es.eirevsc .2 khcec lmae to son sarnstimo,tsni fi y&s-etg; at;sunioolam on;&g-t nli-dkX.e .3 chcke lame to huedrgta ,motsitnsiarsn if g-o&;tn toonh.irilacdm 2/hh0/ts/pnltsemieb6mfmtto3e:ibs-locdeps0oa.src/mi/rioctt.y1deue1h-ne +2

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submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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I huhgtot heter nret'we ppsusode ot be critk niqotusse no tsehe ng.hsti

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agraham416  Yaeh I idaersm het sotiqeun .oto +1

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submitted by freemanpeng(7)
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No eno lkats oatub RA? sh'atT muhc remo llinkyeu in stih aesc hnat RX

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submitted by j44n(141)
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I gto wtohrn fof cseaebu t'rhsee na rwora otpin ot teh ehtre defcfetaun aerdustgh whi(t na aeefcdft faethr) so I hghotut XRL scaeebu h'dety eb cr.rearis And rtehe saw no rginotaene pgnpsiik os ttah eamd em thkni AR

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submitted by failingnbme(3)
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ihTs is het r3d neioqust I nti'dd edra orplerpy kf kf itfykfk

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