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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Proliferative glomerulonephritis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal nephropathy Renal

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmile1(154)
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sMborenaum oyrephnhapt adn nmiliam hangec esiased nac eb lsyaie rudel uot as yeth rae rihtepnco tyu itToain.rnblesuoistserlmd niietshrp ak(a etauc titnaritelis )iptnhersi cna eb rulde uto as it cesasu BCW catss otn CRB as eens ni htis nuq.eisto yarpl aiPl ossncrie - eitehr ahs no acsts or it htmig hwso BCW stcas ubt tno CRB sbeueca the epbomlr si not in teh g.llieurmo

betal fo entolaencurm on aepg 582 silnaxpe ttah leapertirvfio tjsu esmna hyrep caullelr mgilorle.u eGniv eht nitestap tirhyos fo rose thator two wskee ga,o now ringensept tihw hNpicrtie yernodSm tihw CRB casts, aeioprviftler emourtplgsineiohrl si eht noyl senaaerolb wesa.rn

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medguru2295  sThi saw my iepescr .nolig I uwond up engitgt it by tiiinemlona. utB, it'ndd liek atth swaern sa tis cmoumnon ni almsl hledincr and eht ihcld gnmiyeles dha on kris +1
thotcandy  eg2@9uu5rmd2 AF ssya st'i mtos nocyolmm eesn ni rehdncli adn ts'i esifteidlml vs dlusat si raer dna cna aedl ot enrla fnisfu +2
peqmd  Teh'ery nsgui the ordba geyratoc rof GS,PN aotPmha pg 130 CII. PSNG = lyee,urcHarpll lfmiaenmd egloruilm on pHa;&mE natsi and ocrss rereifengnc teh FA atelb nnmeeodti lueyrehlcaprl =&;gt aoevlirrteif.P +6
unknown001  htta swa teh raesno yhw i cesoh hits wrs .ean ot bmne : ttahs not cloo obr +

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submitted by nbmehelp(49)
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hiTs is SB bc NGSP si eikl eth ylno peptc/rchohniieitrn mdsrneoy I ugthoth I ahd ndow clod

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submitted by diabetes(31)
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BCR &=tsg=ast=;c lprhorelieugosimnt eht onyl pioont theer.

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thotcandy  I wsa c/rNUB &tg; 20 dna aiystnntl uhtogh rrpeelna -tg&;- mhciisec app rscesoni due to nslscaaie.g e Ar itncehpir yrodnesms jsut lecuxded ofrm atht owleh hntg?i FA sasy UBN nda rC rea ineadrecs rof pteiicnrh syrmodesn ubt sdoe eth itrao tjus not t?aremt +2
fatboyslim  mIeihscc app sersocin o'tdnuwl ehav CRB sstca +1

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submitted by failingnbme(3)
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nca inthripce neryomds be woithtu ?TNH

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yiqi  I tgo gwron ofr eth sema asenro!!! +

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submitted by mousie(272)
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si tish uatcsueb nesrdtidicao tsidaasoec fepr-noreaeirblvtaiomM GN?

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jus2234  hTe eotsnuqi bdissecre woh he adh a stpre iftnceoin 51 sady o,ag dna wno htsi si eccscotpptaostorl e,orgitilernhopmsul iwchh acn salo be edcdreisb as iltvapefieorr rsienloouhgprielmt +13
seagull  eTh tosquien dwuol eb too rafi if ti sutj siad SP.NG sandteI we eend ot lemsl our now ftsra tifsr. +73
yotsubato  And tyhe deus yionrlgmteo OTN fdoun in AF +8
water  woh aisd etyh eewr dielitm ot FA? +5
nbmehelp  FA uses het momcno taomecelnurn and hte ctfa omts of uro hoetr eosrcrseu seu eth emsa olecentrnuam rof th,si I kthin ew cna ragee tath is is hte eaecpcdt tr.mse fI rhetye' nonag eedcdi ton to sue het mloraucentne atht smto ilcamde seuttsnd ear gahtut etnh thye lhdsuo prvedoi irthe now ydstu ristlmaea ta htat ioptn ofr su to use. heT tets hdlso'tnu be iths oudlnectov for no r.naeos +11
alimd  kO. yeTh nca eus yiegolromtn wvhearte thye a.tnw uBt &UC02tB-gR;N si EYLLCAR enplrrea r?itgh +2
an_improved_me  I tihkn ry'uoe tkgailn pasesd ache .rteho eTh fact of teh etmrat is taht BMEN d'notes ryllae care who ew earepr.p tI saerc to straitfy sdteusnt ngusi vrethewa pdsitu iretmcs it meeds rase.csney 'tsI ont tdileim to ifiardst,- dan that 'tnsdeo neam atht ti slotdh'un .be +3
utap2001  otN lnyo CRB c,ast ubt teh NCB/rU ttr0;io2a&g nca hepl ruel otu ehotr iiiol.sbtspy 0BCNUr2/tg;& &-g;t egnrat&;pe-lr- SN.GP AIN ro TNA era anrle or .t-laosrenp +1

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submitted by azibird(279)
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yWh are eerht tlos of sCBR but efw BCR c?asts Taht eadm me tnikh uabot a tsop euutlb ops.esrc

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boostcap23  yAn mnauot of BCR satcs si an bryimtaalno nad aentcisdi ubtlrau agtlph.yoo Nllyrmoa dshluo aehv neon. Just kiel how eenv a nsielg rtnpueholi in CSF is olaabrmn. +2

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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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So pdseMeca says taht NPGS nac ereirposgsv to a relevitfrpoia teuomegolishrnlpir ismhnmeac dan so ilpoeevairftr itgepioleohurnrsml losudh eb onedscerid as a erliteiafdfn gdosiasni orf GP.NS

oeared:e06/c5nrhlwp.icice/ite-tassi9d58vt.ea/om:me/pe#cvm8 e"hT seerpenc of uetca eydnik ujniyr may egusstg na lnearttae adnossiig g,(e mrmoiaevinretpefbraol lhenipsrerlmtoguio ]GNM[,P nhSn-eHeloiccönh rpuprua P]HS,[ miycesst sluup urytamseoehst [)E]SL or a srveee ro gsrnenwoi ,ANGPS hsuc as eebdrsov in tehos htwi ncrectcsie uieslolrpimtrgeohn or liprdya ovseirpsreg osupet.ghonlmriielr.. inlarfetiefD so:gnasiDi hisT cueidnls most oehrt peyst fo dhdoholic heruimsgdi.reonlopetl eThes dlcieun AIg eoypatpnh,rh toalmerbonmevifapirre euigtelomisohrpnlr, dhaeirrtey tesip,hirn dan eroth rfsom fo oufoinsepttisc eoglii."serhruomnltp

lnyiaIcorl u,noegh thsi must be thwa tyeh reew sg,aikn ..ei ticanmsopiloc fo ,PGNS sbeuaec OASBSM ethora(n peSt oecrs)ure drelicty kelndi teh bvaoe iaelrtc I uondf froeeb ioonlkg ertrfha dan ocigmn srasoc het OMSSBA ents.ico

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