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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
The 35-year-old woman indicated by the arrow ...
X-linked recessive 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: genetics process_of_elimination

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by stars and more(16)
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X denkli ereissvec ehrte anc rneve be yna laMe ot eMal etrfnsra scein eht lema grsffinpo estg Y orfm ht.rfae het ieeedgrp ohsws Mlea ot aMel ransntoimssi os shit contan be X dkenli vrseeiesc

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weirdmed51  ??? +
weirdmed51  The egdepeir hswso yoln cedteffa lame, hcene teehr ash bene mlafee to alme trsasnimosin rcsi(r-.serama)fele eHnce X ldeink +
weirdmed51  meed,Nrniv I ogt ti +1
freemanpeng  I gbe ot ef.fri..d RA is uhmc eomr uleiynkl ahnt XR ni tsih 1 RX, uyo yoln ndee 2 rcirera iwvei. s2 AR, oyu d1ee)n(2 cirrrea sweiv no)n2adl(y osyb ndiehriet atth tatdemu eneg. Po ro NBME sug,y nkgionw tonnihg obtua htsm,a yonl igitsnck to tuspid M"ela to elMa asrm"inniosst wal +

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submitted by monoclonal(24)
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heT opnit ehre s,i yhet ear nsagki su to linemteai het only nraesw atht is not bspsolei. I otg it wrgn.o arde wlel lalesf

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ergogenic22  nbem iolcg: htw"a fi etyh all myrra crrarei vn" iewAds t'oedns reoyeven whit altuoosam amonitdn egt ti in teh nd2 noetneirag se(luns ploteimecn eaecpninert) eefl udmb +26
cavernosum  olttayl twha a t*pids qs! +1

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by obgynnycstep1(7)
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Teh egdepire spsteern su iwht eM-Maoltla-e maT n.enoihssitesrr era wto mosed fo itrcnieaenh ehwer tlMaaMel-o-e rtssoainsnmi is lb o)emsp:1sii kldnX-ei ceei)v2rsse coiildMrhtaon tceenarniih

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by trazabone(16)
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yM rngseunnitadd is that fi seatnpr rea uneaerdlt by oblod to htose feat,dfec we amseus ttha htye are tno icsaerrr (ni eht sseicvree esc.)a eTfhree,ro if we have a alme etharf cdeeatff whit k-dnxlei esverecsi idearrm ot a nri,cear-orn rhe'ste on yaw yna fo hsi pogfinsfr wdolu eb f.eedfcta

"If noe apetrn is ton a ra,rrice hnte a cidhl cna olyn nhtriei a edsesia lealel rfmo teh eohrt nI sethe lme,bpsor ew acn uessma ttah yna aiiduidnvl mrnrgiay tnio teh ilyfma is ont a "rrieca.rstnCtttd.n//frgP./u/su-cwrisucm.puce./ispciss:iewousodwttnnttni~heic/ns

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linwanrun1357  fI we emusas atht ehty era otn sarricre i(n the svisercee scae) Th en hwo eamc ti nac eb !?AR! +3
catscan1979  xtacye^l h'awst dsai eobav I ntikh kine-xld vcrseeise is eht ltesa lyke,il tub otn ispi.msbelo +4
furkan7  Hwo is x knleid eesseirvc si het talse lelkyi wehn we ndee 2 creirar eafselm ofr itybipioamclt fo obht losutaamo iscvrseee nda X lnkied ecsvsiree tereineinhc to hits redge?pie I khtin loptyairbib of teesh tow aer het m.sae Am I ssiginm oig?ntmshe +1

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submitted by ayhamai(2)
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xik-eldn is ton spobiels fi het wnmoa wsa not a creriar ousamaotl eresicves is ton eiolssbp if het owman wsa ont a o srcair,re hwy we scheoo ne-xklid

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utap2001  In all rdipeeeg es,qiuotsn you ecckh pu for 3 gnhtsi: 1. if hte nentirheica si tootonuu(cinsn sipk e)rtng,aoine fi ys;egt&- dom;nitan o;-&ngt .cvereiess .2 chekc emla to son ,nisastinotrms if es&ty;-g somlioatan;u gnot;-& kX.-liedn .3 hceck mael ot guedhtar tsrsiaos,mtinn if on;g&t- colnita.hdmiro htote-0icoclob6emehrn3idtlye///e:fi0t1tb.shn-rd./mp2etics/spmsesuaom1 +2

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submitted by therealslimshady(42)
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I tthghou ereht ent'ewr dppsoseu to eb ctikr uesnsiqto on seeth i.hgtsn

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agraham416  hYae I mdeisra hte qsnoeiut ot.o +1

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submitted by freemanpeng(7)
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No eno tsakl ouatb A?R aTt'sh cumh ermo yiukenll in hsit ecsa tanh RX

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submitted by j44n(141)
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I ogt rtnohw ffo asecbue rehset' an waror nptoi to hte rhete tecuenadff atsrheugd ih(wt na tacfefde rafte)h so I tthhugo XRL abecuse 'tyehd eb .asrcierr Adn hetre swa no anneeritog iigksnpp os hatt mdea me ntkhi RA

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submitted by failingnbme(3)
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Tsih is het r3d itqeunso I td'ind daer rolrpepy kf kf fktkify

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