igAndrocc to oj:nlGa 2"1B niamol)acb( ash ltcboa in t.i ulirCatigcn rmfo fo lteoaf is hlthfamae.dyttlrreeoyto sporueP of bcamliona 2)B1( is to ekta eth mhlyte opgru ffo fo erthfltoeyedrttaylam.ho eTnh ’its cledla taoertdyrhoftl.ae If ouy otnd’ egt eht tmyleh urogp off of fe,talo oyu will otn aekm DN.A oS, if uyo era 21B fe,d uoy ’ncat egt eht eytmlh orgpu fof adn octnan eamk N.AD fI oyu ear efd ni e,lafto oyu ’tnac emka NDA".
uhgotlAh hCrno's amy evha u,lrces suilt,saf and eeglbnid; ti uylsula edos not auecs oinr ciyeeifncd aaneim and ash esls enigbedl ntah U.C clau"rrSttu alostianbirme of eht rtlnimea em,uli uchs as honCr dseesia nad licrgusa st,ocereni anc ucsae escradede ipsrooatnb of viianmt 1"2B. - sritF Adi Grnelae sclripniPe
yhW oudwl it otn eb aeaimn fo coicnhr eedsais iwth erecddaes mrseu riftsnrnera ecantntr?oinco
clofi caid nweh ti nestre hte ydbo is in the orfm of emaothlartoyhlftetyedr T(HF )aethtmeydl. It stednao sit lemhty pgoru ot mntiavi 21B to bceeom FHT het( vaceit omrf whhci as a NAD )ucpesrror. The nmviita 1B2 twih ist ltmyeh gorpu oegs no to cbnmoie wiht meoetchnoiy ot rfom ineitnoeh.m
tamcoiycrc nmaiea (nees in lobdo )amers = BRC surrpescor can orwg but tno veiidd
ovla aoccsmytre nee(s ni odbol ersm)a = amlbcitegosla eaamin if( tehy d'otn owsh lirouhepnt gtae)teipnnhyersom
2B1 ash nuocgoeilr msptsoym dan olw loynmhcilteam cdai hiwel aoeltf definyceci osed not
ftloae si doebsbar ni neu,ujmj 21B in leumi
aussce of 21B eenfcdiyci = ecsurniipo amn,iea aetgoyt,srcm aeill r,iscneeto hisf mtrepo,aw gnmseivaD) arieful of RTFMH g--t;& HFT a(vi aaserlnsfmeeytthr = 1B2 ifcyndceei dna iyracoctcm ienama
B) PDG6 iidefcynce = rcnootimcy ceeusba of nicr RCB ro;ectuisndt pt wdoul wosh asrniculavrta eshoylism sx eiieappcrttd by na ixvetoida srortess
C) ognnpptoierryhopo sioxeda iiyccfeedn = cyiccmtori aainem cuebesa of owl mhee hysstsine
)A cdre ennrtsirfra = high firntier = mienaa fo nrhcioc esaeisd = rccomtiicy aeiman cbseuae of wlo roin
Wsa tbauo ot ecosho aedrcdese ranrtniefsr cbusaee I tcodun'l ese gnmyps-dheteere teo.nhlrpisu utB BMNE fnote etisr ot wohrt us fof wthi vaueg gemsa.i So I arde gna.ai Cguhat eth aeIll" otnreesc."i Iron stiF r!oB Imlue si 12B ropiob.satn B21 turslse ni icgtlmobaslae ema.ani -NHM5FT is a espt ni coinnvrgte HFD oitn .TFH tieinhIdb in sgomtlaaelbic eaniam elki B21 nda 9B e.fd
owh ot rleu tuo rino def. ? inro si rbobased in deouednm adn mipxlora emjnuju .
1b2 in imu.el
isth will vige you eth rweasn
submitted by ∗syoung07(58)
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