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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-week-old female newborn is brought to the ...
The patient has another mutation that was not included in the previous analysis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—colonelred_(124)
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heT nlaisysa onyl hdesow a amtuiotn ni oen laeel.l FC is an osamlatou vessicere :seseadi hte eeisdsa lyno eifmssant if reeth are mtnioutsa ni obht elelsla fo eth RFCT .eegn

If uoy lilst vaeh 1 icalnftuno yocp fo teh TRCF ge,ne oyu acn llsit aekm teh RTCF eiroptn (the hdcrleoi lrennraa/)cotr,tnehps ehnce yoru ydbo wโ€™tno have nay ies.uss

Tshi si oglaaouns ot umrto rpsoesprsu sneeg ekli Rb: so glno as one fo het lsalele uoy eavh si iancnftu,ol you nca kmae heongu fo hte inteorp ot โ€œemka โ€up orf the fedcteeiv lealle. fI obth tge knekodc uto )-,-(b/R you leso teh ienotrpcto vrieddpo by hte neeg eecsbau wno uyo amek on itoernp ta ll.a

Teh ylon itghn taht mdae esnes ofr tish qeuotsin swa eth cfta that hte eroht lllaee was ton cduilend in eht lsas.iyna

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charcot_bouchard  OR ornetha ellael ahs a ffdi tpey fo nimtotau eubseca CF is noed by keli uernddhs of fidf pety fo ttmuaoi.n SO the 70 speyt ttah ew ecesendr ocrdeev one ptey ofmr eno tnpera tub nto htareon ttah saw dteirihen mrfo orhte prenat. +46
soph  I tpu D kihnitng three saw a mitutona in onethra prinoet tath rectsatin wiht s.CFt.T.u.Rh u nodt avhe CF tbu esmo seseiad hwit asrimil Is shit grwon cb tis lmysip tno teh asce ?? +14
nbmehelp  cbh@to_rcahuocrad I hkint htta akesm mroe esesn if I ndrasnduet ahwt 'eroyu g-asniy bbyPolra had a otuniatm nloy ni 1 of 2 fo hte seam lleasle ni eth snysaial but hda erothna nuaomtit ni 2 of 2 aleslle ta a firnfedte tolianoc otn ilncddeu ni hte isasy,nla ?tigrh +
fallot4logy  FC is a raer sideesa , dan eht silbipioyst to aveh a tdautme eegn spul a enge taht ist otn nlobeg ot 70 ostm monmoc cf ontmuaist si xretymlee erar +5
gubernaculum  p@soh i peicdk D too but nwo kgnlooi ab,ck hte enapl ahd 07 fo eth smto mocmno TCFR gnee tuomstian so it is inulyelk tath htey dn'tdi already khcec a enge htat dcose rfo a neptroi taht cntreisat thiw CT?FR 'staht hte oyln ayw i acn zoiteaarnli ti. sit bda wnriitg eautimyllt +
peridot  I asol kipced D, ubt ehter era veor 0701 feidrfetn suiontamt rfo CF and i'ts oto rhda to stte rfo tmeh all - eht lpnae in eht otineqsu destet rof eth 70 mtos mno.moc sA rsteho dmteioen,n CF is na amtauosol sevcieser e,seisad so ehrte smut eb ehronat duaettm laelle rhee rfo het idchl to pntsere twih the ae.isdes 'sIt meor ,ilelky adn I igmneai ont cu,mmonno taht eht mutniaot is tno ni eth pa.nel As orf ,D I eusppso hte steb nrasngioe I nca meco up ofr ti is that nintogh klei atht tesxsi - wath nirepto tetrsanic wiht OEN mtduaet CFTR aelell in atht it rulsste ni the emas tyhnoppee as C,F a derdsior ttha rresquei TOW dumaett easllel? I vhae vrnee dhare of suhc a hti,ng seaewrh I evah lineeiytfd dhera fo A egbni eth +2
weirdmed51  d@opeirt ,Bโ€™ โ€˜ bineg teh ucaes ouy anme +

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—eli_medina9(22)
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rehsTe lpeiltum lalele vasrntai rfo the FCRT neeg in a glsien ucols, so oyu loucd etg stcciy bsfirois ofrm a onimutat ni nya one fo ohset aelell tiaven(tsrsaerh evro 1005 dntfereif itoamunts escrddbe)i teh onusqtei etsm teineonmd hyet etsedt ofr the omts cmoomn p,esty os we anc essmua heyt oyrabbpl tsuj messdi gtenist rfo omtniastu ni orhet llsl.eae

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melanoma  ni rohte l,sl?elae ew onyl haev two lelalse epr nege +
qiss  aelmam@no h"oetr lelsl"ea sa ni eth emsa lealel whit a dfftrenie ptey of ottnami.u kiLe 9_aeimilden enedn,tmio FC pyislm acn be dcusea yb ausndotsh fo dfeinrtef tumnoitas of hte FRCT een.g ihTs abby rgli sha two ,eleasll eno fo them wthi a uttaonmi odufn ni the ainyassl nda eth otreh lleale whit a oaiutmnt that at'nsw eteddcte atmosgn the smto nomcmo smuoiatt.n +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bharatpillai(40)
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TRI si uadmesre ni eurtnoi -echrkelpi olobd anket for miblaoicehc igseenrcn fo lla onewrnb nsatfni rnob in het .UK iThs ttse si one of a runmbe fo cdtloempe ni rnoenbw gecnerisn t(he t"hireuG )s.t"eT In ltsAuraai it is kwnno 4%9 fo oehst with evletaun ansigisod fo CF ahev a ovsipeit TIR no noewnbr rn.eecs amlSpes tihw a easidr RTI fenidd(e as hhstgie %1 of sae)ulv rae htne rndeseec rfo mcomno FC geen aint.sumto Eahc ceenrt has a yhilltgs ieentrffd neeg epa;nl ryctrluen 4005- of eth stom momcon neesg aer .dueeqsnce woe,Hver terhe ear moer anth 2000 nnokw touni,mtsa so egen naepl settgni eods issm locnaoicsa CF sneatipt

If geen ittgsne infds oen nmoutati yeht illw tehn ehav a ewsat stte ot hlpe cmnrofi the sinosa.idg Setwa tgeinst si eorm lkeyli ot eb qcueiavol ni iftsnan and pyylaltic not ateptmdet in hoest nuedr gk5. fI etwsa stte si sopeviit reom eeapisnvx gene etsntig si e.cdosriend If wto oimutntas era uofnd they rae ddsneioag with CF.

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bharatpillai  i easrw ot gdo eoms asshat ohw tower tihs ouqsitne maliteeydmi ofeoldlw ti up by mganki a daiepwkii psot about ti to ndrepet leki hits is omes cmoonm edkwelgno acmldei sudntest ewer sdopseup to evh.a +1
utap2001  !Grtea eArft nergadi oury pxa,ltoanien I llteyauenv ntudaedrsn hte einagmn fo htsi osue.qtin +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—unknown001(9)
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LMP.EIS 3 p.ests

  1. we owkn itsh glir sah iscyct isoisrfb .

  2. utb seittng shwos lyon 1 lelael si utadetm.

  3. csine she ahs ,CF hte teohr eallle CTNNOA be oarnml , nda het ynol pnniltexaoa ot reh avhgin FC si eht lpnea ntddi tetcde ti.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sweetmed(157)
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yuo ende a tutinoam in 2 lelaels to tge FC n[seci ti is toaaosulm vei]er/ssec

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submitted by โˆ—an_improved_me(91)
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rtneAho tsnI' it essloipb atth htbo eht tsewa idcrlhoe tets adn eht muivcaemnetrio istnypr rae jstu selaf +? Bhot fo ethse estts aehv tyetpr wol sehrhtodl fro gntrerniu sa a + ps.eseron Why tcan' it eb iepssblo tath eon ecllila niatmtuo si gneouh ot asuec a ovipsiet rseult in ehset s,etst othutiw tallcyau ifgniysign het pt ash a a?eiseds yM oyln usegs is taht ecsin otw awnrses daiteicn hatt ether odulc be a lefsa ip,oetisv eirnteh can be the ihrgt wenras.

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