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Retired NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 73-year-old woman has had easy fatigability ...
Failure of conversion of N5-methyltetrahydrofolate to tetrahydrofolate 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by syoung07(58)
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dlwuo hvae nbee rela oante fi yeht whter in a syeenp-mdeghter ruinhlpeot

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submitted by yex(128)
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ngrciodcA ot :Galjon "1B2 calo(nab)mi ash blcota ni it. acugniCritl mrof of ltofea si aatothted.omtlyherylref rPepsuo fo ambianclo (21B) si ot etka het ltmhye gpruo ffo of tl.reyamltfhedrottehyoa ehnT ti’s ecllad hrolfe.tatrotyeda If yuo o’dnt teg het hymtel uogrp fof fo aotelf, uoy wlli otn meka AD.N oS, if oyu rea 12B efd, uyo nac’t get the tmhley pruog ffo dan nncota emak DNA. If oyu rea fed in t,aeolf uyo tna’c make N".DA

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misterdoctor69  amol +

pic of the methionine/folate cycle:

+2/- hungrybox(1277)

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by lsmarshall(465)
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hhoultgA sroC'nh yma haev ,sleucr stuflisa, dan nbl;egeid ti ululyas dsoe otn uceas oinr eecfdyciin anieam adn has sels eeilgdnb hnat .UC lttSuaurr"c ainmtiaseblor of the retilanm muli,e chus as Conrh diasese nda cgasilur cseir,eotn acn uacse eecddasre naosrotpib fo inatmvi ".1B2 - rtsiF Adi eneraGl piisPnrecl

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by lispectedwumbologist(122)
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hyW oldwu it not eb mianae fo rhiocnc saedies hiwt saeercedd srmue tnfrrsaiern tenoactnr?coni

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lispectedwumbologist  ieednNrmv 'mI pdiuts as ufkc I ees my kstaime +2
drdoom  eb nkdi ot lyeou,srf !odc i's(t a lgon droa wr'ee on!) +21
step1forthewin  ,Hi cna mneesoo epixnla the odbol sr?eam sitn' it peodspsu ot sowh emneysrtpdegeh nliuortsehp if ti saw 12B nie?cecidyf +1
loftybirdman  I nithk eth dolbo srame is owihsng a oeln pohetcy,mly ciwhh uoshld eb the emsa zies sa a namlor R.CB You anc see het RCsB in hsti msare rae grgbie hnta hatt yatcirmco>c- B>2-1 eiefdycicn +25
seagull  ebyam m'i ewn to het eag.m tbu nits' eth snrawe tlfaoe inceeifycd dan otn 2B1? l,Aso i utghho ti saw naaiem fo cinhroc eadsesi as lwel. +
vshummy  iLgdp,tbwtsomiulcoees epasel eialnpx ouyr eksa?tim lLo asuebec thta messe ekli a ptbcerlseie swerna to m...e +9
gonyyong  tI's a B12 ce iemyfuencIil d is wehre 12B is debareb,sro felato si u Teej humnj bdool resam is swohgni andlgree e hoRsntinMB ieC hanesyst edso iths cvonr,ensio sigun torocfac 2B1 +2
uslme123  aiemAn fo oirnchc eassied is a orytccciim mnaiae -- I eelvebi thsi si ywh yeth put a clemhyopty no the eisd -- os we lcudo ese ahtt it swa a cccratomiy i.anmea +4
yotsubato  sankTh MN,EB atht yarlel eldehp em.... +1
keshvi  het otqiuesn was eeytvlrial a,yes tbu eht ucitpre swa os niduiggmsi i le!tf i uotghht it oeodlk ielk cctormicyi CsBR. I eguss the eky s,i htat they raeylcl oeimenndt iadtls .lieum dna taht is HTE ites for 1B2 narit.bospo +6
sahusema  I d'dtin even sirtgere hatt was a ehcpyyl.tmo I oththug I swa neegis egtrta elcsl so I swa euscfndo FA +
drschmoctor  aevLe ti to MEBN to idfn eht tpeals ccaormyste no teh ap.etln +5
zevvyt  os i seugs sezi si oemr itrmapton hatn locro suace htsoe aer cohyoaritpcmh as kfuc +
yesa  eTh CEUNULS fo a typelcmyoh dlshuo eb eth emsa ezis as a nolamr RB,C hiwch si otn the csea ehre. endrU loarnm sccrmcsiuntae CBRs are otn sa igb sa cth,osplyyme so ihst is ytlru aearrrdnoxtyi = ilelgbcoasamt in.amae +1
weirdmed51  y@aes uyo enma yo.atrcm‘c’ic orF it to be a‘glsotcabmle’i teerh dah to eb a nedsphergtmyee thprlioun.e +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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locfi cdia enwh it snerte het dybo si ni eth mfor of hthtoeyeydltaoltefamrr (HFT It otsnead its yhmlte gporu ot vmatini 12B to mecebo HFT the( tceaiv fmor ihchw as a DNA srroucrp.)e eh T miviant B21 hitw tsi melthy pguro sgeo no to omcbnie thiw ycietomohne to rmof hnoni.metie

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sunshinesweetheart(112)
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citrocmayc amenia e(nse in dobol ae)mrs = RBC serrcpurso can wgro ubt not iievdd

alov ecsaytmocr (eens ni bdool )arsme = aotelcilabsmg animea i(f eyth o'dtn hwso prueolniht mepgotyannihree)ts

12B ash nuoelgoirc ommsypst dan owl hyntllmmaoeic cdai ewilh ofaetl neificcyed sode not

lfoeat is beobasrd in umjujn,e B12 in liume

esa ucs of 21B cynfeeicdi = iuosprncie amn,aie ctsa,eogmyrt ileal coe,tenisr sfih rtpmo,wea imsgaevn

D) firaleu fo RHFTM -g-t&; FHT via( lsertayrmehsntaef = 2B1 cdfineiyec adn otiaryccmc aienam

)B GD6P dnifceieyc = ctioocrnym cbaeues of nicr BCR s;eotcuitrdn tp lowud oswh rslnratvcauia hylieosms sx iieectadrppt by an ixivtoead sstsrore

)C ohponpyrgotneprio aosdxei iecenidcyf = ccoiytcmri eaaimn esbuace fo lwo ehem sthyssein

)A redc nrrtniaefrs = hghi ntreiifr = inaame fo ricnhco aesieds = oyicrctcim aniame esbcuea of wlo rnio

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cmeacham  hTe ayw I mbrereem eehrw B12 iuncfntos itsh is tath yuo anwt ot" B21 tath rHeoMT "RF +

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submitted by an1(114)
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Wsa atbou ot oohces rddceease nsfnrarteir ucaeseb I 'dulncot ees eerhtsymgepn-ed psohneut.irl Btu ENMB eoftn serti to howrt su off ithw uaevg smg.aei So I erda .aniag uhtCga the le"laI rcotnei"e.s Iorn istF !Bor eumlI si 12B pb.onirsota 2B1 turssle in ieoalcblastmg na.aime FHN5MT- si a setp in ninocgrtev DHF onti F.HT dnihetIib ni iblglasoetcma aieamn leki 2B1 dan B9 def.

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an1  Alos rclle,a ahtt 12B si oesdtr for anym .ayrse so spetnnrgie htiw a efd aeysr alert I( egera 01 si a ujmp tub )iltls is na iiradontc oto +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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owh ot rule uto oinr fe.d ? n roi si eboasdrb ni nduoemde dna pxmriloa ueumjjn .

1b2 in

stih lwli vgie uoy eth aswenr

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madamestep  I fkdecu tr:nybtai nI,or elFoat, 1B2 +1

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