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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 57-year-old woman requires intubation in ...
Acute lung injury ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: respiratory transfusion transfusion_reactions

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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ursierslafetn-oTdan uctea nglu riujyn (ALITR) si a rrae but iessrou smodrnye tearchidazrec by unesdd eutac yitsprorrae desitsrs oilolwngf ti.snsfnuora tI si nedeidf as e,wn uctae nlgu nirjuy LA(I) urdnig or iihtnw xis hurso rfeta bdloo updrcot nsomdnrtiatiai ni hte ebnscae fo tdyepselctralma-siooa rski fostrca fro IA.L

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drschmoctor  toepuNrlsih essuqreeedt ni reieipnct lgun aer grtrigdee yb rdoon nengiat (.,.eg atin elktuyeoc ,)IGg hwchi usaesc sereael of iensyockt, lainmfmitona ayptr in het .nusgl +9
madamestep  'sIt masrlii ot hte hthaspypo of isesps rof RDSA! iaspWeddre iacitatovn of noiamtmnlifa cfuks with teh uglsn +

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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sI 54 imutnse too goln to eb italcnacahyp nda odwlu eht bcneeas fo arhs atr(ai,icur uiurtr)ps OR aa?lapcthciny

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hayayah  !esY lrcgtaceyalc/lpiinhAa oolbd raonftniuss otecarin si iihntw uienmst to 23- ourhs. gp ( 411 fo hte 0192 FA has a tlis fo etmh reddore by me)ti +10
hayayah  (oals glyaerl / ncchilayatap srnsetpe wthi oerm sikn snfgidin c(ai,iuatrr psirrutu) +9
seagull  heT time tohurgh em fof too. I huhgto BAO sthcaimm eicsn it uorccde odrnau an r.ohu I thhutgo RATLI wulod take a tiltle glneo.r +10
charcot_bouchard  usGy pcahiynalatc aceroint ot wohel doblo otesdn rocuc uchm cxteep fro esvtcelie IgA deif. so loko uot rfo prev yoriths of lmcaosu tenofi.nci Adn it can ahev lal terfeua of etpy 1 HS gcnilidn ochnoarb.pssm +8
soph  I was oiynhstopen dna hhotug .-- +2
usmile1  sthCe ayXr hdsweo bia"rtelal sifudfe aspciear e"dessia. isTh is cumh mreo cieivaitdn fo AILTR hnta aysxiahlnap hichw dluwo vhea inzehegw adn sioplysb raoseityprr tasrre tub on claatu dgamea ot eht ugsl.n Altndiyodlia rtehe swa no atcririau ro piuturrs noe owudl peetxc to ese hitw naah.lxpiasy +9
leemax  you hvea ot kolo tuo -for t (eedeiatiimmm si creoimt)ptina si glphntyaierlcc/lcaaA-i yuo ees tpey 1 ubyitoim)hpztreu.a esi,(ascnwmtgr if het nictareo kseat peacl wiht an -(h)our1nitkh fo epyt otw oAty(iBnd ewdeotim-da)t estpy ehre , acnvutasrrial (BAO yntuma-iltyoociib ese ouiaiognlhremb dna neujn)adi or IsvarearDc(tuaClx adn + ao.)s cmolsob t'ond ergfot lbfr-eei oilmhctye rewhe nkcseoyti thta are cmatleuaduc girnud rsgeato acuse eht oetair,nc heer uyo ees vfree and lbhsilct.u ni shti enostiu,q tehy aer kiansg uobat t-tfedouinslsnearra eutca ugnl uiryjn as esen ni yrx-a rdipcte,niso nad tshi is deu ot het doonr cnt-yelokaieut Ab stac inaasgt tsoh lresnptoihu and apnumlory nleoleitahd .lscle +

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submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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otnd eb dcrsidatet wthi i.tgmni bth o acn tsrta inhiwt

ohw ot urel uot ?

ayhpsnixaal gnlu fnndiig t&g; EH.WEZE ostue(qin smte = on e)wheez

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