ngrciodcA ot :Galjon "1B2 calo(nab)mi ash blcota ni it. acugniCritl mrof of ltofea si aatothted.omtlyherylref rPepsuo fo ambianclo (21B) si ot etka het ltmhye gpruo ffo of tl.reyamltfhedrottehyoa ehnT ti’s ecllad hrolfe.tatrotyeda If yuo o’dnt teg het hymtel uogrp fof fo aotelf, uoy wlli otn meka AD.N oS, if oyu rea 12B efd, uyo nac’t get the tmhley pruog ffo dan nncota emak DNA. If oyu rea fed in t,aeolf uyo tna’c make N".DA
hhoultgA sroC'nh yma haev ,sleucr stuflisa, dan nbl;egeid ti ululyas dsoe otn uceas oinr eecfdyciin anieam adn has sels eeilgdnb hnat .UC lttSuaurr"c ainmtiaseblor of the retilanm muli,e chus as Conrh diasese nda cgasilur cseir,eotn acn uacse eecddasre naosrotpib fo inatmvi ".1B2 - rtsiF Adi eneraGl piisPnrecl
hyW oldwu it not eb mianae fo rhiocnc saedies hiwt saeercedd srmue tnfrrsaiern tenoactnr?coni
locfi cdia enwh it snerte het dybo si ni eth mfor of hthtoeyeydltaoltefamrr (HFT It otsnead its yhmlte gporu ot vmatini 12B to mecebo HFT the( tceaiv fmor ihchw as a DNA srroucrp.)e eh T miviant B21 hitw tsi melthy pguro sgeo no to omcbnie thiw ycietomohne to rmof hnoni.metie
citrocmayc amenia e(nse in dobol ae)mrs = RBC serrcpurso can wgro ubt not iievdd
alov ecsaytmocr (eens ni bdool )arsme = aotelcilabsmg animea i(f eyth o'dtn hwso prueolniht mepgotyannihree)ts
12B ash nuoelgoirc ommsypst dan owl hyntllmmaoeic cdai ewilh ofaetl neificcyed sode not
lfoeat is beobasrd in umjujn,e B12 in liume
esa ucs of 21B cynfeeicdi = iuosprncie amn,aie ctsa,eogmyrt ileal coe,tenisr sfih rtpmo,wea imsgaevnD) firaleu fo RHFTM -g-t&; FHT via( lsertayrmehsntaef = 2B1 cdfineiyec adn otiaryccmc aienam
)B GD6P dnifceieyc = ctioocrnym cbaeues of nicr BCR s;eotcuitrdn tp lowud oswh rslnratvcauia hylieosms sx iieectadrppt by an ixivtoead sstsrore
)C ohponpyrgotneprio aosdxei iecenidcyf = ccoiytcmri eaaimn esbuace fo lwo ehem sthyssein
)A redc nrrtniaefrs = hghi ntreiifr = inaame fo ricnhco aesieds = oyicrctcim aniame esbcuea of wlo rnio
Wsa atbou ot oohces rddceease nsfnrarteir ucaeseb I 'dulncot ees eerhtsymgepn-ed psohneut.irl Btu ENMB eoftn serti to howrt su off ithw uaevg smg.aei So I erda .aniag uhtCga the le"laI rcotnei"e.s Iorn istF !Bor eumlI si 12B pb.onirsota 2B1 turssle in ieoalcblastmg na.aime FHN5MT- si a setp in ninocgrtev DHF onti F.HT dnihetIib ni iblglasoetcma aieamn leki 2B1 dan B9 def.
owh ot rule uto oinr fe.d ? n roi si eboasdrb ni nduoemde dna pxmriloa ueumjjn .
1b2 in
stih lwli vgie uoy eth aswenr
submitted by ∗syoung07(58)
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